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Akhmeta Demography
Information on the people and the population of Akhmeta.
Akhmeta Population | 31,461 inhabitants |
Akhmeta Population Density | 14.2 /km² (36.9 /sq mi) |
Akhmeta Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Akhmeta.
Akhmeta Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 42.2774, Longitude: 45.4988 42° 16′ 39″ North, 45° 29′ 56″ East |
Akhmeta Area | 220,800 hectares 2,208.00 km² (852.51 sq mi) |
Akhmeta Altitude | 2,868 m (9,409 ft) |
Akhmeta Climate | Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb) |
Akhmeta Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Akhmeta and the biggest cities of Georgia.
Akhmeta Map
Locate simply the city of Akhmeta through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Akhmeta Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Akhmeta has international agreements with its different pairings.
Panevėžys | Ialoveni | Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyï |
Akhmeta Zone
Time zone of Akhmeta.
Akhmeta Local time | |
Akhmeta Time zone | UTC +4:00 (Asia/Tbilisi) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Akhmeta Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Akhmeta.
Akhmeta Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Akhmeta.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
9 January | 05:26 - 10:05 - 14:44 | 04:54 - 15:15 | 04:20 - 15:50 | 03:46 - 16:24 |
10 January | 05:25 - 10:05 - 14:45 | 04:54 - 15:16 | 04:19 - 15:51 | 03:46 - 16:25 |
11 January | 05:25 - 10:05 - 14:46 | 04:54 - 15:17 | 04:19 - 15:52 | 03:45 - 16:25 |
12 January | 05:25 - 10:06 - 14:47 | 04:54 - 15:18 | 04:19 - 15:53 | 03:45 - 16:26 |
13 January | 05:24 - 10:06 - 14:48 | 04:53 - 15:19 | 04:19 - 15:54 | 03:45 - 16:27 |
14 January | 05:24 - 10:07 - 14:49 | 04:53 - 15:20 | 04:18 - 15:55 | 03:45 - 16:28 |
15 January | 05:24 - 10:07 - 14:50 | 04:53 - 15:21 | 04:18 - 15:56 | 03:45 - 16:29 |
Akhmeta Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Akhmeta classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Kruiskari Guest House Tusheti Surrounded by Caucasus Mountains, Kruiskari Guest House is located in the picturesque village of Dochu in Tusheti Region. Free parking is provided for guests. The simple rooms offer rustic-style furnishings. The bathrooms are shared... view more | ||
Tusheti Tour Omalo Tusheti Tour guesthouse is located in Tusheti National Park, within 5 minutes' walk of the waterfalls. A sauna, veranda and BBQ facilities are available. Bright wood-paneled rooms and suites have large beds and free Wi-Fi... view more | from GEL 25 | |
TLT Omalo Guest House Omalo TLT Omalo Guest House is located in a picturesque place in the mountains, on the territory of Tusheti National Park. It features bright rooms in traditional Georgian rustic style. All well-lit rooms feature a balcony with a mountain view... view more | ||
Guest House Mirgvela Omalo Set among the picturesque Caucasus Mountains, this guest house is located in Tusheti National Park. Horse riding, hiking and 4-wheel adventures are featured at Guest House Mirgvela... view more | ||
Old Tusheti Tusheti This rural hotel is set in the heart of Shenako Village in Tusheti Region. Old Tusheti Hotel offers rustic-style accommodations as well as horse riding and off-road vehicle tours... view more | ||
More Hotels » |
Akhmeta Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Akhmeta and its surroundings.
Akhmeta Page
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