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Regen Localisation : Country Germany, State Bavaria, District Regen.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Langdorf, Rinchnach and Bischofsmais.


Find all the information of Regen or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data


Regen Administration

Regen Code09276138
Regen Post code94209
Regen MayorIlse Oswald

Regen Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Regen? Here are all the details of Regen available below.

Regen Postal addressPostfach 1340
94203 Regen
Regen Phone number09921 6040
International: +49 9921 6040
Regen Fax number09921 60432
International: +49 9921 60432
Regen Email address[email protected]
Regen Websitewww.regen.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Regen
Regen Birth certificate, Regen Death certificate

Regen Demography

Information on the people and the population of Regen.

Regen Population11,749 inhabitants
Regen Population Density180.4 /km² (467.3 /sq mi)

Regen Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Regen.

Regen Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 48.97, Longitude: 13.1264
48° 58′ 12″ North, 13° 7′ 35″ East
Regen Area6,512 hectares
65.12 km² (25.14 sq mi)
Regen Altitude532 m (1,745 ft)
Regen ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Regen Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Regen and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 396 kmHamburg 555 kmMunich 147 km closest
Cologne 493 kmFrankfurt 345 kmStuttgart 290 km
Düsseldorf 518 kmDortmund 492 kmEssen 516 km
Bremen 548 kmDresden 236 kmLeipzig 269 km

Regen Map

Locate simply the city of Regen through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Regen Nearby cities and villages

Langdorf 5.5 kmRinchnach 5.8 kmBischofsmais 6.7 km
Kirchberg i.Wald 8.8 kmZwiesel 9.2 kmZachenberg 9.2 km
Ruhmannsfelden 10.6 kmBodenmais 10.9 kmLindberg 11.5 km
Patersdorf 11.7 kmGotteszell 11.7 kmKirchdorf i.Wald 11.9 km

Regen Zone

Time zone of Regen.

Regen Local time
Regen Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Regen Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Regen.

Regen Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Regen.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
29 March05:50 - 12:12 - 18:3305:18 - 19:0504:40 - 19:43 04:00 - 20:23
30 March06:48 - 13:11 - 19:3506:16 - 20:0705:38 - 20:45 04:58 - 21:25
31 March06:46 - 13:11 - 19:3606:14 - 20:0805:36 - 20:47 04:55 - 21:27
1 April06:44 - 13:11 - 19:3806:12 - 20:1005:33 - 20:48 04:52 - 21:29
2 April06:42 - 13:10 - 19:3906:10 - 20:1105:31 - 20:50 04:50 - 21:31
3 April06:40 - 13:10 - 19:4106:07 - 20:1305:29 - 20:52 04:47 - 21:33
4 April06:37 - 13:10 - 19:4206:05 - 20:1505:26 - 20:54 04:45 - 21:35

Regen Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Regen classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Tagungshaus Bayerischer WaldTagungshaus Bayerischer Wald

Offering free Wi-Fi and rooms with flat-screen TVs, this hotel is situated in the Bavarian town of Regen. Local specialities are served in the restaurant, and guests can hire electric bicycles... view more
€ 46
Hotel Seminar- und Gruppenhaus BayernSeminar- und Gruppenhaus Bayern
Situated beside an orchard in the spa resort of Regen, this holiday home offers free wifi, a fitness centre and 2 saunas. It features 9 individually decorated bedrooms, a terrace, a large garden, and 3 spacious lounges... view more
€ 350
Hotel Pension Grubhügel-StubenPension Grubhügel-Stuben
Set amid the scenic Bavarian Forest Nature Park, this family-run guest house on the outskirts of Regen boasts wonderful views of the Regental valley and a traditional pastry-baker's shop... view more
€ 27
Hotel BibergrundBibergrund
This holiday home can be found in the Bavarian Forest, 6km from the centre of Regen. The 50m² accommodation contains a kitchen diner, living/dining room, two bedrooms and a bathroom... view more
€ 151
Hotel Waldarbeiterhaus IWaldarbeiterhaus I
This holiday home is located in the country side of Bavaria, Germany in a city called Regen. It has two bedrooms, hottub, sauna and a private garden... view more
€ 207
More Hotels »

Regen Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Regen and its surroundings.

Kattersdorf 1.2 kmRiedham 1.4 kmHuberhof 1.8 km
Thurnhof 1.8 kmThanhof 2.2 kmMatzelsried 2.2 km
Bürgerwald 2.3 kmKreuzerhof 2.6 kmSchlossau 3.1 km
Hollerberg 3.4 kmSchauerhof 3.4 kmSitzhof 3.6 km
Neusohl 3.6 kmEbenhof 3.7 kmOchsenhöhe 3.8 km
Zapfenried 3.8 kmAugrub 3.9 kmGroßseiboldsried 4 km
Klaffermühle 4 kmFinkenried 4.1 kmBerghäusl 4.1 km
Mühlbauerberg 4.1 kmKleinseiboldsried 4.2 kmKühhof 4.4 km
Klafferhof 4.4 kmAden 4.7 kmKüh Berg 4.7 km
Ecklend 5.1 kmSchönecker Riegel 5.2 kmEdhof 5.2 km

Nuclear power plant

Isar Nuclear Power Plant 73.3 kmTemelín Nuclear Power Station 94.5 km 

Regen Page

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DB-City.comRegen 4.7/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)