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Case-Pilote Localisation : Country France, Region Martinique, Department Martinique.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Bellefontaine, Schœlcher and Le Morne-Vert.


Find all the information of Case-Pilote or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Case-Pilote Administration

Case-Pilote Code (INSEE)97205
Case-Pilote Post code97222
Case-Pilote MayorMr. Ralph MONPLAISIR

Case-Pilote Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Case-Pilote? Here are all the details of Case-Pilote available below.

Case-Pilote Postal addressPlace Gaston-Monnerville
Case-Pilote Phone number05 96 78 81 44
International: +596 5 96 78 81 44
Case-Pilote Fax number05 96 78 74 72
International: +596 5 96 78 74 72
Case-Pilote Email addressNot available
Case-Pilote WebsiteNot available
Other informationCase-Pilote
Case-Pilote Birth certificate, Case-Pilote Death certificate

Case-Pilote Demography

Information on the people and the population of Case-Pilote.

Case-Pilote Population4,455 inhabitants
Case-Pilote Population Density241.6 /km² (625.7 /sq mi)

Case-Pilote Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Case-Pilote.

Case-Pilote Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 14.6433, Longitude: -61.1383
14° 38′ 36″ North, 61° 8′ 18″ West
Case-Pilote Area1,844 hectares
18.44 km² (7.12 sq mi)
Case-Pilote Altitude5 m (16 ft)
Case-Pilote ClimateTropical rainforest climate (Köppen climate classification: Af)

Case-Pilote Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Case-Pilote and the biggest cities of France.

Paris 6864 kmMarseilles 7013 kmLyon 7000 km
Toulouse 6701 kmNice 7169 kmNantes 6544 km closest
Montpellier 6898 kmStrasbourg 7253 kmBordeaux 6563 km
Lille 6952 kmRennes 6558 kmRheims 6994 km

Case-Pilote Map

Locate simply the city of Case-Pilote through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Case-Pilote Nearby cities and villages

Case-Pilote Zone

Time zone of Case-Pilote.

Case-Pilote Local time
Case-Pilote Time zoneUTC -4:00 (America/Martinique)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Case-Pilote Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Case-Pilote.

Case-Pilote Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Case-Pilote.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
18 January11:33 - 17:15 - 22:5611:10 - 23:1910:44 - 23:45 10:18 - 00:11
19 January11:33 - 17:15 - 22:5711:11 - 23:1910:44 - 23:45 10:18 - 00:11
20 January11:33 - 17:15 - 22:5711:11 - 23:2010:44 - 23:46 10:18 - 00:12
21 January11:33 - 17:15 - 22:5811:11 - 23:2010:45 - 23:46 10:19 - 00:12
22 January11:33 - 17:16 - 22:5811:11 - 23:2110:45 - 23:47 10:19 - 00:13
23 January11:33 - 17:16 - 22:5911:11 - 23:2110:45 - 23:47 10:19 - 00:13
24 January11:33 - 17:16 - 22:5911:11 - 23:2210:45 - 23:48 10:19 - 00:14

Case-Pilote Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Case-Pilote classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel La BateliereHotel La Bateliere
Located just 100 metres from the beach, Hotel La Bateliere offers great sea views from its rooms and outdoor swimming pool. It is set in Schoelcher, 5 km from Fort-de-France... view more
€ 99
Hotel Karibea Squash HotelKaribea Squash Hotel
Located a 15-minute walk from Fort-de-France’s historic centre and St Louis Cathedral, Karibea Squash offers squash courts, an outdoor pool, gardens and sea views. The air-conditioned rooms offer free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 109
Hotel Karibea La Valmenier HotelKaribea La Valmenier Hotel

Karibea La Valmeniere Hotel features a swimming pool, hot tub and a terrace with panoramic city views. It is located in the heart of the business district. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout... view more
€ 150
Hotel Centre International de SejourCentre International de Sejour
Centre International Sejour features free buffet breakfast; free Wi-Fi throughout and bar service. It is located 12 minutes’ drive from Fort de France Bay. Free private parking is offered... view more
Hotel Hotel Bakoua MartiniqueHotel Bakoua Martinique

Les Trois-Îlets
Situated in a former colonial residence, Hotel Bakoua Martinique has a beautiful tropical garden which leads onto a small sandy beach. It has an outdoor swimming pool and a tennis court... view more
More Hotels »

Case-Pilote Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Case-Pilote and its surroundings.

Case-Pilote Page

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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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