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  11. Bad Goisern

Bad Goisern

Bad Goisern Localisation : Country Austria, Federated state Upper Austria.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Bad Ischl, Gosau and Hallstatt.


Find all the information of Bad Goisern or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Federated stateUpper Austria

Bad Goisern Administration

Bad Goisern Code40702
Bad Goisern Post code4822
Bad Goisern MayorPeter Ellmer

Bad Goisern Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Bad Goisern? Here are all the details of Bad Goisern available below.

Bad Goisern Postal addressUntere Marktstraße 1
4822 Bad Goisern
Bad Goisern Phone number0613 583010
International : +43 6135 83010
Bad Goisern Fax number0613 583013
International : +43 6135 83013
Bad Goisern Email address[email protected]
Bad Goisern Websitewww.bad-goisern.ooe.gv.at
Other informationGemeinden und Städte in Österreich : Bad Goisern am Hallstättersee
Bad Goisern Birth certificate, Bad Goisern Death certificate

Bad Goisern Demography

Information on the people and the population of Bad Goisern.

Bad Goisern Population7,521 inhabitants
Bad Goisern Population Density67.0 /km² (173.5 /sq mi)

Bad Goisern Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Bad Goisern.

Bad Goisern Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.6408, Longitude: 13.617
47° 38′ 27″ North, 13° 37′ 1″ East
Bad Goisern Area11,226 hectares
112.26 km² (43.34 sq mi)
Bad Goisern Altitude494 m (1,621 ft)
Bad Goisern ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Bad Goisern Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Bad Goisern and the biggest cities of Austria.

Vienna 215 kmGraz 152 kmLinz 89 km
Salzburg 46 km closestInnsbruck 172 kmKlagenfurt 125 km
Villach 115 kmWels 65 kmSankt Pölten 162 km
Dornbirn 292 kmWiener Neustadt 198 kmSteyr 75 km

Bad Goisern Map

Locate simply the city of Bad Goisern through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Bad Goisern Nearby cities and villages

Bad Goisern Zone

Time zone of Bad Goisern.

Bad Goisern Local time
Bad Goisern Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Vienna)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Bad Goisern Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Bad Goisern.

Bad Goisern Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Bad Goisern.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
5 January07:53 - 12:11 - 16:2807:17 - 17:0406:38 - 17:43 06:01 - 18:20
6 January07:53 - 12:11 - 16:2907:17 - 17:0506:38 - 17:44 06:01 - 18:21
7 January07:52 - 12:11 - 16:3107:17 - 17:0606:38 - 17:45 06:01 - 18:22
8 January07:52 - 12:12 - 16:3207:17 - 17:0706:38 - 17:46 06:01 - 18:23
9 January07:52 - 12:12 - 16:3307:16 - 17:0806:38 - 17:47 06:01 - 18:24
10 January07:51 - 12:13 - 16:3407:16 - 17:0906:37 - 17:48 06:00 - 18:25
11 January07:51 - 12:13 - 16:3507:16 - 17:1006:37 - 17:49 06:00 - 18:26

Bad Goisern Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Bad Goisern classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel MoserwirtHotel Moserwirt

Bad Goisern
Set in the beautiful Trauntal Valley, Hotel Moserwirt enjoys a quiet location surrounded by the Austrian Alps. A jacuzzi, free bicycles and free Wi-Fi in the lobby are offered... view more
€ 34
Hotel Luise Wehrenfennig HausLuise Wehrenfennig Haus
Bad Goisern
Located in the centre of the spa town of Bad Goisern, the Luise Wehrenfennig hostel provides a continental breakfast, free Wi-Fi access and free parking. Lake Hallstatt is only 1.5 km away... view more
€ 32
Hotel Wohlfühlhotel Goiserer MühleWohlfühlhotel Goiserer Mühle

Bad Goisern
Wohlfühlhotel Goiserer Mühle is located directly in the spa park of Bad Goisern, located between Bad Ischl and Hallstatt in the Salzkammergut region of Upper Austria... view more
€ 69
Hotel Romantik am MühlbachRomantik am Mühlbach
Bad Goisern
Situated right by the spa park of Bad Goisern, Romantik am Mühlbach is a 15-minute drive from the Dachstein West Ski Area. It features a restaurant serving regional Austrian cuisine... view more
€ 49
Hotel Pension SydlerPension Sydler
Bad Goisern
Only a 10-minute walk from the centre of Bad Goisern, Pension Sydler features a garden with barbecue facilities, table tennis and an outdoor pool. Free bicycles and free Wi-Fi is provided... view more
€ 52
More Hotels »

Bad Goisern Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Bad Goisern and its surroundings.

Solbach 1.5 kmStadlmannreith 1.5 kmMühlkogel 1.5 km
Hof 1.5 kmGasthof Predigtstuhl 1.6 kmPredigtstuhl 1.6 km
Rath 1.6 kmJochbauer 1.6 kmJochwand 1.6 km
Niedermuth 2.7 kmHochmuth 2.7 kmHölln 2.7 km
Obermuth 2.7 kmHöllenloch 2.9 kmHöllbauer 2.9 km
Bahnhof Goisern-Jodschwefelbad 2.9 kmBurgstallkogel 2.9 kmBahnhof Steeg-Gosau 2.9 km
Ramsaugebirge 3 kmEibenkogel 3 kmTiefe Scharte 3 km
Gstichkogel 3.1 kmEwige Wand 3.1 kmTrockentannalm 3.7 km
Großer Rosenkogel 3.8 kmRoßmoosalm 3.8 kmTörl 3.8 km
Mitterberg 3.8 kmKleiner Rosenkogel 3.8 kmHornkogel 3.8 km

Nuclear power plant

Isar Nuclear Power Plant 145.6 km  

Bad Goisern Page

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DB-City.comBad Goisern 4.2/5 (2021-04-08 13:42:21)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page