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Country | Argentina |
Province | Buenos Aires Province |
La Plata |
La Plata Administration
La Plata Code | BUE066 |
La Plata Post code | 1900 |
La Plata Mayor | JULIO CESAR GARRO |
La Plata Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of La Plata? Here are all the details of La Plata available below.
La Plata Postal address | Calle 12 e/51 y 53 1900 LA PLATA Argentina |
La Plata Phone number | 2214291071 International: +54 2214291071 |
La Plata Fax number | 2214291011 International: +54 2214291011 |
La Plata Email address | [email protected] |
La Plata Website | |
Other information | Municipalidades en Argentina : La Plata |
La Plata Birth certificate, La Plata Death certificate |
La Plata Demography
Information on the people and the population of La Plata.
La Plata Population | 654,324 inhabitants |
La Plata Population Density | 706.6 /km² (1,830.1 /sq mi) |
La Plata Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of La Plata.
La Plata Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -34.9214, Longitude: -57.9544 34° 55′ 17″ South, 57° 57′ 16″ West |
La Plata Area | 92,600 hectares 926.00 km² (357.53 sq mi) |
La Plata Altitude | 22 m (72 ft) |
La Plata Climate | Humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa) |
La Plata Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between La Plata and the biggest cities of Argentina.
Buenos Aires 52 km | La Matanza 61 km | Córdoba 699 km |
Rosario 333 km | Mar del Plata 345 km | Lomas de Zamora 44 km |
Quilmes 36 km closest | Almirante Brown 41 km | San Miguel de Tucumán 1137 km |
Merlo 76 km | Salta 1337 km | Lanús 45 km |
La Plata Map
Locate simply the city of La Plata through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
La Plata Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of La Plata has international agreements with its different pairings.
La Plata Zone
Time zone of La Plata.
La Plata Local time | |
La Plata Time zone | UTC -3:00 (America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
La Plata Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of La Plata.
La Plata Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to La Plata.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
24 January | 10:03 - 17:03 - 00:04 | 09:35 - 00:32 | 09:01 - 01:06 | 08:24 - 01:43 |
25 January | 10:04 - 17:04 - 00:03 | 09:36 - 00:31 | 09:02 - 01:05 | 08:26 - 01:42 |
26 January | 10:05 - 17:04 - 00:03 | 09:37 - 00:30 | 09:04 - 01:04 | 08:27 - 01:41 |
27 January | 10:06 - 17:04 - 00:02 | 09:39 - 00:30 | 09:05 - 01:03 | 08:29 - 01:40 |
28 January | 10:07 - 17:04 - 00:01 | 09:40 - 00:29 | 09:06 - 01:03 | 08:30 - 01:39 |
29 January | 10:08 - 17:04 - 00:01 | 09:41 - 00:28 | 09:07 - 01:02 | 08:32 - 01:37 |
30 January | 10:09 - 17:05 - 00:00 | 09:42 - 00:27 | 09:08 - 01:01 | 08:33 - 01:36 |
La Plata Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in La Plata classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
La Plata Hostel La Plata Featuring a fully equipped common kitchen and a garden, this hostel offers free Wi-Fi and breakfast in La Plata. The commercial area is 400 metres away and BBQ facilities are available... view more | from $US 13 | |
Quuko Hostel La Plata Featuring a fully equipped common kitchen, a dining area and a terrace, Quuko Hostel offers free Wi-Fi and 24-hour medical assistance in La Plata. The commercial centre is 200 metres away... view more | from $US 29 | |
Casa do Sol La Plata Featuring a fully equipped common kitchen and living room, Casa do Sol offers free Wi-Fi, buffet breakfast, and park views in La Plata. Moreno square is 200 metres away. The rooms in Casa do Sol feature lockers and shared bathroom facilities... view more | from $US 14 | |
La Plata Hotel La Plata Conveniently located in the financial and commercial area, La Plata Hotel offers free Wi-Fi and breakfast in La Plata. A restaurant is featured on site. The train and bus station are 1,5 km away... view more | from $US 54 | |
El Intercultural Hostel La Plata El Intercultural Hostel has rooms with shared and private bathrooms in La Plata, 100 metres from Moreno Square and 300 metres from La Plata's Cathedral. There are shared kitchen facilities and Wi-Fi is free. A daily breakfast is included... view more | from $US 14 | |
More Hotels » |
La Plata Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in La Plata and its surroundings.
Estación La Plata 2.4 km | Estación Circunvalación 2.5 km | Circunvalación 2.5 km |
Estación Gambier 2.6 km | Gambier 2.6 km | Estanción Hipódromo 3.1 km |
Apeadero R. Elizalde 3.2 km | Parada Rufino de Elizalde 3.2 km | Parada Elizalde 3.2 km |
Parada R. Elizalde 3.2 km | Parada R. de Elizalde 3.2 km | Estación M.B Gonnet 3.6 km |
Apeadero La Cumbre 3.6 km | Parada La Cumbre 3.6 km | La Cumbre 3.6 km |
Estación La Plata 3.7 km | Apeadero Gobernador L. García 4.1 km | Parada Gobernador L. García 4.1 km |
Gobernador L. García 4.1 km | Parada Gobernador García 4.1 km | Parada Los Hornos 4.1 km |
Rufino de Elizalde 4.2 km | Apeadero Rufino de Elizalde 4.2 km | Estación Ringuelet 4.4 km |
Apeadero Gobernador E. Arana 6.5 km | Parada Gobernador Arana 6.5 km | Gobernador E. Arana 6.5 km |
Parada Gobernador E. Arana 6.5 km | Elizade 6.9 km | Parada Kilómetro 5 8.2 km |
La Plata Page
Direct link | |
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