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Country | El Salvador |
Department | La Libertad |
Comasagua Demography
Information on the people and the population of Comasagua.
Comasagua Population | 11,870 inhabitants |
Comasagua Population Density | 158.2 /km² (409.6 /sq mi) |
Comasagua Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Comasagua.
Comasagua Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 13.6333, Longitude: -89.3833 13° 37′ 60″ North, 89° 22′ 60″ West |
Comasagua Area | 7,505 hectares 75.05 km² (28.98 sq mi) |
Comasagua Altitude | 1,089 m (3,573 ft) |
Comasagua Climate | Tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw) |
Comasagua Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Comasagua and the biggest cities of El Salvador.
San Salvador 22 km | Santa Ana 45 km | Soyapango 28 km |
San Miguel 131 km | Mejicanos 21 km | Apopa 28 km |
Nueva San Salvador 12 km | Villa Delgado 27 km | Ahuachapán 58 km |
Ilopango 30 km | Colon 9 km closest | Tonacatepeque 33 km |
Comasagua Map
Locate simply the city of Comasagua through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Comasagua Nearby cities and villages
Talnique 4.1 km | Tamanique 5.2 km | Jayaque 6.6 km |
Colon 9.5 km | Chiltiupán 10.6 km | Tepecoyo 11.7 km |
Nueva San Salvador 12.2 km | Zaragoza 12.2 km | Nuevo Cuscatlán 12.7 km |
Sacacoyo 14.3 km | San José Villanueva 14.6 km | Jicalapa 15.2 km |
Comasagua Zone
Time zone of Comasagua.
Comasagua Local time | |
Comasagua Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/El_Salvador) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Comasagua Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Comasagua.
Comasagua Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Comasagua.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
18 January | 13:25 - 19:08 - 00:51 | 13:02 - 01:13 | 12:36 - 01:39 | 12:10 - 02:05 |
19 January | 13:25 - 19:08 - 00:51 | 13:02 - 01:14 | 12:36 - 01:40 | 12:10 - 02:06 |
20 January | 13:25 - 19:08 - 00:52 | 13:02 - 01:14 | 12:36 - 01:40 | 12:10 - 02:06 |
21 January | 13:25 - 19:08 - 00:52 | 13:02 - 01:15 | 12:36 - 01:41 | 12:10 - 02:07 |
22 January | 13:25 - 19:09 - 00:53 | 13:02 - 01:15 | 12:36 - 01:41 | 12:10 - 02:07 |
23 January | 13:25 - 19:09 - 00:53 | 13:02 - 01:16 | 12:36 - 01:42 | 12:11 - 02:07 |
24 January | 13:25 - 19:09 - 00:54 | 13:02 - 01:16 | 12:36 - 01:42 | 12:11 - 02:08 |
Comasagua Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Comasagua classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Jardín del Carmen Nueva San Salvador Hotel Jardín del Carmen offers attractive gardens and sun terraces, a bar and air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. It is located just a 5-minute walk from Paseo del Carmen, in central Santa Tecla... view more | from $US 18 | |
Condominio Las Nubes / Unit 4-6 San Salvador Located next to Plaza Merlot Shopping Centre, this modern apartment offers free Wi-Fi and 2 free parking spaces. Guests enjoy access to a small outdoor pool and terrace with views over San Salvador... view more | ||
Hotel Merliot Antiguo Cuscatlán Located in the Ciudad Merliot neighbourhood, Hotel Merliot offers a 24-hour reception, free private parking and air-conditioned rooms with cable TV. The centre of San Salvador is a 15-minute drive away... view more | from $US 50 | |
Hotel Casa Berlin Antiguo Cuscatlán Located in San Salvador’s modern business district, Casa Berlin offers a restaurant and bar, attractive gardens and air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. The US Embassy is just a 5-minute walk away... view more | from $US 70 | |
Hotel Santa Elena San Salvador Hotel Santa Elena is 3 km from the Bicentenario Park and 4 km from El Salvador Art Museum. It features free Wi-Fi and a furnished terrace with a swimming pool. The rooms include colonial décor, air conditioning, safety box, cable TV and garden..... view more | from $US 71 | |
More Hotels » |
Comasagua Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Comasagua and its surroundings.
Comasagua Page
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