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  13. Bridgewater


Bridgewater Localisation : Country United States, State Massachusetts, County Plymouth.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : West Bridgewater, Raynham and East Bridgewater.


Find all the information of Bridgewater or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Bridgewater Administration

Bridgewater Code (FIPS)2508085
Bridgewater Post code02324

Bridgewater Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Bridgewater? Here are all the details of Bridgewater available below.

Bridgewater Postal address64 Central Sq.
Bridgewater MA 02324
United States
Bridgewater Phone number()508) 697-0921
International: +1 508-697-0921
Bridgewater Fax number()508) 697-0941
International: +1 508-697-0941
Bridgewater Email addressNot available
Bridgewater WebsiteNot available
Other informationCities and Towns in the United States : Bridgewater
Bridgewater Birth certificate, Bridgewater Death certificate

Bridgewater Demography

Information on the people and the population of Bridgewater.

Bridgewater Population26,563 inhabitants
Bridgewater Population Density360.2 /km² (933.0 /sq mi)

Bridgewater Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Bridgewater.

Bridgewater Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.9724, Longitude: -70.9788
41° 58′ 21″ North, 70° 58′ 44″ West
Bridgewater Area7,374 hectares
73.74 km² (28.47 sq mi)
Bridgewater Altitude28 m (92 ft)
Bridgewater ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Bridgewater Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Bridgewater and the biggest cities of United States.

New York City 287 km closestLos Angeles 4199 kmChicago 1382 km
Houston 2572 kmPhiladelphia 412 kmPhoenix 3698 km
San Antonio 2834 kmSan Diego 4155 kmDallas 2487 km
San Jose 4325 kmJacksonville 1609 kmIndianapolis 1298 km

Bridgewater Map

Locate simply the city of Bridgewater through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Bridgewater Nearby cities and villages

West Bridgewater 6.8 kmRaynham 7.2 kmEast Bridgewater 7.9 km
Halifax 10.2 kmWhitman 12.3 kmTaunton 12.3 km
Hanson 12.7 kmBrockton 12.8 kmEaston 13.2 km
Middleborough 13.9 kmPlympton 14.7 kmLakeville 15.5 km

Bridgewater Zone

Time zone of Bridgewater.

Bridgewater Local time
Bridgewater Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/New_York)
Summer time UTC -4:00
Winter time UTC -5:00

Bridgewater Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Bridgewater.

Bridgewater Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Bridgewater.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
23 March11:41 - 17:50 - 23:5911:13 - 00:2710:40 - 01:00 10:06 - 01:33
24 March11:39 - 17:50 - 00:0011:11 - 00:2810:38 - 01:01 10:04 - 01:35
25 March11:37 - 17:49 - 00:0111:09 - 00:2910:36 - 01:02 10:03 - 01:36
26 March11:35 - 17:49 - 00:0311:07 - 00:3010:35 - 01:03 10:01 - 01:37
27 March11:34 - 17:49 - 00:0411:06 - 00:3210:33 - 01:05 09:59 - 01:39
28 March11:32 - 17:48 - 00:0511:04 - 00:3310:31 - 01:06 09:57 - 01:40
29 March11:30 - 17:48 - 00:0611:02 - 00:3410:29 - 01:07 09:55 - 01:41

Bridgewater Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Bridgewater classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Middleboro RaynhamHoliday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Middleboro Raynham

This Massachusetts hotel features a heated indoor pool, jacuzzi and 24-hour gym. Located a 25-minute drive from downtown Plymouth, it offers spacious rooms with free Wi-Fi and cable TV... view more
$US 103
Hotel Fairfield Inn Plymouth MiddleboroFairfield Inn Plymouth Middleboro

Fairfield Inn offers modern accommodation located in southeast Massachusetts, just off the Blue Star Memorial Highway. The hotel features a seasonal outdoor pool with jacuzzi and a well-equipped gym... view more
$US 114
Hotel Courtyard Boston RaynhamCourtyard Boston Raynham

Situated just 4 miles from Golf at Pequoy Brook, Courtyard Boston Raynham has an indoor pool and fitness centre. The on-site Courtyard Bistro serves guests breakfast and dinner... view more
$US 95
Hotel Hampton Inn Raynham-TauntonHampton Inn Raynham-Taunton

Located 3 miles from Massasoit State Park, this Massachusetts hotel offers free local shuttles, an indoor pool and jacuzzi. Guest rooms at Hampton Inn Raynham-Taunton offer free Wi-Fi... view more
$US 93
Hotel Quality Inn RaynhamQuality Inn Raynham

The Quality Inn® hotel is conveniently located between Boston, Providence and Cape Cod... view more
$US 95
More Hotels »

Bridgewater Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Bridgewater and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station 33.4 kmSeabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant 103.7 kmMillstone Nuclear Power Plant 123.3 km

Bridgewater Page

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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page