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Country | United States |
State | Wisconsin |
County | Jefferson |
Fort Atkinson Administration
Fort Atkinson Code (FIPS) | 5526675 |
Fort Atkinson Post code | 53538 |
Fort Atkinson Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Fort Atkinson? Here are all the details of Fort Atkinson available below.
Fort Atkinson Postal address | 101 N MAIN ST FORT ATKINSON WI 53538 United States |
Fort Atkinson Phone number | Not available |
Fort Atkinson Email address | Not available |
Fort Atkinson Website | Not available |
Other information | Cities and Towns in the United States : Fort Atkinson |
Fort Atkinson Birth certificate, Fort Atkinson Death certificate |
Fort Atkinson Demography
Information on the people and the population of Fort Atkinson.
Fort Atkinson Population | 12,368 inhabitants |
Fort Atkinson Population Density | 816.4 /km² (2,114.4 /sq mi) |
Fort Atkinson Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Fort Atkinson.
Fort Atkinson Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 42.9246, Longitude: -88.8447 42° 55′ 29″ North, 88° 50′ 41″ West |
Fort Atkinson Area | 1,515 hectares 15.15 km² (5.85 sq mi) |
Fort Atkinson Altitude | 243 m (797 ft) |
Fort Atkinson Climate | Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfa) |
Fort Atkinson Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Fort Atkinson and the biggest cities of United States.
New York City 1261 km | Los Angeles 2743 km | Chicago 154 km closest |
Houston 1575 km | Philadelphia 1187 km | Phoenix 2273 km |
San Antonio 1730 km | San Diego 2712 km | Dallas 1324 km |
San Jose 2857 km | Jacksonville 1540 km | Indianapolis 417 km |
Fort Atkinson Map
Locate simply the city of Fort Atkinson through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Fort Atkinson Nearby cities and villages
Jefferson 9.2 km | Whitewater 13.2 km | Rockdale 16 km |
Cambridge 17 km | Lake Mills 17.8 km | Johnson Creek 18.2 km |
Milton 18.6 km |
Fort Atkinson Zone
Time zone of Fort Atkinson.
Fort Atkinson Local time | |
Fort Atkinson Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/Chicago) Summer time UTC -5:00 Winter time UTC -6:00 |
Fort Atkinson Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Fort Atkinson.
Fort Atkinson Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Fort Atkinson.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 14:24 - 19:03 - 23:42 | 13:53 - 00:13 | 13:18 - 00:48 | 12:44 - 01:22 |
12 January | 14:24 - 19:03 - 23:43 | 13:53 - 00:14 | 13:17 - 00:49 | 12:43 - 01:23 |
13 January | 14:24 - 19:04 - 23:44 | 13:52 - 00:15 | 13:17 - 00:50 | 12:43 - 01:24 |
14 January | 14:23 - 19:04 - 23:45 | 13:52 - 00:16 | 13:17 - 00:51 | 12:43 - 01:25 |
15 January | 14:23 - 19:04 - 23:46 | 13:51 - 00:17 | 13:16 - 00:52 | 12:43 - 01:26 |
16 January | 14:22 - 19:05 - 23:47 | 13:51 - 00:19 | 13:16 - 00:54 | 12:42 - 01:27 |
17 January | 14:22 - 19:05 - 23:49 | 13:51 - 00:20 | 13:16 - 00:55 | 12:42 - 01:28 |
Fort Atkinson Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Fort Atkinson classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Americas Best Value-Courtyard Inn Fort Atkinson Located off Wisconsin Highway 26, this Fort Atkinson hotel offers rooms equipped with free Wi-Fi and a cable TV. It features an indoor pool and is just 1.5 miles from the Belmont Casino... view more | from $US 70 | |
Villa Inn Motel Fort Atkinson Located in the heart of Fort Atkinson, Villa Inn Motel offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and a microwave. Facilities include a whirlpool. Fort Atkinson Municipal Airport is just 4.2 miles away... view more | from $US 40 | |
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Fort Atkinson Fort Atkinson Located on Route 12 and 2 miles from downtown Fort Atkinson, this Holiday Inn Express features an indoor pool and whirlpool. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel... view more | from $US 103 | |
Hamilton House Whitewater A daily hot breakfast is served at this Whitewater bed and breakfast. Located less than 1 mile from the University of Wisconsin Whitewater campus, free Wi-Fi access is provided... view more | from $US 175 | |
Oscar H. Hanson House Cambridge Located less than 1 mile from scenic Lake Ripley, this historic 19th century B&B serves a bedside breakfast. Each guest room features a cozy fireplace and period furnishings. Free Wi-Fi is offered in every room at Oscar H... view more | from $US 139 | |
More Hotels » |
Fort Atkinson Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Fort Atkinson and its surroundings.
Nuclear power plant
Byron Nuclear Generating Station 101.2 km |
Fort Atkinson Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Fort Atkinson /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |