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  13. Branice


Branice Localisation : Country Poland, Voivodeship Opole, Powiat Głubczyce.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Úvalno, Brumovice and Holasovice.


Find all the information of Branice or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Branice Administration

Branice Post code48-140
Branice MayorMaria Krompiec

Branice Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Branice? Here are all the details of Branice available below.

Branice Postal addressul. Słowackiego 3
48-140 Branice
Branice Phone number77 486 81 92
International: +48 77 486 81 92
Branice Fax number77 486 82 30
International: +48 77 486 82 30
Branice Email address[email protected]
Branice Websitewww.branice.pl
Branice Birth certificate, Branice Death certificate

Branice Demography

Information on the people and the population of Branice.

Branice Population7,791 inhabitants
Branice Population Density63.9 /km² (165.6 /sq mi)

Branice Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Branice.

Branice Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 50.0511, Longitude: 17.7914
50° 3′ 4″ North, 17° 47′ 29″ East
Branice Area12,187 hectares
121.87 km² (47.05 sq mi)
Branice Altitude298 m (978 ft)
Branice ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Branice Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Branice and the biggest cities of Poland.

Warsaw 331 kmKraków 153 kmŁódź 226 km
Wrocław 130 kmPoznań 270 kmGdansk 484 km
Szczecin 440 kmBydgoszcz 342 kmLublin 363 km
Katowice 89 km closestBiałystok 504 kmGdynia 498 km

Branice Map

Locate simply the city of Branice through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Branice Nearby cities and villages

Czech Republic Úvalno 3 kmCzech Republic Brumovice 5.7 kmCzech Republic Holasovice 6.6 km
Czech Republic Neplachovice 6.9 kmCzech Republic Krnov 8 kmCzech Republic Býkov-Láryšov 8.5 km
Czech Republic Velké Heraltice 9.2 kmCzech Republic Sosnová 10.9 kmCzech Republic Brantice 11.7 km
Czech Republic Stěbořice 12.7 kmCzech Republic Lichnov 12.8 kmCzech Republic Horní Životice 13.8 km

Branice Zone

Time zone of Branice.

Branice Local time
Branice Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Warsaw)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Branice Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Branice.

Branice Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Branice.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
26 March05:37 - 11:54 - 18:1105:05 - 18:4304:26 - 19:22 03:45 - 20:02
27 March05:35 - 11:54 - 18:1205:03 - 18:4504:24 - 19:24 03:43 - 20:04
28 March05:33 - 11:53 - 18:1405:00 - 18:4604:21 - 19:25 03:40 - 20:06
29 March05:31 - 11:53 - 18:1504:58 - 18:4804:19 - 19:27 03:38 - 20:08
30 March06:28 - 12:53 - 19:1705:56 - 19:5005:17 - 20:29 04:35 - 21:10
31 March06:26 - 12:52 - 19:1905:54 - 19:5105:14 - 20:31 04:32 - 21:12
1 April06:24 - 12:52 - 19:2005:51 - 19:5305:12 - 20:32 04:30 - 21:14

Branice Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Branice classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Pensjonat MoraviaPensjonat Moravia
Pensjonat Moravia is situated in a peaceful area, 900 metres from the Market Square in Krzanowice. Guests can use the private on-site parking free of charge... view more
zł 100
Hotel Pałac Grudynia WielkaPałac Grudynia Wielka
Grudynia Wielka
A Neo-Gothic palace surrounded by a green, historic park, Pałac Grudynia Wielka offers classically furnished room with free Wi-Fi. Every room in the palace features a bathroom with a shower. Walls are covered by stylish wallpapers... view more
zł 140
Hotel Centrum Restauracyjno-Hotelowe FlorresCentrum Restauracyjno-Hotelowe Florres

Located on the national route 38, Centrum Restauracyjno-Hotelowe Florres offers accommodation with free private parking and a children’s playground. Free Wi-Fi is also available. Florres provides bright and elegant rooms... view more
zł 110
Hotel DworekDworek
Dworek is located in Szonowice next to route 45. It offers rooms with flat-screen TVs with satellite channels, private bathrooms and free W-Fi. Each room also has a minibar... view more
zł 140
Hotel Black & WhiteBlack & White
Black & White is located in Racibórz, 2 km from the Market Square. It offers accommodation in well-equipped modern apartments with free Wi-Fi... view more
zł 134
More Hotels »

Branice Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Branice and its surroundings.

Widnogóra 10.6 kmPietrowice Głubczyckie 11.2 kmPietrowice Głudczyckie 11.2 km
Wzgórze Nadolnik 11.5 kmGóra Dąbrowiec 12.8 kmWzgorze Plaska 14.7 km

Branice Page

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DB-City.comBranice 4.2/5 (2011-12-07 01:00:00)
  • Information
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page