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  9. Lara


État Lara Localisation : Country Venezuela, State Lara.
Major cities : Iribarren, Torres, Palavecino, Morán, Jiménez, Urdaneta, Crespo, Andrés Eloy Blanco and Simón Planas.
Available Information : Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Climate.

Lara Information

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ISO 3166-2VE-K

Lara Data

Cities and villages9
Population1,729,221 inhabitants
Iribarren 996,230 inhabitants
Simón Planas 28,787 inhabitants
Area20,447 km² (7,894.63 sq mi)
Torres 7,437 km²
Palavecino 440.0 km²
Population Density84.6 /km² (219.0 /sq mi)
Palavecino 369 /km²
Urdaneta 12.9 /km²
Average altitude598 m (1,961 ft)
Time zoneUTC -4:30

Lara Map

Locate easily Lara using satellite images and map with or without relief below.

Lara Climate

  1. Tropical savanna climate 100 %

Lara Weather (Iribarren)

weather forecast of Lara for the next coming days, weather and time of day.

Lara Page

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