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  11. Stung Treng municipality

Stung Treng municipality

Municipality Stung Treng municipality Localisation : Country Cambodia, Province Stung Treng.
Available Information : Hotel.

Stung Treng municipality Information

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ProvinceStung Treng

Stung Treng municipality Data

Stung Treng municipality Map

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Stung Treng municipality Hotel

Book hotel room in Stung Treng municipality at the best price through our hotel selection on Stung Treng municipality.

Hotel Colonial Lake PalaceColonial Lake Palace

Situated on the bayfront of Kan Seng Lake, Colonial Lake Palace is a 5-minute walk from the Banlung city centre. The property features a restaurant, a bar, and free Wi-Fi access... view more
$US 10
Hotel Backpacker PadBackpacker Pad
Located just a 3-minute walk from Kan Seng Lake, the family-run Backpacker Pad Hostel offers simple accommodation with free Wi-Fi. It has a restaurant and provides laundry services and a free airport pick-up service... view more
$US 5
Hotel Ratanak ResortRatanak Resort

Featuring an outdoor pool and free WiFi throughout, Ratanak Resort offers accommodation with air conditioning in Ratanakiri. The property is surrounded by a tropical garden in the hills of Banlung... view more
$US 39
Hotel Terres Rouges LodgeTerres Rouges Lodge

Terres Rouges Lodge is a nature resort in Banlung, Ratanakiri City. Set within tropical gardens along the Boeung Kansaing River, it features an outdoor pool, a spa, and a restaurant... view more
$US 39

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