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Country | United States |
State | Illinois |
County | Lake |
North Barrington Administration
North Barrington Code (FIPS) | 1753455 |
North Barrington Post code | 60010 |
North Barrington Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of North Barrington? Here are all the details of North Barrington available below.
North Barrington Postal address | 111 OLD BARRINGTON RD NORTH BARRINGTON IL 60010 United States |
North Barrington Phone number | Not available |
North Barrington Email address | Not available |
North Barrington Website | WWW.NORTHBARRINGTON.ORG |
Other information | Cities and Towns in the United States : North Barrington |
North Barrington Birth certificate, North Barrington Death certificate |
North Barrington Demography
Information on the people and the population of North Barrington.
North Barrington Population | 2,918 inhabitants |
North Barrington Population Density | 236.9 /km² (613.4 /sq mi) |
North Barrington Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of North Barrington.
North Barrington Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 42.2078, Longitude: -88.1317 42° 12′ 28″ North, 88° 7′ 54″ West |
North Barrington Area | 1,232 hectares 12.32 km² (4.76 sq mi) |
North Barrington Altitude | 248 m (814 ft) |
North Barrington Climate | Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfa) |
North Barrington Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between North Barrington and the biggest cities of United States.
New York City 1195 km | Los Angeles 2787 km | Chicago 55 km closest |
Houston 1528 km | Philadelphia 1116 km | Phoenix 2303 km |
San Antonio 1698 km | San Diego 2749 km | Dallas 1294 km |
San Jose 2915 km | Jacksonville 1442 km | Indianapolis 318 km |
North Barrington Map
Locate simply the city of North Barrington through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
North Barrington Nearby cities and villages
Tower Lakes 3 km | Lake Barrington 3.1 km | Lake Zurich 3.9 km |
Deer Park 6 km | Barrington 6.2 km | Port Barrington 6.8 km |
Hawthorn Woods 6.8 km | Fox River Grove 7 km | Kildeer 7.1 km |
Wauconda 7.7 km | Barrington Hills 9.7 km | Island Lake 9.7 km |
North Barrington Zone
Time zone of North Barrington.
North Barrington Local time | |
North Barrington Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/Chicago) Summer time UTC -5:00 Winter time UTC -6:00 |
North Barrington Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of North Barrington.
North Barrington Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to North Barrington.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
5 January | 14:21 - 18:58 - 23:35 | 13:49 - 00:06 | 13:14 - 00:41 | 12:40 - 01:15 |
6 January | 14:21 - 18:58 - 23:36 | 13:49 - 00:07 | 13:14 - 00:42 | 12:40 - 01:16 |
7 January | 14:20 - 18:59 - 23:37 | 13:49 - 00:08 | 13:14 - 00:43 | 12:40 - 01:17 |
8 January | 14:20 - 18:59 - 23:38 | 13:49 - 00:09 | 13:14 - 00:44 | 12:40 - 01:18 |
9 January | 14:20 - 18:59 - 23:39 | 13:49 - 00:10 | 13:14 - 00:45 | 12:40 - 01:19 |
10 January | 14:20 - 19:00 - 23:40 | 13:49 - 00:11 | 13:14 - 00:46 | 12:40 - 01:19 |
11 January | 14:19 - 19:00 - 23:41 | 13:48 - 00:12 | 13:14 - 00:47 | 12:40 - 01:20 |
North Barrington Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in North Barrington classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Lake Zurich-Barrington Lake Zurich Featuring free high-speed internet access and a 37-inch HD television in each guestroom, this hotel located in Lake Zurich, Illinois is within driving distance of downtown Chicago... view more | from $US 98 | |
Americas Best Value Inn - Barrington Barrington Harper College is located 8.6 miles south of this Barrington hotel. This Illinois hotel features an on-site café and lounge, a gym and spacious rooms with a microwave and refrigerator... view more | from $US 60 | |
River Inn Fox River Grove This Fox River Grove, Illinois, inn is 1 mile from Norge Ski and 7 miles from Golf Club of Illinois. Guests of the River Inn will enjoy free Wi-Fi and free parking. All accommodations feature a cable TV with HBO movie channels and small..... view more | from $US 65 | |
Hampton Inn & Suites Chicago Deer Park Deer Park This Deer Park, Illinois hotel is 4 miles from the Makray Memorial Golf Course. The hotel offers a daily hot breakfast and free high-speed internet access. The Hampton Inn & Suites Chicago Deer Park features guest rooms with a flat-screen LCD TV... view more | from $US 97 | |
Comfort Inn Mundelein Mundelein Located 12 miles from Six Flags Great America Theme Park, this Illinois hotel offers guest rooms with free Wi-Fi. All rooms at Comfort Inn Mundelein include safety deposit boxes and work desks... view more | from $US 80 | |
More Hotels » |
North Barrington Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in North Barrington and its surroundings.
Nuclear power plant
Dresden Nuclear Power Plant 91.8 km | Byron Nuclear Generating Station 96.1 km | Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station 107.6 km |
North Barrington Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | North Barrington /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |