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  5. Venezuelan bolívar

Venezuelan bolívar Information

ISO 4217VEF (937)

Venezuelan bolívar Exchange rate (31 December 2020)

Here are the current exchange rate of Venezuelan bolívar with other current major currency.

€ 1= VEF 115,997,070,001.25223VEF 1 = € 0
$US$US 1= VEF 103,421,068,118.09VEF 1 = $US 0
£UK£UK 1= VEF 138,520,503,942.26VEF 1 = £UK 0
C$C$ 1= VEF 80,975,267,016.581VEF 1 = C$ 0
$AU$AU 1= VEF 74,639,386,140.694VEF 1 = $AU 0
¥JP¥JP 1= VEF 894,762,958.97294VEF 1 = ¥JP 0

Venezuelan bolívar Country

List of countries with Venezuelan bolívar as its official currency.

Venezuelan bolívar Page

Direct link
Venezuelan bolívar Data (2018)
  • Country : 1
  • Area : 916,445 km²
  • Population : 29,187,000
  • Population Density : 31.8 /km²
  • Length of coastline : 2,800 km²