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  11. Borissov


Borissov Localisation : Country Belarus, Minsk.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Jodzina.


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Borissov Administration

Borissov Post code222120

Borissov Demography

Information on the people and the population of Borissov.

Borissov Population139,481 inhabitants
Borissov Population Density3,034.2 /km² (7,858.5 /sq mi)

Borissov Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Borissov.

Borissov Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 54.2243, Longitude: 28.512
54° 13′ 27″ North, 28° 30′ 43″ East
Borissov Area4,597 hectares
45.97 km² (17.75 sq mi)
Borissov Altitude179 m (587 ft)
Borissov ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Borissov Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Borissov and the biggest cities of Belarus.

Minsk 71 km closestHomiel 258 kmVitebsk 151 km
Moguilev 125 kmHrodna 314 kmBrest 402 km
Babrouïsk 129 kmBaranavitchy 207 kmPinsk 284 km
Orcha 128 kmMazyr 247 kmLida 213 km

Borissov Map

Locate simply the city of Borissov through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Borissov Nearby cities and villages

Jodzina 17.4 km

Borissov Zone

Time zone of Borissov.

Borissov Local time
Borissov Time zoneUTC +3:00 (Europe/Minsk)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Borissov Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Borissov.

Borissov Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Borissov.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
5 February06:45 - 11:19 - 15:5406:07 - 16:3205:25 - 17:14 04:43 - 17:56
6 February06:43 - 11:20 - 15:5606:05 - 16:3405:23 - 17:16 04:42 - 17:57
7 February06:41 - 11:20 - 15:5806:04 - 16:3605:21 - 17:18 04:40 - 17:59
8 February06:39 - 11:20 - 16:0006:02 - 16:3705:20 - 17:20 04:38 - 18:01
9 February06:37 - 11:20 - 16:0206:00 - 16:3905:18 - 17:21 04:37 - 18:03
10 February06:35 - 11:20 - 16:0405:58 - 16:4105:16 - 17:23 04:35 - 18:04
11 February06:33 - 11:20 - 16:0605:56 - 16:4305:14 - 17:25 04:33 - 18:06

Borissov Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Borissov classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Motel Agrousadba SilichiMotel Agrousadba Silichi

Located 700 metres from Silichi Ski Resort, this motel features a 24-hour reception and free Wi-Fi. The M3 motorway is 200 metres away and it provides access to Minsk city. Each room at Motel Agrousadba Silichi includes modern décor and a desk... view more
$US 70
Hotel Agrousadba AkolicaAgrousadba Akolica
Ostroshitskiy Gorodok
Located in a quiet area of Okolitsa, 20 km from the city centre of Minsk, Agrousadba Akolica features an on-site restaurant serving home-style Belarusian cuisine, a sauna, free Wi-Fi, and free private parking... view more
$US 60
Hotel Cottage ParadiseCottage Paradise
Located a 20-minute drive from Minsk, Cottage Paradise offers outdoor pool and a restaurant. Cottage Paradise features free Wi-Fi. This accommodation offers a TV, wardrobe and desk... view more
$US 250
Hotel Minsk Home ApartmentMinsk Home Apartment
Located in quiet area of Minsk, 9 km from the city centre and a 10-minute walk from Uruchia Metro Station, Minsk Home Apartment is a self-catering accommodation with a fully equipped kitchen... view more
$US 60
Hotel Agrousadba AbuzeryeAgrousadba Abuzerye
Agrousadba Abuzerye is located in a picturesque place on the banks of Lukomskoe Lake. It offers a Russian steam bath with a plunge pool, and a greenhouse with exotic plants. Free private parking is provided... view more
$US 100
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Borissov Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Borissov and its surroundings.

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