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Country | United States |
State | Ohio |
County | Portage |
Brady Lake Administration
Brady Lake Code (FIPS) | 3908168 |
Brady Lake Post code | 44266 |
Brady Lake Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Brady Lake? Here are all the details of Brady Lake available below.
Brady Lake Postal address | 2123 MERRILL RD RAVENNA OH 44266 United States |
Brady Lake Phone number | Not available |
Brady Lake Email address | Not available |
Brady Lake Website | Not available |
Other information | Cities and Towns in the United States : Brady Lake |
Brady Lake Birth certificate, Brady Lake Death certificate |
Brady Lake Demography
Information on the people and the population of Brady Lake.
Brady Lake Population | 513 inhabitants |
Brady Lake Population Density | 466.4 /km² (1,207.9 /sq mi) |
Brady Lake Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Brady Lake.
Brady Lake Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 41.1602, Longitude: -81.315 41° 9′ 37″ North, 81° 18′ 54″ West |
Brady Lake Area | 110 hectares 1.10 km² (0.42 sq mi) |
Brady Lake Altitude | 333 m (1,093 ft) |
Brady Lake Climate | Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb) |
Brady Lake Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Brady Lake and the biggest cities of United States.
New York City 623 km | Los Angeles 3340 km | Chicago 536 km |
Houston 1793 km | Philadelphia 538 km | Phoenix 2834 km |
San Antonio 2028 km | San Diego 3292 km | Dallas 1656 km |
San Jose 3487 km | Jacksonville 1205 km | Indianapolis 437 km closest |
Brady Lake Map
Locate simply the city of Brady Lake through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Brady Lake Nearby cities and villages
Kent 4.1 km | Sugar Bush Knolls 5.7 km | Ravenna 6.1 km |
Streetsboro 9.2 km | Stow 10.3 km | Munroe Falls 10.4 km |
Tallmadge 11.1 km | Silver Lake 12.3 km | Hudson 13.8 km |
Mogadore 14.3 km | Mantua 15.6 km | Aurora 15.8 km |
Brady Lake Zone
Time zone of Brady Lake.
Brady Lake Local time | |
Brady Lake Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/New_York) Summer time UTC -4:00 Winter time UTC -5:00 |
Brady Lake Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Brady Lake.
Brady Lake Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Brady Lake.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
12 January | 13:49 - 18:33 - 23:18 | 13:18 - 23:48 | 12:44 - 00:22 | 12:11 - 00:55 |
13 January | 13:48 - 18:34 - 23:19 | 13:18 - 23:49 | 12:44 - 00:23 | 12:11 - 00:56 |
14 January | 13:48 - 18:34 - 23:20 | 13:18 - 23:50 | 12:44 - 00:24 | 12:11 - 00:57 |
15 January | 13:48 - 18:34 - 23:21 | 13:17 - 23:51 | 12:43 - 00:25 | 12:10 - 00:58 |
16 January | 13:47 - 18:35 - 23:22 | 13:17 - 23:52 | 12:43 - 00:26 | 12:10 - 00:59 |
17 January | 13:47 - 18:35 - 23:23 | 13:16 - 23:54 | 12:43 - 00:27 | 12:10 - 01:00 |
18 January | 13:46 - 18:35 - 23:25 | 13:16 - 23:55 | 12:42 - 00:28 | 12:09 - 01:01 |
Brady Lake Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Brady Lake classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Kent State University Hotel and Conference Center Kent This hotel located in Kent, Ohio is 6 minutes’ walk from the Kent State University campus and is 11 miles from Akron. Free Wi-Fi is accessible and there is a heated indoor pool... view more | from $US 119 | |
Days Inn Kent - Akron Kent Located off of Interstate 76, this Kent hotel is 12 miles from the Akron city centre and is 8 minutes’ drive to Kent State University. A breakfast is served daily and the hotel has a heated swimming pool... view more | from $US 50 | |
Super 8 - Kent Kent Located 1 mile off Interstate 76, this Kent, Ohio hotel boasts free Wi-Fi access and a daily continental breakfast. Kent State University is 5 miles away. Each guestroom at the Super 8 - Kent features cable TV with HBO channels and a work desk... view more | from $US 45 | |
Hampton Inn Kent/Akron Area Kent Adjacent to I-76 and less than 3 miles from Kent State University, this Hampton Inn features an indoor heated pool and whirlpool. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel... view more | from $US 101 | |
Comfort Inn & Suites Kent Kent The Comfort Inn & Suites hotel is three miles from Kent State University. Geauga Lake's Wildwater Kingdom theme park and downtown Akron are minutes from this hotel... view more | from $US 80 | |
More Hotels » |
Brady Lake Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Brady Lake and its surroundings.
Nuclear power plant
Perry Nuclear Generating Station 72.7 km | Beaver Valley Nuclear Generating Station 95.5 km |
Brady Lake Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Brady Lake /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |