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  11. Mazyr


Mazyr Localisation : Country Belarus, Gomel.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kalinkavitchy.


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Update data

Mazyr Administration

Mazyr Post code247760

Mazyr Demography

Information on the people and the population of Mazyr.

Mazyr Population105,439 inhabitants
Mazyr Population Density2,928.9 /km² (7,585.7 /sq mi)

Mazyr Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Mazyr.

Mazyr Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.05, Longitude: 29.2333
52° 3′ 0″ North, 29° 13′ 60″ East
Mazyr Area3,600 hectares
36.00 km² (13.90 sq mi)
Mazyr Altitude156 m (512 ft)
Mazyr ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Mazyr Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Mazyr and the biggest cities of Belarus.

Minsk 234 kmHomiel 127 kmVitebsk 354 km
Moguilev 220 kmHrodna 406 kmBrest 382 km
Babrouïsk 122 km closestBaranavitchy 250 kmBorissov 247 km
Pinsk 214 kmOrcha 285 kmLida 333 km

Mazyr Map

Locate simply the city of Mazyr through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Mazyr Nearby cities and villages

Mazyr Zone

Time zone of Mazyr.

Mazyr Local time
Mazyr Time zoneUTC +3:00 (Europe/Minsk)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Mazyr Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Mazyr.

Mazyr Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Mazyr.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 January07:06 - 11:11 - 15:1606:27 - 15:5505:44 - 16:38 05:03 - 17:19
13 January07:05 - 11:11 - 15:1806:26 - 15:5705:43 - 16:39 05:03 - 17:20
14 January07:04 - 11:12 - 15:1906:25 - 15:5805:43 - 16:41 05:02 - 17:21
15 January07:03 - 11:12 - 15:2106:25 - 16:0005:42 - 16:42 05:02 - 17:22
16 January07:03 - 11:12 - 15:2206:24 - 16:0105:41 - 16:43 05:01 - 17:24
17 January07:02 - 11:13 - 15:2406:23 - 16:0305:41 - 16:45 05:00 - 17:25
18 January07:01 - 11:13 - 15:2606:22 - 16:0405:40 - 16:46 05:00 - 17:26

Mazyr Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Mazyr classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Euro Mini-HotelEuro Mini-Hotel
This small, homelike hotel is located in the centre of Mazyr, just 600 metres from the town’s ski resort. It features a compact bar and bright rooms with a private bathroom. Guests can order a low-cost breakfast each morning at Euro Mini-Hotel... view more
$US 80
Hotel Apartments in Microrayon BerezinaApartments in Microrayon Berezina
Located in Svyetlahorsk, a 5-minute walk from the Berezina River, Apartments in Microrayon Berezina feature self-catering accommodations with free Wi-Fi access... view more
$US 10
Hotel AMAKS City HotelAMAKS City Hotel
Located noly 5 minutes' walk from Zhlobin Train Station, Hotel Zhlobin features a lobby bar and a 24-hour reception. Rooms at the hotel come with a flat-screen TV. Every simply decorated room at Zhlobin Hotel includes a minibar and and a wok desk... view more
$US 34
Hotel Turist HotelTurist Hotel
Turist Hotel is located on Berezina River bank, and offers various treatments. It features a spa-center, gym and billiards lounge. Bobruysk town centre is within a 10-minute walk. The hotel’s restaurant offers Belorussian and European dishes... view more
$US 50
Hotel Cottage SvoyakyCottage Svoyaky
Located just a 5-minute walk from Lokomotiv Stadium, Cottage Svoyaky features a terrace, garden and BBQ. This property offers a fully equipped kitchen and free Wi-Fi... view more
$US 150
More Hotels »

Mazyr Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Mazyr and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant 94.7 km  

Mazyr Page

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DB-City.comMazyr 4.3/5 (2021-11-18 15:49:38)