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  9. Stung Treng

Stung Treng

Province Stung Treng Localisation : Country Cambodia, Province Stung Treng.
Available Information : Population and Area.

Stung Treng Information

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ProvinceStung Treng
ISO 3166-2KH-19

Stung Treng Subdivision

List of administrative levels in that compounds Stung Treng.

Stung Treng Data

Population111,734 inhabitants
Area11,092 km² (4,282.65 sq mi)
Population Density10.1 /km² (26.1 /sq mi)

Stung Treng Map

Locate easily Stung Treng using satellite images and map with or without relief below.

Stung Treng Page

Direct link
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  • Subdivision
  • Data
  • Map
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