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Oran Administration
Oran Code (ONS) | 3101 |
Oran Post code | 31000 |
Oran Mayor | Boukhatem Noureddine |
Oran Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Oran? Here are all the details of Oran available below.
Oran Phone number | Not available |
Oran Email address | Not available |
Oran Website | |
Oran Birth certificate, Oran Death certificate |
Oran Demography
Information on the people and the population of Oran.
Oran Population | 609,940 inhabitants |
Oran Population Density | 9,530.3 /km² (24,683.4 /sq mi) |
Oran Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Oran.
Oran Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 35.7028, Longitude: -0.649256 35° 42′ 10″ North, 0° 38′ 57″ West |
Oran Area | 6,400 hectares 64.00 km² (24.71 sq mi) |
Oran Altitude | 84 m (276 ft) |
Oran Climate | Semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSk) |
Oran Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Oran and the biggest cities of Algeria.
Oran Map
Locate simply the city of Oran through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Oran Nearby cities and villages
Es Sénia 6.6 km | Mers El Kébir 7.6 km | Bir El Djir 9.4 km |
Aïn El Turk 9.6 km | Misserghin 11.8 km | El Kerma 11.9 km |
Sidi Chami 13.1 km | Hassi Bounif 13.5 km | El Braya 14.3 km |
Bousfer 14.6 km | Hassi Ben Okba 16.9 km | El Ançor 19.9 km |
Oran Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Oran has international agreements with its different pairings.
Oran Zone
Time zone of Oran.
Oran Local time | |
Oran Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Africa/Algiers) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Oran Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Oran.
Oran Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Oran.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 08:12 - 13:10 - 18:08 | 07:44 - 18:36 | 07:13 - 19:08 | 06:42 - 19:38 |
12 January | 08:12 - 13:11 - 18:09 | 07:44 - 18:37 | 07:12 - 19:09 | 06:42 - 19:39 |
13 January | 08:12 - 13:11 - 18:10 | 07:44 - 18:38 | 07:12 - 19:09 | 06:42 - 19:40 |
14 January | 08:11 - 13:11 - 18:11 | 07:44 - 18:39 | 07:12 - 19:10 | 06:42 - 19:41 |
15 January | 08:11 - 13:12 - 18:12 | 07:43 - 18:40 | 07:12 - 19:11 | 06:41 - 19:42 |
16 January | 08:11 - 13:12 - 18:13 | 07:43 - 18:41 | 07:12 - 19:12 | 06:41 - 19:43 |
17 January | 08:10 - 13:12 - 18:14 | 07:43 - 18:42 | 07:12 - 19:13 | 06:41 - 19:44 |
Oran Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Oran classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Sheraton Oran Hotel & Towers Oran Overlooking one of the most beautiful bays in Algeria the Sheraton Oran Hotel & Towers is located in the Canastel residential area, which is near the city centre... view more | ||
More Hotels » |
Oran Transport
Subway | Tram |
Oran Es Sénia Airport 9.2 km | Zenata – Messali El Hadj Airport 105.4 km | Tafarovi 20.8 km |
Oran Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Oran and its surroundings.
Fort André 0.3 km | Fort Saint-André 0.3 km | Batterie du Ravin Blanc 1.5 km |
Cap Blanc 1.5 km | Gare de Karguentah 1.5 km | Oran Ville 1.5 km |
Pointe Mona 1.5 km | Fort Saint-Grégoire 1.5 km | Batterie Saint-Grégoire 1.5 km |
Fort Lamoune 1.5 km | Marabout Santa-Cruz 1.6 km | Sidi Abd el Kader Moulay 1.6 km |
Sidi Abd el Kader Morsli 1.6 km | Gares Maritimes 2.1 km | Gare Maritime 2.1 km |
Gare Marine 2.1 km | Oran Marine 2.1 km | Fort Santa Cruz 2.1 km |
Les Palmiers 4.3 km | Daïet Morsetti 5.5 km | Daïet Morselli 5.5 km |
Grand Lac 5.5 km | Daïa Morselly 5.5 km | Daïa Morsli 5.5 km |
Batterie du Santon 5.9 km | Fort du Santon 5.9 km | Gare de La Sénia 6.6 km |
Gare d’ Es Senia 6.6 km | Pointe de Mers el Kebir 7 km | Ras Mers el Kébir 7 km |
Oran Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Oran /5 (2013-07-08 01:00:00) |