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  11. Orange Walk Town

Orange Walk Town

Orange Walk Town Localisation : Country Belize, District Orange Walk.
Available Information : Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Trial Farm, Carmelita and San Estevan.


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Update data

DistrictOrange Walk

Orange Walk Town Administration

Orange Walk Town MayorLadrick Shepherd

Orange Walk Town Demography

Information on the people and the population of Orange Walk Town.

Orange Walk Town Population13,708 inhabitants
Orange Walk Town Population Density725.3 /km² (1,878.5 /sq mi)

Orange Walk Town Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Orange Walk Town.

Orange Walk Town Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 18.075, Longitude: -88.5583
18° 4′ 30″ North, 88° 33′ 30″ West
Orange Walk Town Area1,890 hectares
18.90 km² (7.30 sq mi)
Orange Walk Town Altitude7 m (23 ft)
Orange Walk Town ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Orange Walk Town Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Orange Walk Town and the biggest cities of Belize.

Orange Walk Town Map

Locate simply the city of Orange Walk Town through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Orange Walk Town Nearby cities and villages

Trial Farm 1.3 kmCarmelita 7 kmSan Estevan 10.2 km
San José 10.2 kmGuinea Grass 12.5 kmSan Pablo 15 km
San Román 15.8 km

Orange Walk Town Zone

Time zone of Orange Walk Town.

Orange Walk Town Local time
Orange Walk Town Time zoneUTC -6:00 (America/Belize)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Orange Walk Town Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Orange Walk Town.

Orange Walk Town Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Orange Walk Town.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
15 January13:28 - 19:03 - 00:3813:05 - 01:0212:38 - 01:28 12:12 - 01:55
16 January13:28 - 19:04 - 00:3913:05 - 01:0212:38 - 01:29 12:12 - 01:55
17 January13:28 - 19:04 - 00:4013:05 - 01:0312:38 - 01:29 12:12 - 01:56
18 January13:28 - 19:04 - 00:4013:05 - 01:0312:39 - 01:30 12:12 - 01:56
19 January13:28 - 19:05 - 00:4113:05 - 01:0412:39 - 01:31 12:12 - 01:57
20 January13:28 - 19:05 - 00:4213:05 - 01:0512:39 - 01:31 12:12 - 01:57
21 January13:28 - 19:05 - 00:4213:05 - 01:0512:39 - 01:32 12:12 - 01:58

Orange Walk Town Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Orange Walk Town classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Maruba Resort & Jungle SpaMaruba Resort & Jungle Spa

Located in the middle of the jungle outside of Maskall Village in Belize, this property features an on-site helicopter for tours, free Wi-Fi and a spa. Maruba Resort and Jungle Spa also has banquet facilities... view more
$US 200
Hotel Orchid Bay Beach ClubOrchid Bay Beach Club
Orchid Bay Beach Club is set directly on Orchid Bay Beach, in a secluded area of Corozal Bay. It offers an outdoor pool, a bar-restaurant and stylish bungalows with well-equipped kitchens... view more
$US 150
Hotel Princess Hotel & Casino Free ZonePrincess Hotel & Casino Free Zone

Princess Hotel & Casino Free Zone is a large resort located next to Belize’s border with Mexico, and within 2 km of Santa Elena and the 4 Mile Lagoon. It features a casino, bowling alley, cinema and a gym... view more
$US 72
Hotel Las Vegas Hotel & CasinoLas Vegas Hotel & Casino

Offering an a la carte restaurant, Las Vegas Hotel & Casino is located in Corozal, just 5 minutes from the area’s Free Zone. It offers free Wi-Fi and a gift shop... view more
$US 98
Hotel Black Orchid ResortBlack Orchid Resort

Burrell Boom
Located on the Belize River in Burrell Boom, this eco-friendly resort with outdoor swimming pool offers free Wi-Fi and free bicycles. It also provides an airport shuttle service and free Continental breakfast... view more
$US 150
More Hotels »

Orange Walk Town Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Orange Walk Town and its surroundings.

Orange Walk Town Page

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DB-City.comOrange Walk Town 3/5 (2021-08-30 09:23:56)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page