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  13. Salta


Salta Localisation : Country Argentina, Province Salta, Department Capital.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Villa San Lorenzo, Vaqueros and Cerrillos.


Find all the information of Salta or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Salta Administration

Salta CodeSAL048
Salta Post code4400
Salta MayorGustavo SAENZ

Salta Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Salta? Here are all the details of Salta available below.

Salta Postal addressLa Florida 62
4400 SALTA
Salta Phone number3874373337
International: +54 3874373337
Salta Fax number3874370163
International: +54 3874370163
Salta Email address[email protected]
Salta Websitewww.gobiernodelaciudad.gob.ar
Other informationMunicipalidades en Argentina : Salta
Salta Birth certificate, Salta Death certificate

Salta Demography

Information on the people and the population of Salta.

Salta Population521,483 inhabitants

Salta Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Salta.

Salta Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -24.7892, Longitude: -65.4106
24° 47′ 21″ South, 65° 24′ 38″ West
Salta Altitude1,187 m (3,894 ft)
Salta ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwa)

Salta Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Salta and the biggest cities of Argentina.

Buenos Aires 1287 kmLa Matanza 1285 kmCórdoba 748 km
Rosario 1019 kmLa Plata 1337 kmMar del Plata 1648 km
Lomas de Zamora 1300 kmQuilmes 1302 kmAlmirante Brown 1304 km
San Miguel de Tucumán 227 km closestMerlo 1274 kmLanús 1296 km

Salta Map

Locate simply the city of Salta through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Salta Nearby cities and villages

Villa San Lorenzo 9.7 kmVaqueros 10.7 kmCerrillos 14.4 km

Salta Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Salta has international agreements with its different pairings.

Salta Zone

Time zone of Salta.

Salta Local time
Salta Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Argentina/Salta)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Salta Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Salta.

Salta Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Salta.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
13 January10:44 - 17:30 - 00:1610:19 - 00:4109:49 - 01:11 09:18 - 01:42
14 January10:45 - 17:30 - 00:1610:20 - 00:4109:50 - 01:11 09:19 - 01:42
15 January10:46 - 17:31 - 00:1610:21 - 00:4109:51 - 01:11 09:19 - 01:42
16 January10:47 - 17:31 - 00:1610:22 - 00:4109:52 - 01:10 09:20 - 01:42
17 January10:47 - 17:31 - 00:1510:22 - 00:4009:52 - 01:10 09:21 - 01:41
18 January10:48 - 17:32 - 00:1510:23 - 00:4009:53 - 01:10 09:22 - 01:41
19 January10:49 - 17:32 - 00:1510:24 - 00:4009:54 - 01:10 09:23 - 01:41

Salta Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Salta classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel SaltaHotel Salta

Boasting a spa, a gym and a swimming pool, Hotel Salta offers plush accommodation in central Salta, right in front of 9 de Julio Square. There is a restaurant with panoramic views, and free parking is provided... view more
$US 82
Hotel Hotel RegidorHotel Regidor

Located right across from Salta’s picturesque Cathedral, Hotel Regidor offers rooms with regional décor and unlimited local calls to landlines. Wi-Fi is free and there is a daily breakfast... view more
$US 37
Hotel Plaza HotelPlaza Hotel

Located on Salta City’s picturesque main square and just 50 metres from the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Plaza offers nice décor with regional touches and rooms with Wi-Fi... view more
$US 31
Hotel Posada Casa de HernandezPosada Casa de Hernandez
Guests are welcomed with 24-hour front desk assistance, free continental breakfast and free Wi-Fi at Posada Casa de Hernandez, in Salta. The Alta Montaña Archaeological Museum is found 50 metres away... view more
$US 43
Hotel Hotel GuemesHotel Guemes

Only 50 metres from Salta’s picturesque cathedral, Guemes hotel offers practical rooms with private bathrooms. The city’s cable car is 800 metres away and a daily continental breakfast is offered... view more
$US 39
More Hotels »

Salta Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Salta and its surroundings.

Cerro San Bernardo 2.8 kmApeadero Campo Caseros 4 kmCaseros 4 km
Cerro La Candelaria 6.8 kmCampo General Belgrano 7 kmCerro Chachapoyas 7.5 km
Desvío Kilómetro 1125 9.2 kmParada Kilómetro 1125 9.2 kmCerro La Pedrera 9.6 km
Apeadero Río Ancho 9.9 kmParada Río Ancho 9.9 kmDesvío Kilómetro 1129 10.3 km
Lomas de Isasmendi 10.8 kmCerro San José 12.7 kmLoma El Cuarteadero 13.5 km
Cerro Las Barrosas 14.1 kmSierra Vaqueros 14.4 kmCerro San Lorenzo 14.8 km
Apeadero Kilómetro 1156 15 kmCerro Alto de la Ovejería 15.1 kmCerro Áspero 16 km
Cerro Pacará 16.4 kmCerros de San Miguel 16.7 kmCerros de Benaben 17.7 km
Campo de Aramayo 18.3 kmLa Cruz 18.5 kmCerro La Loma 18.7 km
Cordón de Lesser 19.1 kmSierra La Ramada 19.2 kmEstancia Los Yacones 19.6 km

Salta Page

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