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Mellakou Administration
Mellakou Code (ONS) | 1412 |
Mellakou Post code | 14125 |
Mellakou Mayor | Tahar Mechraoui |
Mellakou Demography
Information on the people and the population of Mellakou.
Mellakou Population | 13,107 inhabitants |
Mellakou Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Mellakou.
Mellakou Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 35.2531, Longitude: 1.23437 35° 15′ 11″ North, 1° 14′ 4″ East |
Mellakou Altitude | 956 m (3,136 ft) |
Mellakou Climate | Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa) |
Mellakou Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Mellakou and the biggest cities of Algeria.
Mellakou Map
Locate simply the city of Mellakou through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Mellakou Zone
Time zone of Mellakou.
Mellakou Local time | |
Mellakou Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Africa/Algiers) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Mellakou Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Mellakou.
Mellakou Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Mellakou.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
8 January | 08:04 - 13:01 - 17:59 | 07:36 - 18:27 | 07:04 - 18:58 | 06:34 - 19:29 |
9 January | 08:04 - 13:02 - 18:00 | 07:36 - 18:28 | 07:04 - 18:59 | 06:34 - 19:30 |
10 January | 08:03 - 13:02 - 18:01 | 07:36 - 18:29 | 07:04 - 19:00 | 06:34 - 19:31 |
11 January | 08:03 - 13:03 - 18:02 | 07:36 - 18:30 | 07:04 - 19:01 | 06:34 - 19:31 |
12 January | 08:03 - 13:03 - 18:03 | 07:36 - 18:30 | 07:04 - 19:02 | 06:34 - 19:32 |
13 January | 08:03 - 13:03 - 18:04 | 07:35 - 18:31 | 07:04 - 19:03 | 06:34 - 19:33 |
14 January | 08:03 - 13:04 - 18:05 | 07:35 - 18:32 | 07:04 - 19:03 | 06:33 - 19:34 |
Mellakou Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Mellakou classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Sheraton Oran Hotel & Towers Oran Overlooking one of the most beautiful bays in Algeria the Sheraton Oran Hotel & Towers is located in the Canastel residential area, which is near the city centre... view more | ||
Renaissance Tlemcen Hotel Tlemcen Set on the Lalla Setti Plateau in Tlemcen, this 5-star hotel is just 8 km from the Sidi Boumedien Tomb. It offers extensive facilities including an outdoor swimming pool with a hot tub, a gift shop and a spa... view more | ||
Hilton Alger Alger Located only a short drive from the airport, this hotel impresses with its seafront location in suburban Algiers, first-class facilities and a relaxing atmosphere... view more | ||
More Hotels » |
Mellakou Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Mellakou and its surroundings.
Sidi Ouadah 4.7 km | Sidi Bel Kassem 9 km | Daïet Souel 9.7 km |
Arrêt de Seffalou 10.8 km | Djebel Berkissa 12.4 km | Bou Krima 12.7 km |
Seffalou 12.7 km | Djebel Guettar 14 km | Station ’Aïn Sarb 14.8 km |
Station d’ ’Aïn Sarb 14.8 km | Djebel Hanaârit 14.8 km | Haoud el Besbes 15 km |
Sidi Bouchentouf 15.1 km | Sidi Bou Chenntouf 15.1 km | Rokbet el Atech 16.1 km |
Djebel Bedaa 16.4 km | Forêt des Sdamas 17.3 km | Mechtat Tahmmamet 17.4 km |
Mechta Tahamamet 17.4 km | Djebel Ben Teloula 17.6 km | Sidi Abd el Kader Medrissa 17.8 km |
Sidi el Abd 18 km | Montagne Carrée 18.1 km | Sidi Abd el Kader Merzguellah 18.9 km |
Djebel Toubissine 18.9 km | Bled Bou Richa 19.8 km | Djebel Guezoul 20.5 km |
Barrage de Bakhada 20.7 km | Barrage de Bakhadda 20.7 km | Kef ech Chenga 20.8 km |
Mellakou Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Mellakou /5 (2013-07-08 01:00:00) |