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Country | United States |
State | New Hampshire |
County | Cheshire |
Nelson Administration
Nelson Code (FIPS) | 3350580 |
Nelson Post code | 03457 |
Nelson Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Nelson? Here are all the details of Nelson available below.
Nelson Postal address | 7 Nelson Common Road Nelson, NH 03457 United States |
Nelson Phone number | ()603) 847-0047 International: +1 603-847-0047 |
Nelson Fax number | ()603) 847-3197 International: +1 603-847-3197 |
Nelson Email address | [email protected] |
Nelson Website | |
Other information | Cities and Towns in the United States : Nelson |
Nelson Birth certificate, Nelson Death certificate |
Nelson Demography
Information on the people and the population of Nelson.
Nelson Population | 729 inhabitants |
Nelson Population Density | 12.1 /km² (31.4 /sq mi) |
Nelson Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Nelson.
Nelson Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 42.9998, Longitude: -72.1216 42° 59′ 59″ North, 72° 7′ 18″ West |
Nelson Area | 6,022 hectares 60.22 km² (23.25 sq mi) |
Nelson Altitude | 535 m (1,755 ft) |
Nelson Climate | Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb) |
Nelson Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Nelson and the biggest cities of United States.
New York City 300 km closest | Los Angeles 4100 km | Chicago 1283 km |
Houston 2538 km | Philadelphia 417 km | Phoenix 3609 km |
San Antonio 2791 km | San Diego 4060 km | Dallas 2432 km |
San Jose 4214 km | Jacksonville 1644 km | Indianapolis 1223 km |
Nelson Map
Locate simply the city of Nelson through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Nelson Nearby cities and villages
Nelson Zone
Time zone of Nelson.
Nelson Local time | |
Nelson Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/New_York) Summer time UTC -4:00 Winter time UTC -5:00 |
Nelson Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Nelson.
Nelson Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Nelson.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
9 January | 13:18 - 17:55 - 22:32 | 12:47 - 23:04 | 12:11 - 23:39 | 11:37 - 00:13 |
10 January | 13:18 - 17:56 - 22:33 | 12:46 - 23:05 | 12:11 - 23:40 | 11:37 - 00:14 |
11 January | 13:18 - 17:56 - 22:34 | 12:46 - 23:06 | 12:11 - 23:41 | 11:37 - 00:15 |
12 January | 13:17 - 17:56 - 22:36 | 12:46 - 23:07 | 12:11 - 23:42 | 11:37 - 00:16 |
13 January | 13:17 - 17:57 - 22:37 | 12:46 - 23:08 | 12:10 - 23:43 | 11:36 - 00:17 |
14 January | 13:17 - 17:57 - 22:38 | 12:45 - 23:09 | 12:10 - 23:44 | 11:36 - 00:18 |
15 January | 13:16 - 17:58 - 22:39 | 12:45 - 23:10 | 12:10 - 23:45 | 11:36 - 00:19 |
Nelson Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Nelson classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Courtyard Keene Downtown Keene Set in a typical red-brick building, Courtyard Downtown offers contemporary accommodation in central Keene, 1.2 miles from Route 101. It features an indoor pool and a well-equipped gym... view more | from $US 94 | |
The Lane Keene Located in Keene Central Square, this historic property is surrounded by local shops and restaurants. A restaurant and bar are on-site. Monadnock Mountain is 13 miles away... view more | from $US 129 | |
The Keene Inn Keene This Keene, New Hampshire motel is located 10 minutes’ drive from Granite Gorge and features free Wi-Fi access and cable TV in every room. Keene State College is 1 mile away... view more | from $US 55 | |
Best Western Plus Sovereign Hotel - Keene Keene Located in southwestern New Hampshire, this hotel is a 5-minute drive from downtown Keene. It serves a hot, buffet-style breakfast every morning and has an indoor pool... view more | from $US 85 | |
Holiday Inn Express Keene Keene This pet-friendly hotel in Keene, New Hampshire is close to Keen State College and Mt. Monadnock and offers a free breakfast as well as free Wi-Fi. Guests can swim in the indoor heated swimming pool or use the hot tub at Holiday Inn Express Keene... view more | from $US 80 | |
More Hotels » |
Nelson Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Nelson and its surroundings.
Nuclear power plant
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant 40.3 km | Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant 104.1 km |
Nelson Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Nelson /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |