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Ouinhi Administration
Ouinhi Mayor | Innocent Sékou |
Ouinhi Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Ouinhi? Here are all the details of Ouinhi available below.
Ouinhi Postal address | BP : 55 Covè Bénin |
Ouinhi Phone number | (22) 5975-20 International: +229 22 5975-20 |
Ouinhi Email address | Not available |
Ouinhi Website | |
Ouinhi Birth certificate, Ouinhi Death certificate |
Ouinhi Demography
Information on the people and the population of Ouinhi.
Ouinhi Population | 38,319 inhabitants |
Ouinhi Population Density | 79.3 /km² (205.5 /sq mi) |
Ouinhi Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Ouinhi.
Ouinhi Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 7, Longitude: 2.45 7° 0′ 0″ North, 2° 27′ 0″ East |
Ouinhi Area | 48,300 hectares 483.00 km² (186.49 sq mi) |
Ouinhi Altitude | 24 m (79 ft) |
Ouinhi Climate | Tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw) |
Ouinhi Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Ouinhi and the biggest cities of Benin.
Cotonou 71 km | Abomey-Calavi 62 km | Porto Novo 59 km |
Djougou 313 km | Banikoara 479 km | Parakou 262 km |
Aplahoue 86 km | Sèmè-Kpodji 73 km | Bohicon 46 km closest |
Tchaourou 210 km | Savalou 117 km | Malanville 551 km |
Ouinhi Map
Locate simply the city of Ouinhi through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Ouinhi Nearby cities and villages
Bonou 11.3 km | Adja-Ouèrè 18.4 km |
Ouinhi Zone
Time zone of Ouinhi.
Ouinhi Local time | |
Ouinhi Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Africa/Porto-Novo) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Ouinhi Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ouinhi.
Ouinhi Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ouinhi.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
17 January | 07:07 - 13:00 - 18:53 | 06:45 - 19:15 | 06:19 - 19:41 | 05:53 - 20:06 |
18 January | 07:07 - 13:00 - 18:53 | 06:45 - 19:15 | 06:19 - 19:41 | 05:54 - 20:07 |
19 January | 07:07 - 13:00 - 18:54 | 06:45 - 19:16 | 06:19 - 19:42 | 05:54 - 20:07 |
20 January | 07:07 - 13:01 - 18:54 | 06:45 - 19:16 | 06:20 - 19:42 | 05:54 - 20:07 |
21 January | 07:08 - 13:01 - 18:55 | 06:46 - 19:17 | 06:20 - 19:42 | 05:54 - 20:08 |
22 January | 07:08 - 13:01 - 18:55 | 06:46 - 19:17 | 06:20 - 19:43 | 05:55 - 20:08 |
23 January | 07:08 - 13:02 - 18:55 | 06:46 - 19:17 | 06:20 - 19:43 | 05:55 - 20:08 |
Ouinhi Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ouinhi and its surroundings.
Oko-Akazé 27.4 km | Oko-Akaré 27.4 km | Fouditi 28.2 km |
Ouinhi Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Ouinhi /5 (2021-04-08 13:43:06) |