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  11. Hallstatt


Hallstatt Localisation : Country Austria, Federated state Upper Austria.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Obertraun, Gosau and Bad Goisern.


Find all the information of Hallstatt or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Federated stateUpper Austria

Hallstatt Administration

Hallstatt Code40709
Hallstatt Post code4830
Hallstatt MayorPeter Scheutz

Hallstatt Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Hallstatt? Here are all the details of Hallstatt available below.

Hallstatt Postal addressSeestraße 158
4830 Hallstatt
Hallstatt Phone number0613 482550
International : +43 6134 82550
Hallstatt Fax number0613 482553
International : +43 6134 82553
Hallstatt Email address[email protected]
Hallstatt Websitewww.hallstatt.ooe.gv.at
Other informationGemeinden und Städte in Österreich : Hallstatt
Hallstatt Birth certificate, Hallstatt Death certificate

Hallstatt Demography

Information on the people and the population of Hallstatt.

Hallstatt Population864 inhabitants
Hallstatt Population Density14.5 /km² (37.5 /sq mi)

Hallstatt Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Hallstatt.

Hallstatt Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.5573, Longitude: 13.647
47° 33′ 26″ North, 13° 38′ 49″ East
Hallstatt Area5,972 hectares
59.72 km² (23.06 sq mi)
Hallstatt Altitude509 m (1,670 ft)
Hallstatt ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Hallstatt Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Hallstatt and the biggest cities of Austria.

Vienna 216 kmGraz 146 kmLinz 96 km
Salzburg 53 km closestInnsbruck 173 kmKlagenfurt 115 km
Villach 106 kmWels 72 kmSankt Pölten 164 km
Dornbirn 294 kmWiener Neustadt 197 kmSteyr 79 km

Hallstatt Map

Locate simply the city of Hallstatt through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Hallstatt Nearby cities and villages

Hallstatt Zone

Time zone of Hallstatt.

Hallstatt Local time
Hallstatt Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Vienna)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Hallstatt Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Hallstatt.

Hallstatt Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Hallstatt.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
10 February07:18 - 12:19 - 17:2006:46 - 17:5206:10 - 18:29 05:34 - 19:04
11 February07:16 - 12:19 - 17:2206:44 - 17:5406:08 - 18:30 05:33 - 19:06
12 February07:15 - 12:19 - 17:2306:43 - 17:5506:07 - 18:31 05:31 - 19:07
13 February07:13 - 12:19 - 17:2506:41 - 17:5706:05 - 18:33 05:30 - 19:09
14 February07:11 - 12:19 - 17:2706:40 - 17:5806:04 - 18:34 05:28 - 19:10
15 February07:10 - 12:19 - 17:2806:38 - 18:0006:02 - 18:36 05:27 - 19:11
16 February07:08 - 12:19 - 17:3006:37 - 18:0106:01 - 18:37 05:25 - 19:13

Hallstatt Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Hallstatt classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Gasthof BergfriedGasthof Bergfried
Gasthof Bergfried is located in Hallstatt, 150 metres from the shore of Lake Hallstatt. It offers functionally furnished rooms with a balcony. Free private parking is available on site... view more
€ 60
Hotel Loft am SeeLoft am See
Located on the banks of Lake Hallstatt and surrounded by scenic mountains, this elegant apartment includes a fully equipped kitchenette and free Wi-Fi. It features a lakeside garden and private beach area... view more
€ 200
Hotel Appartement FallnhauserAppartement Fallnhauser
This fully furnished apartment is situated directly on the shore of Lake Hallstatt, a 2-minute walk from the historic market square. All windows have beautiful views of the lake... view more
€ 125
Hotel Haus Höll HertaHaus Höll Herta
Haus Höll Herta is just 150 metres from Lake Hallstatt and 50 metres from the Salt Mine. It offers spacious rooms and apartments with free wired internet access... view more
€ 65
Hotel Haus LenzHaus Lenz
Hallstatt’s Haus Lenz has spacious rooms with views of the lake and city. The rooms are the highest located accommodation in Hallstatt and have a private bathroom and seating area. The property is located just a 5-minute walk from the city centre... view more
More Hotels »

Hallstatt Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Hallstatt and its surroundings.

Hirschbrunn 0.8 kmSchooslahngang 0.8 kmSimonydenkmal 1.3 km
Echerntal 1.3 kmObere Brandgrabenhöhle 1.3 kmHirlatzwand 1.3 km
Hühnerkogel 1.5 kmRudolfsturm 1.5 kmHohe Sieg 1.5 km
Winkler Berg 1.7 kmGrubkreuz 1.7 kmBründlriesenstüberl 1.8 km
Sechserkogel 1.8 kmSchloß Grub 1.8 kmHaltestelle Hallstatt 1.8 km
Lahngangkogel 2.5 kmSolingerkogel 2.5 kmDammwiese 2.5 km
Zwölferkogel 2.7 kmWandeln 2.7 kmRabenkeller 2.7 km
Schafeckkogel 2.8 kmBahnhof Obertraun-Dachsteinhöhlen 2.8 kmHinterer Hirlatz 2.9 km
Mittlerer Hirlatz 2.9 kmVorderer Hirlatz 2.9 kmFeuerkogel 2.9 km
Wasserfallwand 2.9 kmSarsteinwald 2.9 kmWehrkogel 2.9 km

Hallstatt Page

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DB-City.comHallstatt 4.2/5 (2021-04-08 13:42:21)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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