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Francisco Linares Alcantara Administration
Francisco Linares Alcantara Post code | 2103 |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Mayor | Alexis Zamora |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Francisco Linares Alcantara? Here are all the details of Francisco Linares Alcantara available below.
Francisco Linares Alcantara Postal address | 2103 Francisco Linares Alcántara Venezuela |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Phone number | Not available |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Email address | Not available |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Website | Not available |
Other information | Municipios de Venezuela : Francisco Linares Alcántara |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Birth certificate, Francisco Linares Alcantara Death certificate |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Demography
Information on the people and the population of Francisco Linares Alcantara.
Francisco Linares Alcantara Population | 143,512 inhabitants |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Population Density | 60.3 /km² (156.2 /sq mi) |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Francisco Linares Alcantara.
Francisco Linares Alcantara Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 10.2059, Longitude: -67.57 10° 12′ 21″ North, 67° 34′ 12″ West |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Area | 238,000 hectares 2,380.00 km² (918.92 sq mi) |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Altitude | 428 m (1,404 ft) |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Climate | Tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw) |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Francisco Linares Alcantara and the biggest cities of Venezuela.
Caracas 80 km | Libertador Bolivarian 79 km | Maracaibo 447 km |
Iribarren 194 km | Valencia 47 km | Caroní 578 km |
Sucre 89 km | San Cristóbal 580 km | Maturín 485 km |
San Francisco 447 km | Simón Bolívar 317 km | Girardot 6 km closest |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Map
Locate simply the city of Francisco Linares Alcantara through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Francisco Linares Alcantara Nearby cities and villages
Libertador 5.1 km | Girardot 6.2 km | José Ángel Lamas 6.9 km |
Santiago Mariño 11 km | Mario Briceno Iragorry 12.6 km | Sucre 13.4 km |
Bolivar 16.2 km | Diego Ibarra 18.3 km |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Zone
Time zone of Francisco Linares Alcantara.
Francisco Linares Alcantara Local time | |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Time zone | UTC -4:30 (America/Caracas) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Francisco Linares Alcantara.
Francisco Linares Alcantara Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Francisco Linares Alcantara.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
25 January | 11:53 - 17:42 - 23:32 | 11:30 - 23:54 | 11:05 - 00:19 | 10:39 - 00:45 |
26 January | 11:53 - 17:42 - 23:32 | 11:31 - 23:54 | 11:05 - 00:20 | 10:40 - 00:45 |
27 January | 11:53 - 17:43 - 23:33 | 11:31 - 23:55 | 11:05 - 00:20 | 10:40 - 00:46 |
28 January | 11:53 - 17:43 - 23:33 | 11:31 - 23:55 | 11:05 - 00:20 | 10:40 - 00:46 |
29 January | 11:53 - 17:43 - 23:33 | 11:31 - 23:55 | 11:05 - 00:21 | 10:40 - 00:46 |
30 January | 11:52 - 17:43 - 23:34 | 11:31 - 23:56 | 11:05 - 00:21 | 10:40 - 00:46 |
31 January | 11:52 - 17:43 - 23:34 | 11:31 - 23:56 | 11:05 - 00:21 | 10:40 - 00:47 |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Francisco Linares Alcantara classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Alex Caracas Caracas Located 250 metres from La Candelaria square and 500 metres from the subway station, Hotel Alex Caracas features a gym, a spa, and a restaurant. Breakfast and free Wi-Fi are provided... view more | from $US 277 | |
Gran Melia Caracas Caracas Featuring an outdoor pool with hydromassage tub and sauna, the Gran Melia is a luxury hotel in Caracas’ Sabana Grande. It offers elegant rooms in classical European style and 3 world-class restaurants... view more | from $US 400 | |
Eurobuilding Hotel & Suites Caracas Caracas Featuring a swimming pool, a fitness centre and a sauna, Eurobuilding Hotel & Suites Caracas offers stylish rooms in the financial district. The city centre is a 15-minute drive away... view more | from $US 759 | |
Cayena-Caracas Caracas Offering an outdoor pool and a restaurant, Cayena Caracas is gorgeous, modern hotel located in Caracas. It boasts excellent views of the city and mountains... view more | ||
StevieWonderLand El Yaque An outdoor heated swimming pool can be enjoyed just 300 metres from El Yaque Beach. Guests can sunbathe on the sun terrace and enjoy the many seating areas of the garden. Private parking is free... view more | from $US 75 | |
More Hotels » |
Francisco Linares Alcantara Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Francisco Linares Alcantara and its surroundings.
Francisco Linares Alcantara Page
Direct link | |
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