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  13. Roseburg


Roseburg Localisation : Country United States, State Oregon, County Douglas.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Winston and Sutherlin.


Find all the information of Roseburg or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

CountryUnited States

Roseburg Administration

Roseburg Code (FIPS)4163650
Roseburg Post code97470
Roseburg MayorLarry Rich

Roseburg Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Roseburg? Here are all the details of Roseburg available below.

Roseburg Postal address900 SE Douglas
Roseburg OR 97470
United States
Roseburg Phone number()541) 492-6780
International: +1 541-492-6780
Roseburg Fax number()541) 673-2856
International: +1 541-673-2856
Roseburg Email addressNot available
Roseburg Websitewww.ci.roseburg.or.us
Other informationCities and Towns in the United States : Roseburg
Roseburg Birth certificate, Roseburg Death certificate

Roseburg Demography

Information on the people and the population of Roseburg.

Roseburg Population20,017 inhabitants
Roseburg Population Density735.9 /km² (1,906.0 /sq mi)

Roseburg Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Roseburg.

Roseburg Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 43.2223, Longitude: -123.352
43° 13′ 20″ North, 123° 21′ 7″ West
Roseburg Area2,720 hectares
27.20 km² (10.50 sq mi)
Roseburg Altitude145 m (476 ft)
Roseburg ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

Roseburg Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Roseburg and the biggest cities of United States.

New York City 4042 kmLos Angeles 1110 kmChicago 2908 km
Houston 2895 kmPhiladelphia 3973 kmPhoenix 1453 km
San Antonio 2686 kmSan Diego 1279 kmDallas 2589 km
San Jose 672 km closestJacksonville 3936 kmIndianapolis 3100 km

Roseburg Map

Locate simply the city of Roseburg through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Roseburg Nearby cities and villages

Winston 12.8 kmSutherlin 18.4 km

Roseburg Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Roseburg has international agreements with its different pairings.

Japan Shobu

Roseburg Zone

Time zone of Roseburg.

Roseburg Local time
Roseburg Time zoneUTC -8:00 (America/Los_Angeles)
Summer time UTC -7:00
Winter time UTC -8:00

Roseburg Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Roseburg.

Roseburg Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Roseburg.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
25 March15:06 - 21:19 - 03:3114:37 - 04:0014:04 - 04:34 13:29 - 05:08
26 March15:04 - 21:18 - 03:3314:36 - 04:0114:02 - 04:35 13:27 - 05:10
27 March15:02 - 21:18 - 03:3414:34 - 04:0214:00 - 04:36 13:25 - 05:11
28 March15:01 - 21:18 - 03:3514:32 - 04:0413:58 - 04:37 13:23 - 05:12
29 March14:59 - 21:17 - 04:3614:30 - 05:0513:56 - 05:39 13:21 - 06:14
30 March15:57 - 22:17 - 04:3715:28 - 05:0614:54 - 05:40 14:19 - 06:15
31 March15:55 - 22:17 - 04:3915:27 - 05:0714:52 - 05:41 14:17 - 06:17

Roseburg Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Roseburg classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Casa Loma MotelCasa Loma Motel

Offering free Wi-Fi, this motel is located in the town centre of Roseburg. All rooms include a cable TV. Free parking is provided on site... view more
$US 52
Hotel Howard Johnson Express Inn RoseburgHoward Johnson Express Inn Roseburg

Situated 94 miles from Crater Lake and Diamond Lake, this Roseburg motel offers a free pass to a gym 3 blocks away. All rooms include free Wi-Fi and a continental breakfast. A launderette is located on site... view more
$US 65
Hotel Quality Inn Central RoseburgQuality Inn Central Roseburg

The hotel offers access to all varieties of outdoor activities. Enjoy fishing, hunting, boating, whitewater and paddle rafting and scenic bicycle paths along the Umpqua River... view more
$US 75
Hotel Fairbridge Inn ExpressFairbridge Inn Express

Located 3 miles away from Douglas County Fairgrounds and Speedway, this Oregon hotel features an indoor pool and hot tub. It serves a daily continental breakfast. All rooms include free Wi-Fi... view more
$US 58
Hotel Windmill Inn of RoseburgWindmill Inn of Roseburg

This hotel is 1.5 miles from downtown Roseburg and within a 2-minute drive of the Roseburg Regional Airport. The hotel offers an outdoor pool and rooms with a refrigerator... view more
$US 89
More Hotels »

Roseburg Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Roseburg and its surroundings.

Roseburg Page

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  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
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  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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