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  11. El Qanater El Khayreya

El Qanater El Khayreya

El Qanater El Khayreya Localisation : Country Egypt, Governorate Qalyubia.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Qalyub, Qaha and Shubra El Kheima.


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El Qanater El Khayreya Administration

El Qanater El Khayreya Post code13621

El Qanater El Khayreya Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of El Qanater El Khayreya.

El Qanater El Khayreya Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 30.1933, Longitude: 31.1369
30° 11′ 36″ North, 31° 8′ 13″ East
El Qanater El Khayreya Altitude27 m (89 ft)
El Qanater El Khayreya ClimateArid (Köppen climate classification: BWh)

El Qanater El Khayreya Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between El Qanater El Khayreya and the biggest cities of Egypt.

Cairo 20 kmGiza 24 kmAlexandria 159 km
Shubra El Kheima 12 km closestMansoura 98 kmHelwan 43 km
El Mahalla El Kubra 86 kmPort Said 161 km6th of October 35 km
Suez 137 kmTanta 67 kmAsyut 335 km

El Qanater El Khayreya Map

Locate simply the city of El Qanater El Khayreya through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

El Qanater El Khayreya Nearby cities and villages

Qalyub 6.6 kmQaha 11.7 kmShubra El Kheima 12.4 km
Musturud 16.1 kmCairo 19.6 km

El Qanater El Khayreya Zone

Time zone of El Qanater El Khayreya.

El Qanater El Khayreya Local time
El Qanater El Khayreya Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Africa/Cairo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

El Qanater El Khayreya Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of El Qanater El Khayreya.

El Qanater El Khayreya Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to El Qanater El Khayreya.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
5 February05:43 - 11:09 - 16:3505:18 - 17:0004:49 - 17:29 04:21 - 17:57
6 February05:42 - 11:09 - 16:3605:17 - 17:0104:49 - 17:29 04:21 - 17:57
7 February05:41 - 11:09 - 16:3705:16 - 17:0204:48 - 17:30 04:20 - 17:58
8 February05:40 - 11:09 - 16:3805:16 - 17:0204:47 - 17:31 04:19 - 17:59
9 February05:40 - 11:09 - 16:3905:15 - 17:0304:47 - 17:32 04:19 - 18:00
10 February05:39 - 11:09 - 16:3905:14 - 17:0404:46 - 17:32 04:18 - 18:00
11 February05:38 - 11:09 - 16:4005:14 - 17:0504:45 - 17:33 04:17 - 18:01

El Qanater El Khayreya Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in El Qanater El Khayreya classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Mohandeseen Small ApartmentMohandeseen Small Apartment
Located in the heart of Mohandeseen, Mohandeseen Small Apartment offers free Wi-Fi. It is 1 km from Gameat Al Dewal Al Arabeya Street and 10 minutes’ drive from Zamalek... view more
$US 36
Hotel Golden Tulip Hotel Flamenco CairoGolden Tulip Hotel Flamenco Cairo

Overlooking the Nile River, this hotel is located on a tranquil tree-lined street in the commercial centre of Zamalek Island. It offers spacious rooms and has a restaurant that serves Spanish cuisine... view more
$US 85
Hotel New President Hotel ZamalekNew President Hotel Zamalek

Set within the Zamalek district on the Nile River, the New President Hotel offers air-conditioned rooms with LCD TVs. It also features an á la carte restaurant with a bar. Each room at the New President is neatly decorated and features a minibar... view more
$US 31
Hotel Fairmont Nile CityFairmont Nile City

Located in the Nile City Towers by the River Nile, this 5-star hotel features a rooftop pool deck with spectacular views across Cairo to the Pyramids. It offers 8 food and beverage venues... view more
$US 106
Hotel President HotelPresident Hotel

Overlooking the Nile River, President Hotel is located in Zamalek district. It offers free Wi-Fi in public areas, a 24-hour front desk and a restaurant that serves breakfast buffet... view more
$US 46
More Hotels »

El Qanater El Khayreya Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in El Qanater El Khayreya and its surroundings.

El Qanater El Khayreya Page

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  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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