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  13. Brumovice


Brumovice Localisation : Country Czech Republic, Region Moravian-Silesia, District Opava.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Úvalno, Velké Heraltice and Sosnová.


Find all the information of Brumovice or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Brumovice Administration

Brumovice MayorIng František Kuča

Brumovice Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Brumovice? Here are all the details of Brumovice available below.

Brumovice Postal addressHlavní 75/56
Brumovice, 74771 Brumovice u Opavy
Brumovice Phone number595 532 086
International: +420 595 532 086
Brumovice Fax number552 308 127
International: +420 552 308 127
Brumovice Email address[email protected]
Brumovice Websitewww.brumovice-op.cz
Brumovice Birth certificate, Brumovice Death certificate

Brumovice Demography

Information on the people and the population of Brumovice.

Brumovice Population1,473 inhabitants
Brumovice Population Density57.7 /km² (149.4 /sq mi)

Brumovice Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Brumovice.

Brumovice Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 50.02, Longitude: 17.7275
50° 1′ 12″ North, 17° 43′ 39″ East
Brumovice Area2,553 hectares
25.53 km² (9.86 sq mi)
Brumovice Altitude356 m (1,168 ft)
Brumovice ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Brumovice Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Brumovice and the biggest cities of Czech Republic.

Prague 237 kmBrno 121 kmOstrava 45 km closest
Plzeň 313 kmLiberec 204 kmOlomouc 59 km
Ústí nad Labem 271 kmČeské Budějovice 262 kmHradec Králové 137 km
Pardubice 139 kmHavířov 56 kmZlín 88 km

Brumovice Map

Locate simply the city of Brumovice through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Brumovice Nearby cities and villages

Brumovice Zone

Time zone of Brumovice.

Brumovice Local time
Brumovice Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Prague)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Brumovice Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Brumovice.

Brumovice Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Brumovice.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
17 March05:57 - 11:57 - 17:5705:25 - 18:2904:47 - 19:07 04:08 - 19:46
18 March05:55 - 11:57 - 17:5805:23 - 18:3004:45 - 19:08 04:06 - 19:47
19 March05:53 - 11:56 - 18:0005:21 - 18:3204:43 - 19:10 04:03 - 19:49
20 March05:51 - 11:56 - 18:0105:18 - 18:3404:40 - 19:12 04:01 - 19:51
21 March05:48 - 11:56 - 18:0305:16 - 18:3504:38 - 19:13 03:58 - 19:53
22 March05:46 - 11:55 - 18:0505:14 - 18:3704:36 - 19:15 03:56 - 19:55
23 March05:44 - 11:55 - 18:0605:12 - 18:3804:33 - 19:17 03:53 - 19:57

Brumovice Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Brumovice classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Holiday home UvalnoHoliday home Uvalno
Holiday home Uvalno is located in Úvalno. The property can accommodate up to 6 people. The accommodation is provided with satellite-TV, a radio, a spa bath, a sauna, a seating area and a dining table. There is a fully equipped kitchen... view more
Hotel Hotel CvilínHotel Cvilín

Set in Krnov in Northern Moravia, Hotel Civilin is 100 metres away from the local bus station and 1 km from the closest ski slope. It offers en-suite rooms with free Wi-Fi, satellite TV and a minibar... view more
€ 40
Hotel Hotel PepaHotel Pepa

Hotel Pepa occupies a protected 14th-century building in the historic centre of Krnov, 1 km from the Polish border. It features a beer pub and a restaurant serving traditional Czech cuisine... view more
€ 28
Hotel Hotel SteigerHotel Steiger

Hotel Steiger is located in the centre of Krnov, 500 metres from the Bus and Train Station, and houses a bowling alley, billiards, a gym and a sun bed. The restaurant serves Czech and international cuisine, and breakfast is available every morning... view more
€ 32
Hotel Penzion Eva KrnovPenzion Eva Krnov

Situated within a 10-minute walk from the centre, Penzion Eva Krnov provides an outdoor pool and houses a restaurant where breakfast can be enjoyed. Free WiFi is accessible throughout the house. All units feature satellite TV and a private bathroom... view more
€ 15
More Hotels »

Brumovice Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Brumovice and its surroundings.

Schäferberg 5.1 kmOvčák 5.1 kmCvilin 5.9 km
Weinberg 10.4 kmVinice 10.4 kmKopřivná 13.8 km
Nesselbusch 13.8 kmFrajhuby 14.8 kmRudná 16.4 km
Baudenkoppe 16.4 kmZiegenberg 17.2 kmKozinec 17.2 km
Hŭrka 19 kmUhliřský Vrch 21.2 kmBelzel 22.2 km
Přílet 22.5 kmHostinec Milíře 22.9 kmMilíře 22.9 km
Buchhütte 23.8 kmMyslivna Buchhütte 23.8 kmČervený Kříž 24.3 km
Vildštejn 24.4 kmHŭrky 25.2 kmHŭrka 25.2 km
Anenský Vrch 25.6 kmSteinberg 26 kmKamenec 26 km
Maly Jesenik 26.4 kmGesenke 26.4 kmNízký Jeseník 26.4 km

Brumovice Page

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DB-City.comBrumovice 4.2/5 (2021-04-08 13:36:41)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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