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Country | France |
Region | Martinique |
Department | Martinique |
Le Lamentin Administration
Le Lamentin Code (INSEE) | 97213 |
Le Lamentin Post code | 97232 |
Le Lamentin Mayor | Mr. David ZOBDA |
Le Lamentin Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Le Lamentin? Here are all the details of Le Lamentin available below.
Le Lamentin Postal address | Place Antonio-Macéo, BP 11 97232 LE LAMENTIN France |
Le Lamentin Phone number | 05 96 66 68 88 International: +596 5 96 66 68 88 |
Le Lamentin Fax number | 05 96 51 67 88 International: +596 5 96 51 67 88 |
Le Lamentin Email address | [email protected] |
Le Lamentin Website | |
Other information | Le Lamentin |
Le Lamentin Birth certificate, Le Lamentin Death certificate |
Le Lamentin Demography
Information on the people and the population of Le Lamentin.
Le Lamentin Population | 40,095 inhabitants |
Le Lamentin Population Density | 643.4 /km² (1,666.3 /sq mi) |
Le Lamentin Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Le Lamentin.
Le Lamentin Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 14.6175, Longitude: -61.0015 14° 37′ 3″ North, 61° 0′ 5″ West |
Le Lamentin Area | 6,232 hectares 62.32 km² (24.06 sq mi) |
Le Lamentin Altitude | Minimum -10 m, Maximum 363 m, Average 177 m |
Le Lamentin Climate | Tropical rainforest climate (Köppen climate classification: Af) |
Le Lamentin Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Le Lamentin and the biggest cities of France.
Paris 6856 km | Marseilles 7004 km | Lyon 6991 km |
Toulouse 6692 km | Nice 7160 km | Nantes 6536 km closest |
Montpellier 6888 km | Strasbourg 7246 km | Bordeaux 6555 km |
Lille 6944 km | Rennes 6551 km | Rheims 6986 km |
Le Lamentin Map
Locate simply the city of Le Lamentin through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Le Lamentin Nearby cities and villages
Ducos 6 km | St Joseph 6.5 km | Rivière-Salée 7.5 km |
Fort-de-France 9 km | Le Robert 9.2 km | Les Trois-Îlets 10 km |
Gros-Morne 10.2 km | Saint-Esprit 10.5 km | Schœlcher 10.8 km |
Le François 11.1 km | La Trinité 13.4 km | Case-Pilote 15 km |
Le Lamentin Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Le Lamentin has international agreements with its different pairings.
Le Lamentin Zone
Time zone of Le Lamentin.
Le Lamentin Local time | |
Le Lamentin Time zone | UTC -4:00 (America/Martinique) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Le Lamentin Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Le Lamentin.
Le Lamentin Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Le Lamentin.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
1 January | 11:29 - 17:07 - 22:46 | 11:06 - 23:09 | 10:39 - 23:36 | 10:13 - 00:02 |
2 January | 11:29 - 17:08 - 22:46 | 11:06 - 23:09 | 10:39 - 23:36 | 10:13 - 00:02 |
3 January | 11:29 - 17:08 - 22:47 | 11:06 - 23:10 | 10:40 - 23:37 | 10:13 - 00:03 |
4 January | 11:30 - 17:09 - 22:48 | 11:07 - 23:11 | 10:40 - 23:37 | 10:14 - 00:04 |
5 January | 11:30 - 17:09 - 22:48 | 11:07 - 23:11 | 10:40 - 23:38 | 10:14 - 00:04 |
6 January | 11:30 - 17:10 - 22:49 | 11:07 - 23:12 | 10:41 - 23:38 | 10:14 - 00:05 |
7 January | 11:31 - 17:10 - 22:49 | 11:08 - 23:12 | 10:41 - 23:39 | 10:15 - 00:05 |
Le Lamentin Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Le Lamentin classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Karibea La Valmenier Hotel Fort-de-France Karibea La Valmeniere Hotel features a swimming pool, hot tub and a terrace with panoramic city views. It is located in the heart of the business district. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout... view more | from € 150 | |
Centre International de Sejour Fort-de-France Centre International Sejour features free buffet breakfast; free Wi-Fi throughout and bar service. It is located 12 minutes’ drive from Fort de France Bay. Free private parking is offered... view more | ||
Residence The Marina Les Trois-Îlets Residence Marina Carayou is located in Fort de France Bay Beach and 1 km from Anse Mitan Beach. It features stunning sea views, a sun terrace with swimming pool and free Wi-Fi throughout... view more | from € 80 | |
Karibea Squash Hotel Fort-de-France Located a 15-minute walk from Fort-de-France’s historic centre and St Louis Cathedral, Karibea Squash offers squash courts, an outdoor pool, gardens and sea views. The air-conditioned rooms offer free Wi-Fi... view more | from € 109 | |
Hotel La Pagerie Les Trois-Îlets Decorated in bright colors, this hotel in Trois Ilets is 5 km from Empress Josephine Golf Course. The hotel features a restaurant, outdoor pool and spacious rooms with a flat-screen satellite TV... view more | from € 144 | |
More Hotels » |
Le Lamentin Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Le Lamentin and its surroundings.
Le Lamentin Page
Direct link | |
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