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Baruta Administration
Baruta Mayor | Darwin González |
Baruta Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Baruta? Here are all the details of Baruta available below.
Baruta Phone number | Not available |
Baruta Email address | Not available |
Baruta Website | |
Other information | Municipios de Venezuela : Baruta |
Baruta Birth certificate, Baruta Death certificate |
Baruta Demography
Information on the people and the population of Baruta.
Baruta Population | 312,354 inhabitants |
Baruta Population Density | 3,632.0 /km² (9,406.9 /sq mi) |
Baruta Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Baruta.
Baruta Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 10.4324, Longitude: -66.8746 10° 25′ 57″ North, 66° 52′ 29″ West |
Baruta Area | 8,600 hectares 86.00 km² (33.20 sq mi) |
Baruta Altitude | 1,009 m (3,310 ft) |
Baruta Climate | Tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw) |
Baruta Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Baruta and the biggest cities of Venezuela.
Caracas 7 km closest | Libertador Bolivarian 9 km | Maracaibo 521 km |
Iribarren 273 km | Valencia 127 km | Caroní 518 km |
Sucre 9 km | San Cristóbal 659 km | Maturín 413 km |
San Francisco 522 km | Simón Bolívar 242 km | Girardot 82 km |
Baruta Map
Locate simply the city of Baruta through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Baruta Nearby cities and villages
El Hatillo 6.7 km | Chacao 7.1 km | Caracas 7.2 km |
Sucre 8.7 km | Libertador Bolivarian 9.3 km | Los Salias 10.5 km |
Carrizal 16 km | Vargas 19.7 km |
Baruta Zone
Time zone of Baruta.
Baruta Local time | |
Baruta Time zone | UTC -4:30 (America/Caracas) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Baruta Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Baruta.
Baruta Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Baruta.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
4 January | 11:46 - 17:32 - 23:18 | 11:23 - 23:41 | 10:57 - 00:07 | 10:31 - 00:33 |
5 January | 11:46 - 17:33 - 23:19 | 11:24 - 23:41 | 10:58 - 00:08 | 10:31 - 00:34 |
6 January | 11:47 - 17:33 - 23:19 | 11:24 - 23:42 | 10:58 - 00:08 | 10:32 - 00:34 |
7 January | 11:47 - 17:33 - 23:20 | 11:24 - 23:43 | 10:58 - 00:09 | 10:32 - 00:35 |
8 January | 11:47 - 17:34 - 23:20 | 11:25 - 23:43 | 10:59 - 00:09 | 10:33 - 00:35 |
9 January | 11:48 - 17:34 - 23:21 | 11:25 - 23:44 | 10:59 - 00:10 | 10:33 - 00:36 |
10 January | 11:48 - 17:35 - 23:22 | 11:25 - 23:44 | 10:59 - 00:10 | 10:33 - 00:36 |
Baruta Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Baruta classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Eurobuilding Hotel & Suites Caracas Caracas Featuring a swimming pool, a fitness centre and a sauna, Eurobuilding Hotel & Suites Caracas offers stylish rooms in the financial district. The city centre is a 15-minute drive away... view more | from $US 759 | |
Gran Melia Caracas Caracas Featuring an outdoor pool with hydromassage tub and sauna, the Gran Melia is a luxury hotel in Caracas’ Sabana Grande. It offers elegant rooms in classical European style and 3 world-class restaurants... view more | from $US 400 | |
Cayena-Caracas Caracas Offering an outdoor pool and a restaurant, Cayena Caracas is gorgeous, modern hotel located in Caracas. It boasts excellent views of the city and mountains... view more | ||
Hotel Alex Caracas Caracas Located 250 metres from La Candelaria square and 500 metres from the subway station, Hotel Alex Caracas features a gym, a spa, and a restaurant. Breakfast and free Wi-Fi are provided... view more | from $US 277 | |
More Hotels » |
Baruta Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Baruta and its surroundings.
Baruta Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Baruta /5 (2021-04-08 13:03:47) |