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  13. Port St Lucie

Port St Lucie

Port St Lucie Localisation : Country United States, State Florida, County St. Lucie.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ocean Breeze Park, Stuart and Fort Pierce.


Find all the information of Port St Lucie or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Port St Lucie Administration

Port St Lucie Code (FIPS)1258715
Port St Lucie Post code34984
Port St Lucie MayorPatricia Christensen

Port St Lucie Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Port St Lucie? Here are all the details of Port St Lucie available below.

Port St Lucie Postal address121 SW Port St Lucie Blvd
Port St. Lucie FL 34984
United States
Port St Lucie Phone number()772) 871-5225
International: +1 772-871-5225
Port St Lucie Fax number()772) 871-5248
International: +1 772-871-5248
Port St Lucie Email address[email protected]
Port St Lucie Websitewww.cityofpsl.com
Other informationCities and Towns in the United States : Port St. Lucie
Port St Lucie Birth certificate, Port St Lucie Death certificate

Port St Lucie Demography

Information on the people and the population of Port St Lucie.

Port St Lucie Population165,153 inhabitants
Port St Lucie Population Density831.6 /km² (2,153.8 /sq mi)

Port St Lucie Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Port St Lucie.

Port St Lucie Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 27.281, Longitude: -80.3838
27° 16′ 52″ North, 80° 23′ 2″ West
Port St Lucie Area19,860 hectares
198.60 km² (76.68 sq mi)
Port St Lucie Altitude7 m (23 ft)
Port St Lucie ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Port St Lucie Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Port St Lucie and the biggest cities of United States.

New York City 1603 kmLos Angeles 3696 kmChicago 1751 km
Houston 1492 kmPhiladelphia 1497 kmPhoenix 3110 km
San Antonio 1791 kmSan Diego 3576 kmDallas 1691 km
San Jose 4021 kmJacksonville 362 km closestIndianapolis 1489 km

Port St Lucie Map

Locate simply the city of Port St Lucie through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Port St Lucie Nearby cities and villages

Ocean Breeze Park 16.3 kmStuart 16.8 kmFort Pierce 17.3 km

Port St Lucie Zone

Time zone of Port St Lucie.

Port St Lucie Local time
Port St Lucie Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/New_York)
Summer time UTC -4:00
Winter time UTC -5:00

Port St Lucie Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Port St Lucie.

Port St Lucie Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Port St Lucie.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
31 January13:07 - 18:35 - 00:0212:43 - 00:2612:15 - 00:54 11:47 - 01:22
1 February13:07 - 18:35 - 00:0312:42 - 00:2712:14 - 00:55 11:47 - 01:22
2 February13:06 - 18:35 - 00:0312:42 - 00:2812:14 - 00:56 11:46 - 01:23
3 February13:06 - 18:35 - 00:0412:41 - 00:2812:14 - 00:56 11:46 - 01:24
4 February13:05 - 18:35 - 00:0512:41 - 00:2912:13 - 00:57 11:46 - 01:24
5 February13:04 - 18:35 - 00:0612:40 - 00:3012:13 - 00:58 11:45 - 01:25
6 February13:04 - 18:35 - 00:0712:40 - 00:3112:12 - 00:58 11:45 - 01:26

Port St Lucie Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Port St Lucie classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Residence Inn Port St LucieResidence Inn Port St Lucie

Port Saint Lucie
This Port St. Lucie, Florida hotel includes free high-speed internet access and a fully equipped kitchen in every suite. The hotel is just minutes from Legacy Golf & Tennis Club. Guest suite at the Residence Inn Port St... view more
$US 104
Hotel Hampton Inn & Suites Port St. LucieHampton Inn & Suites Port St. Lucie

Port Saint Lucie
Located off Interstate 95, this Port St. Lucie hotel features a large outdoor pool and offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and a cable TV. The PGA Golf Club is just 2.2 miles away... view more
$US 116
Hotel Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Port St. Lucie WestHoliday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Port St. Lucie West

Port Saint Lucie
Located in Port Saint Lucie,this Florida hotel offers an outdoor pool, hot buffet breakfast, and hot tub. Guests will be within 1 mile of PGA Village Golf and Mets Stadium... view more
$US 97
Hotel SpringHill Suites Port Saint LucieSpringHill Suites Port Saint Lucie

Port Saint Lucie
This SpringHill Suites hotel is located off I-95, a 1-hour drive from Palm Beach International Airport. It features an outdoor pool, a heated whirlpool and free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel... view more
$US 99
Hotel Perfect Drive Golf Villas at PGA VillagePerfect Drive Golf Villas at PGA Village

Port Saint Lucie
This Port St. Lucie property is located within PGA Village and is 10 minutes from the PGA Golf Club. It features 3 outdoor pools and a free 6-hole short golf course. Perfect Drive Golf Villas offer guest rooms and villas... view more
$US 109
More Hotels »

Port St Lucie Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Port St Lucie and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant 15.5 km  

Port St Lucie Page

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DB-City.comPort St Lucie 5/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page