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  13. Langdorf


Langdorf Localisation : Country Germany, State Bavaria, District Regen.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Regen, Zwiesel and Bodenmais.


Find all the information of Langdorf or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Langdorf Administration

Langdorf Code09276129
Langdorf Post code94264
Langdorf MayorOtto Probst

Langdorf Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Langdorf? Here are all the details of Langdorf available below.

Langdorf Postal addressHauptstr. 8
94264 Langdorf
Langdorf Phone number09921 94110
International: +49 9921 94110
Langdorf Fax number09921 941130
International: +49 9921 941130
Langdorf Email address[email protected]
Langdorf Websitewww.langdorf.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Langdorf
Langdorf Birth certificate, Langdorf Death certificate

Langdorf Demography

Information on the people and the population of Langdorf.

Langdorf Population2,007 inhabitants
Langdorf Population Density58.4 /km² (151.2 /sq mi)

Langdorf Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Langdorf.

Langdorf Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 49.0167, Longitude: 13.15
49° 1′ 0″ North, 13° 9′ 0″ East
Langdorf Area3,437 hectares
34.37 km² (13.27 sq mi)
Langdorf Altitude645 m (2,116 ft)
Langdorf ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Langdorf Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Langdorf and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 390 kmHamburg 550 kmMunich 152 km closest
Cologne 492 kmFrankfurt 345 kmStuttgart 292 km
Düsseldorf 516 kmDortmund 491 kmEssen 514 km
Bremen 544 kmDresden 230 kmLeipzig 264 km

Langdorf Map

Locate simply the city of Langdorf through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Langdorf Nearby cities and villages

Regen 5.5 kmZwiesel 6.1 kmBodenmais 6.7 km
Lindberg 7.5 kmRinchnach 8.3 kmBöbrach 10.2 km
Frauenau 11.6 kmTeisnach 11.9 kmBayerisch Eisenstein 12.1 km
Bischofsmais 12.2 kmPatersdorf 12.2 kmZachenberg 12.3 km

Langdorf Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Langdorf has international agreements with its different pairings.

Langdorf Zone

Time zone of Langdorf.

Langdorf Local time
Langdorf Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Langdorf Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Langdorf.

Langdorf Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Langdorf.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
1 April06:44 - 13:11 - 19:3806:12 - 20:1005:33 - 20:48 04:52 - 21:29
2 April06:41 - 13:10 - 19:3906:09 - 20:1105:31 - 20:50 04:50 - 21:31
3 April06:39 - 13:10 - 19:4106:07 - 20:1305:28 - 20:52 04:47 - 21:33
4 April06:37 - 13:10 - 19:4206:05 - 20:1505:26 - 20:54 04:45 - 21:35
5 April06:35 - 13:10 - 19:4406:03 - 20:1605:24 - 20:55 04:42 - 21:37
6 April06:33 - 13:09 - 19:4506:01 - 20:1805:21 - 20:57 04:39 - 21:39
7 April06:31 - 13:09 - 19:4705:59 - 20:1905:19 - 20:59 04:37 - 21:41

Langdorf Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Langdorf classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel zur PostHotel zur Post
Situated in the Bavarian Forest, family-run Hotel zur Post offers classic-style rooms with a private balcony or terrace. Guests can enjoy the hotel’s hot tub, sauna and swimming pool... view more
€ 56
Hotel Sonnenhotel EichenbühlSonnenhotel Eichenbühl

This family-friendly country hotel in Langdorf has large rooms and an indoor pool with views of the Bavarian Forest. Rental bikes and free parking are available to guests. Sonnenhotel Eichenbühl is a traditional building with wooden frames... view more
€ 38
Hotel Musikhotel Tonihof***SMusikhotel Tonihof***S

Located in the heart of Bavarian Forest, Musikhotel Tonihof features a sunny garden, sports courts and a spa with 3 saunas and a hot tub... view more
€ 59
Hotel Zum Brandtner WirtZum Brandtner Wirt
Free Wi-Fi, a terrace and bicycle rental facilities are features of this hotel. It is ideally located in Langdorf, directly by the Bavarian Forest National Park Zum Brandtner Wirt offers homelike rooms equipped with a satellite TV, wardrobe, and..... view more
€ 42
Hotel Zum Fliegenden HolländerZum Fliegenden Holländer
This family-friendly guest house is located close to Zwiesel in the Bavarian Forest nature park. It offers modern rooms, a large breakfast buffet, and an outdoor terrace... view more
€ 31
More Hotels »

Langdorf Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Langdorf and its surroundings.

Schönecker Riegel 1.2 kmBerghäusl 1.4 kmKlaffermühle 1.6 km
Klafferhof 1.8 kmFroschaumühle 2.3 kmWaldmann 2.7 km
Burgstall 3.2 kmNeusohl 3.7 kmBürgerwald 3.7 km
Hennenkobel 3.9 kmKron Berg 4 kmJägerhaus 4.2 km
Kohlplatz 4.3 kmKreuzseign 5.1 kmGeisau 5.2 km
Riedham 5.2 kmZapfenried 5.5 kmKreuzerhof 5.7 km
Ableg 5.7 kmSchauerhof 5.7 kmHarlachberg 5.9 km
Aden 5.9 kmGlashütte 6 kmObersteinhaus 6.1 km
Huberhof 6.1 kmEmahlenriegel 6.1 kmMiesleuthen 6.2 km
Harlachberger Spitze 6.2 kmUnterauerkiel 6.6 kmKattersdorf 6.7 km

Nuclear power plant

Isar Nuclear Power Plant 77.7 kmTemelín Nuclear Power Station 91.6 km 

Langdorf Page

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