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  11. Ladyville


Ladyville Localisation : Country Belize, District Belize.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Western Paradise/West Lake/8 Miles, Burrell Boom and Sandhill.


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Ladyville Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ladyville.

Ladyville Population5,458 inhabitants

Ladyville Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ladyville.

Ladyville Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 17.5567, Longitude: -88.2889
17° 33′ 24″ North, 88° 17′ 20″ West

Ladyville Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ladyville and the biggest cities of Belize.

Ladyville Map

Locate simply the city of Ladyville through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ladyville Nearby cities and villages

Ladyville Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ladyville.

Ladyville Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ladyville.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
15 January13:26 - 19:02 - 00:3813:03 - 01:0112:36 - 01:28 12:10 - 01:54
16 January13:26 - 19:03 - 00:3913:03 - 01:0212:37 - 01:29 12:10 - 01:55
17 January13:26 - 19:03 - 00:3913:03 - 01:0312:37 - 01:29 12:10 - 01:55
18 January13:26 - 19:03 - 00:4013:03 - 01:0312:37 - 01:30 12:10 - 01:56
19 January13:26 - 19:04 - 00:4113:03 - 01:0412:37 - 01:30 12:11 - 01:56
20 January13:26 - 19:04 - 00:4113:03 - 01:0412:37 - 01:31 12:11 - 01:57
21 January13:26 - 19:04 - 00:4213:03 - 01:0512:37 - 01:31 12:11 - 01:57

Ladyville Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ladyville classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza HotelBest Western Belize Biltmore Plaza Hotel

Belize City
This modern hotel is located in a quiet area in north Belize City. It offers a fitness centre, outdoor pool and rooms with free Wi-Fi and cable TV. The rooms at the Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza Hotel feature tiled floors and smart décor... view more
$US 159
Hotel The Red Hut InnThe Red Hut Inn
Belize City
Just 100 metres from Belize City’s seafront, The Red Hut Inn features a terrace and simple accommodation with free Wi-Fi. It has easy access to the Northern Highway and is less than 3.5 km from the city centre... view more
$US 51
Hotel D'Nest InnD'Nest Inn
Belize City
Located in Belama, D' Nest Inn Bed and Breakfast is within 10 minutes’ drive of the centre of Belize City and its airport. It offers charming rooms and an attractive terrace and garden... view more
Hotel Villa BoscardiVilla Boscardi
Belize City
Villa Boscardi is located 4.1 km from central Belize City. Free Wi-Fi access is available on site and the breakfast is included with the rate. Rooms here will provide you with cable TV, a coffee machine and a fridge... view more
$US 95
Hotel Gulf Hotel IGulf Hotel I
Belize City
Gulf Hotel I is located on the Philip Goldson Highway, just a 5-minute drive from central Belize City. It offers a terrace, free on-site parking and free Wi-Fi in public areas... view more
$US 53
More Hotels »

Ladyville Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ladyville and its surroundings.

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