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  13. Fort Atkinson

Fort Atkinson

Fort Atkinson Localisation : Country United States, State Wisconsin, County Jefferson.
Available Information : Postal address, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Jefferson, Whitewater and Rockdale.


Find all the information of Fort Atkinson or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Fort Atkinson Administration

Fort Atkinson Code (FIPS)5526675
Fort Atkinson Post code53538

Fort Atkinson Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Fort Atkinson? Here are all the details of Fort Atkinson available below.

Fort Atkinson Postal address101 N MAIN ST
United States
Fort Atkinson Phone numberNot available
Fort Atkinson Email addressNot available
Fort Atkinson WebsiteNot available
Other informationCities and Towns in the United States : Fort Atkinson
Fort Atkinson Birth certificate, Fort Atkinson Death certificate

Fort Atkinson Demography

Information on the people and the population of Fort Atkinson.

Fort Atkinson Population12,368 inhabitants
Fort Atkinson Population Density816.4 /km² (2,114.4 /sq mi)

Fort Atkinson Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Fort Atkinson.

Fort Atkinson Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 42.9246, Longitude: -88.8447
42° 55′ 29″ North, 88° 50′ 41″ West
Fort Atkinson Area1,515 hectares
15.15 km² (5.85 sq mi)
Fort Atkinson Altitude243 m (797 ft)
Fort Atkinson ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfa)

Fort Atkinson Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Fort Atkinson and the biggest cities of United States.

New York City 1261 kmLos Angeles 2743 kmChicago 154 km closest
Houston 1575 kmPhiladelphia 1187 kmPhoenix 2273 km
San Antonio 1730 kmSan Diego 2712 kmDallas 1324 km
San Jose 2857 kmJacksonville 1540 kmIndianapolis 417 km

Fort Atkinson Map

Locate simply the city of Fort Atkinson through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Fort Atkinson Nearby cities and villages

Jefferson 9.2 kmWhitewater 13.2 kmRockdale 16 km
Cambridge 17 kmLake Mills 17.8 kmJohnson Creek 18.2 km
Milton 18.6 km

Fort Atkinson Zone

Time zone of Fort Atkinson.

Fort Atkinson Local time
Fort Atkinson Time zoneUTC -6:00 (America/Chicago)
Summer time UTC -5:00
Winter time UTC -6:00

Fort Atkinson Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Fort Atkinson.

Fort Atkinson Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Fort Atkinson.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
11 January14:24 - 19:03 - 23:4213:53 - 00:1313:18 - 00:48 12:44 - 01:22
12 January14:24 - 19:03 - 23:4313:53 - 00:1413:17 - 00:49 12:43 - 01:23
13 January14:24 - 19:04 - 23:4413:52 - 00:1513:17 - 00:50 12:43 - 01:24
14 January14:23 - 19:04 - 23:4513:52 - 00:1613:17 - 00:51 12:43 - 01:25
15 January14:23 - 19:04 - 23:4613:51 - 00:1713:16 - 00:52 12:43 - 01:26
16 January14:22 - 19:05 - 23:4713:51 - 00:1913:16 - 00:54 12:42 - 01:27
17 January14:22 - 19:05 - 23:4913:51 - 00:2013:16 - 00:55 12:42 - 01:28

Fort Atkinson Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Fort Atkinson classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Americas Best Value-Courtyard InnAmericas Best Value-Courtyard Inn

Fort Atkinson
Located off Wisconsin Highway 26, this Fort Atkinson hotel offers rooms equipped with free Wi-Fi and a cable TV. It features an indoor pool and is just 1.5 miles from the Belmont Casino... view more
$US 70
Hotel Villa Inn MotelVilla Inn Motel

Fort Atkinson
Located in the heart of Fort Atkinson, Villa Inn Motel offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and a microwave. Facilities include a whirlpool. Fort Atkinson Municipal Airport is just 4.2 miles away... view more
$US 40
Hotel Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Fort AtkinsonHoliday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Fort Atkinson

Fort Atkinson
Located on Route 12 and 2 miles from downtown Fort Atkinson, this Holiday Inn Express features an indoor pool and whirlpool. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel... view more
$US 103
Hotel Hamilton HouseHamilton House
A daily hot breakfast is served at this Whitewater bed and breakfast. Located less than 1 mile from the University of Wisconsin Whitewater campus, free Wi-Fi access is provided... view more
$US 175
Hotel Oscar H. Hanson HouseOscar H. Hanson House

Located less than 1 mile from scenic Lake Ripley, this historic 19th century B&B serves a bedside breakfast. Each guest room features a cozy fireplace and period furnishings. Free Wi-Fi is offered in every room at Oscar H... view more
$US 139
More Hotels »

Fort Atkinson Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Fort Atkinson and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Byron Nuclear Generating Station 101.2 km  

Fort Atkinson Page

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DB-City.comFort Atkinson 3.2/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page