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Country | United States |
State | California |
County | Los Angeles |
Bell Gardens Administration
Bell Gardens Code (FIPS) | 0604996 |
Bell Gardens Post code | 90201 |
Bell Gardens Mayor | Jennifer Rodriguez |
Bell Gardens Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Bell Gardens? Here are all the details of Bell Gardens available below.
Bell Gardens Postal address | 7100 S. Garfield Avenue Bell Gardens CA 90201 United States |
Bell Gardens Phone number | ()562) 806-7700 International: +1 562-806-7700 |
Bell Gardens Email address | Not available |
Bell Gardens Website | |
Other information | Cities and Towns in the United States : Bell Gardens |
Bell Gardens Birth certificate, Bell Gardens Death certificate |
Bell Gardens Demography
Information on the people and the population of Bell Gardens.
Bell Gardens Population | 42,072 inhabitants |
Bell Gardens Population Density | 6,573.8 /km² (17,025.9 /sq mi) |
Bell Gardens Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Bell Gardens.
Bell Gardens Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 33.9644, Longitude: -118.154 33° 57′ 52″ North, 118° 9′ 14″ West |
Bell Gardens Area | 640 hectares 6.40 km² (2.47 sq mi) |
Bell Gardens Altitude | 36 m (118 ft) |
Bell Gardens Climate | Semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSk) |
Bell Gardens Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Bell Gardens and the biggest cities of United States.
New York City 3943 km | Los Angeles 24 km closest | Chicago 2799 km |
Houston 2197 km | Philadelphia 3846 km | Phoenix 563 km |
San Antonio 1922 km | San Diego 159 km | Dallas 1989 km |
San Jose 497 km | Jacksonville 3445 km | Indianapolis 2907 km |
Bell Gardens Map
Locate simply the city of Bell Gardens through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Bell Gardens Nearby cities and villages
Cudahy 2.7 km | Bell 2.9 km | Commerce 3.4 km |
Downey 3.6 km | Maywood 4.1 km | South Gate 4.2 km |
Huntington Park 6 km | Lynwood 6.3 km | Pico Rivera 6.6 km |
Vernon 6.7 km | Montebello 6.9 km | Paramount 7.4 km |
Bell Gardens Zone
Time zone of Bell Gardens.
Bell Gardens Local time | |
Bell Gardens Time zone | UTC -8:00 (America/Los_Angeles) Summer time UTC -7:00 Winter time UTC -8:00 |
Bell Gardens Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Bell Gardens.
Bell Gardens Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Bell Gardens.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
19 January | 15:56 - 21:03 - 02:10 | 15:29 - 02:37 | 14:58 - 03:08 | 14:29 - 03:37 |
20 January | 15:55 - 21:03 - 02:11 | 15:29 - 02:38 | 14:58 - 03:08 | 14:28 - 03:38 |
21 January | 15:55 - 21:04 - 02:12 | 15:28 - 02:39 | 14:58 - 03:09 | 14:28 - 03:39 |
22 January | 15:54 - 21:04 - 02:13 | 15:28 - 02:40 | 14:57 - 03:10 | 14:28 - 03:40 |
23 January | 15:54 - 21:04 - 02:14 | 15:27 - 02:41 | 14:57 - 03:11 | 14:27 - 03:41 |
24 January | 15:53 - 21:04 - 02:15 | 15:27 - 02:42 | 14:57 - 03:12 | 14:27 - 03:42 |
25 January | 15:53 - 21:05 - 02:16 | 15:26 - 02:43 | 14:56 - 03:13 | 14:27 - 03:43 |
Bell Gardens Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Bell Gardens classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Comfort Inn & Suites Bell Gardens Bell Gardens This hotel is conveniently located only a few minutes from Los Angeles city centre and motorway I-710 in Bell Gardens, California. Enjoy modern amenities and comfortable accommodations in this ideal location... view more | from $US 74 | |
Motel 6 Bell Gardens Bell Gardens A short distance from the Commerce Casino and within driving distance of Los Angeles attractions, this motel in Bell Gardens, California offers free wireless internet access... view more | from $US 56 | |
Ramada Commerce Commerce Providing easy access to Interstate 5 and within driving distance to downtown Los Angeles, this Commerce hotel is an ideal location for exploring the surrounding areas and offers many thoughtful amenities... view more | from $US 109 | |
Budget Inn & Suites Commerce Located just off the Santa Ana Freeway, this hotel is a 20-minute drive from Disneyland. It features a 24-hour front desk and guest rooms with free Wi-Fi... view more | from $US 55 | |
Cudahy Inn Motel Cudahy Offering free Wi-Fi, each guest room at this Cudahy motel features a flat-screen cable TV. The Bicycle Casino and Tweedy market place shopping centre are both within 2 miles from this property... view more | from $US 60 | |
More Hotels » |
Bell Gardens Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Bell Gardens and its surroundings.
Nuclear power plant
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 86.5 km |
Bell Gardens Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Bell Gardens /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |