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  13. Hassi Bounif

Hassi Bounif

Hassi Bounif Localisation : Country Algeria, Wilayah Oran, Bir El Djir.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Hassi Ben Okba, Sidi Chami and Bir El Djir.


Find all the information of Hassi Bounif or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Bir El Djir
Official language
  • Arabic : حاسيْ بُونِيف

Hassi Bounif Administration

Hassi Bounif Code (ONS)3104

Hassi Bounif Demography

Information on the people and the population of Hassi Bounif.

Hassi Bounif Population63,581 inhabitants
Hassi Bounif Population Density2,001.3 /km² (5,183.3 /sq mi)

Hassi Bounif Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Hassi Bounif.

Hassi Bounif Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 35.7, Longitude: -0.5
35° 42′ 0″ North, 0° 30′ 0″ West
Hassi Bounif Area3,177 hectares
31.77 km² (12.27 sq mi)
Hassi Bounif Altitude98 m (322 ft)
Hassi Bounif ClimateSemi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSk)

Hassi Bounif Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Hassi Bounif and the biggest cities of Algeria.

Algiers 341 kmOran 13 km closestConstantine 644 km
Batna 604 kmDjelfa 360 kmSetif 537 km
Annaba 752 kmSidi-Bel-Abbes 58 kmBiskra 537 km
Tiaret 169 kmTebessa 781 kmEl Khroub 650 km

Hassi Bounif Map

Locate simply the city of Hassi Bounif through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Hassi Bounif Nearby cities and villages

Hassi Ben Okba 4.5 kmSidi Chami 5.9 kmBir El Djir 6.4 km
Ben Freha 7.3 kmEl Braya 8 kmBoufatis 8.3 km
Gdyel 11.5 kmEs Sénia 11.9 kmEl Kerma 12 km
Oran 13.5 kmHassi Mefsoukh 16 kmSidi Benyebka 17.3 km

Hassi Bounif Zone

Time zone of Hassi Bounif.

Hassi Bounif Local time
Hassi Bounif Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Africa/Algiers)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Hassi Bounif Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Hassi Bounif.

Hassi Bounif Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Hassi Bounif.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 February08:00 - 13:15 - 18:3107:33 - 18:5807:02 - 19:28 06:33 - 19:58
4 February07:59 - 13:15 - 18:3207:32 - 18:5907:02 - 19:29 06:32 - 19:59
5 February07:58 - 13:15 - 18:3307:31 - 19:0007:01 - 19:30 06:31 - 20:00
6 February07:57 - 13:16 - 18:3407:30 - 19:0107:00 - 19:31 06:30 - 20:01
7 February07:56 - 13:16 - 18:3507:30 - 19:0206:59 - 19:32 06:30 - 20:02
8 February07:55 - 13:16 - 18:3607:29 - 19:0306:59 - 19:33 06:29 - 20:03
9 February07:54 - 13:16 - 18:3707:28 - 19:0406:58 - 19:34 06:28 - 20:04

Hassi Bounif Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Hassi Bounif classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Sheraton Oran Hotel & TowersSheraton Oran Hotel & Towers

Overlooking one of the most beautiful bays in Algeria the Sheraton Oran Hotel & Towers is located in the Canastel residential area, which is near the city centre... view more
More Hotels »

Hassi Bounif Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Hassi Bounif and its surroundings.

Mezraet Sidi Maarouf 4.3 kmSidi Marouf Ferme 4.3 kmPlaine d’ El Braya 6 km
Plaine de Mangin 6 kmFerme Sainte-Célina 6.9 kmSaint-Rémy 7.1 km
Douar Dbaïba 7.2 kmDouar de Baïba 7.2 kmDjebel Kahar 7.8 km
Jebel Kahar 7.8 kmMontagne de Lions 7.8 kmDjebel Khar 7.8 km
Montagne de Saint Augustin 7.8 kmDomaine de la Montagne des Lions 7.8 kmDomaine du Djebel Khar 7.8 km
Mezraet Boû Guedra 7.8 kmClos des Oliviers 7.8 kmSidi Ben Nouba 7.9 km
Sidi Moul en Nouba 7.9 kmSidi de Ben Nouba 7.9 kmFerme Riccio 8.8 km
Maison Forestière de l’ Aïn Franin 9.1 kmMaison Forestière de l’ ’Aïn Franine 9.1 kmRebeha 9.4 km
Douar Rebih 9.4 kmDouar Rebéha 9.4 kmPointe de Canastel 9.4 km
Cap Canastel 9.4 kmCap Rouge 9.4 kmFerme du Parc 10.2 km

Hassi Bounif Page

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DB-City.comHassi Bounif 4.3/5 (2013-07-08 01:00:00)
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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page