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Country | Bolivia |
Department | Chuquisaca |
Province | Oropeza |
Sucre Administration
Sucre Code | 010101 |
Sucre Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Sucre? Here are all the details of Sucre available below.
Sucre Postal address | Plaza 25 de Mayo Nº 1 Sucre Bolivia |
Sucre Phone number | 6435353 International: +591 6435353 |
Sucre Email address | Not available |
Sucre Website | |
Other information | Municipios de Bolivia : Sucre |
Sucre Birth certificate, Sucre Death certificate |
Sucre Demography
Information on the people and the population of Sucre.
Sucre Population | 261,201 inhabitants |
Sucre Population Density | 22.1 /km² (57.3 /sq mi) |
Sucre Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Sucre.
Sucre Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -19.0429, Longitude: -65.2554 19° 2′ 34″ South, 65° 15′ 19″ West |
Sucre Area | 1,180,000 hectares 11,800.00 km² (4,556.01 sq mi) |
Sucre Altitude | 2,808 m (9,212 ft) |
Sucre Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwb) |
Sucre Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Sucre and the biggest cities of Bolivia.
Santa Cruz de la Sierra 260 km | El Alto 423 km | Cochabamba 205 km |
La Paz 416 km | Oruro 229 km | Tarija 281 km |
Potosi 79 km closest | Sacaba 200 km | Quillacollo 213 km |
Montero 285 km | Trinidad 471 km | Warnes 278 km |
Sucre Map
Locate simply the city of Sucre through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Sucre Nearby cities and villages
Yotala 12.7 km |
Sucre Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Sucre has international agreements with its different pairings.
Sucre Zone
Time zone of Sucre.
Sucre Local time | |
Sucre Time zone | UTC -4:00 (America/La_Paz) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Sucre Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Sucre.
Sucre Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Sucre.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
31 December | 10:46 - 17:24 - 00:02 | 10:22 - 00:26 | 09:53 - 00:55 | 09:23 - 01:24 |
1 January | 10:47 - 17:24 - 00:02 | 10:23 - 00:26 | 09:54 - 00:55 | 09:24 - 01:25 |
2 January | 10:47 - 17:25 - 00:02 | 10:23 - 00:26 | 09:54 - 00:55 | 09:25 - 01:25 |
3 January | 10:48 - 17:25 - 00:02 | 10:24 - 00:27 | 09:55 - 00:55 | 09:25 - 01:25 |
4 January | 10:49 - 17:26 - 00:03 | 10:24 - 00:27 | 09:56 - 00:56 | 09:26 - 01:25 |
5 January | 10:49 - 17:26 - 00:03 | 10:25 - 00:27 | 09:56 - 00:56 | 09:27 - 01:25 |
6 January | 10:50 - 17:27 - 00:03 | 10:26 - 00:27 | 09:57 - 00:56 | 09:28 - 01:25 |
Sucre Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Sucre classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Glorieta Hotel Sucre Located in Sucre, Bolivia's historic capital, this hotel offers panoramic views of the old town and the surrounding mountains, and features a terrace and a restaurant. Free Wi-Fi is provided... view more | ||
Hostal Bicentanario Sucre Comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi can are offered just 200 metres from Sucre’s central market. The town’s main square, 25 de Mayo, is 500 metres away. A common kitchen is available. Hostal Bicentenario has rooms with flat-screen cable TV... view more | from $US 12 | |
La Selenita Sucre Located 500 metres from 25 de Mayo Main Square, La Selenita features a garden, a terrace, and panoramic views of Sucre's historic centre. There is a fully equipped common kitchen, a dining area, and a seating area with cable TV and DVD players... view more | from $US 45 | |
Hostal España Sucre Set in a charming colonial-style house with an inner patio, Hostal España offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and cable TV in central Sucre. Free parking and breakfast are provided. 25 de Mayo Square is 130 metres away... view more | from $US 44 | |
La Escondida Hostal Sucre Located 200 metres from the city’s historical centre and main square, La Escondida Hostal offers a fully equipped common kitchen and Continental breakfast in Sucre. Free Wi-Fi is provided... view more | from $US 18 | |
More Hotels » |
Sucre Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Sucre and its surroundings.
Sucre Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Sucre /5 (2021-04-08 13:00:10) |