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  13. Ruhmannsfelden


Ruhmannsfelden Localisation : Country Germany, State Bavaria, District Regen.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Gotteszell, Zachenberg and Patersdorf.


Find all the information of Ruhmannsfelden or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Ruhmannsfelden Administration

Ruhmannsfelden Code09276142
Ruhmannsfelden Post code94239
Ruhmannsfelden MayorJosef Brunner

Ruhmannsfelden Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Ruhmannsfelden? Here are all the details of Ruhmannsfelden available below.

Ruhmannsfelden Postal addressPostfach 65
94235 Ruhmannsfelden
Ruhmannsfelden Phone number09929 94010
International: +49 9929 94010
Ruhmannsfelden Fax number09929 940140
International: +49 9929 940140
Ruhmannsfelden Email address[email protected]
Ruhmannsfelden Websitewww.ruhmannsfelden.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Ruhmannsfelden
Ruhmannsfelden Birth certificate, Ruhmannsfelden Death certificate

Ruhmannsfelden Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ruhmannsfelden.

Ruhmannsfelden Population2,019 inhabitants
Ruhmannsfelden Population Density348.1 /km² (901.6 /sq mi)

Ruhmannsfelden Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ruhmannsfelden.

Ruhmannsfelden Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 48.9833, Longitude: 12.9833
48° 58′ 60″ North, 12° 58′ 60″ East
Ruhmannsfelden Area580 hectares
5.80 km² (2.24 sq mi)
Ruhmannsfelden Altitude536 m (1,759 ft)
Ruhmannsfelden ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Ruhmannsfelden Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ruhmannsfelden and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 395 kmHamburg 549 kmMunich 140 km closest
Cologne 483 kmFrankfurt 335 kmStuttgart 279 km
Düsseldorf 508 kmDortmund 483 kmEssen 506 km
Bremen 541 kmDresden 236 kmLeipzig 266 km

Ruhmannsfelden Map

Locate simply the city of Ruhmannsfelden through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ruhmannsfelden Nearby cities and villages

Gotteszell 2.2 kmZachenberg 2.2 kmPatersdorf 3.7 km
Achslach 3.8 kmTeisnach 6.3 kmGeiersthal 7.4 km
Grafling 9.9 kmBöbrach 10 kmBernried 10.2 km
Bischofsmais 10.4 kmRegen 10.6 kmKollnburg 11.3 km

Ruhmannsfelden Zone

Time zone of Ruhmannsfelden.

Ruhmannsfelden Local time
Ruhmannsfelden Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Ruhmannsfelden Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ruhmannsfelden.

Ruhmannsfelden Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ruhmannsfelden.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
21 March06:07 - 12:15 - 18:2205:36 - 18:5304:59 - 19:31 04:20 - 20:09
22 March06:05 - 12:14 - 18:2305:34 - 18:5504:56 - 19:32 04:18 - 20:11
23 March06:03 - 12:14 - 18:2505:32 - 18:5604:54 - 19:34 04:15 - 20:13
24 March06:01 - 12:14 - 18:2605:30 - 18:5804:52 - 19:36 04:13 - 20:15
25 March05:59 - 12:13 - 18:2805:27 - 19:0004:50 - 19:37 04:10 - 20:17
26 March05:57 - 12:13 - 18:2905:25 - 19:0104:47 - 19:39 04:08 - 20:18
27 March05:55 - 12:13 - 18:3105:23 - 19:0304:45 - 19:41 04:06 - 20:20

Ruhmannsfelden Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ruhmannsfelden classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Gästehaus ObermeierGästehaus Obermeier
In the city of Ruhmannsfelden you find this apartment. It is 44m2 with one bedroom, a fully functional kitchen and a living room. The apartment is suitable for 3 people and you have access to a large garden with furniture... view more
€ 79
Hotel Gästehaus Obermeier IGästehaus Obermeier I
In the city of Ruhmannsfelden you find this apartment. It is 100 m2 with two bedrooms, a fully functional kitchen and a living room. The apartment is suitable for 4 people and you have access to a large garden with furniture... view more
€ 85
Hotel Landhotel ForellenhofLandhotel Forellenhof

Situated in wooded countryside the Bavarian Forest, this charming 3-star hotel offers cosy accommodation and traditional Southern German hospitality on the outskirts of Achslach... view more
€ 42
Hotel Landromantik Wellnesshotel OswaldLandromantik Wellnesshotel Oswald

Situated in the charming village of Kalkenried in the heart of the Bavarian Forest nature park, this family-run 4-star hotel offers a swimming pool, spa facilities and delicious Bavarian cuisine... view more
€ 70
Hotel WeidhausWeidhaus
Green pastures. rolling hills and dense forests are typical of the region around the town of Sankt Englmar. This makes it one of the most popular parts of the Bohemian Forest. There s a lot to enjoy here. from walking trails to ski-slopes... view more
€ 65
More Hotels »

Ruhmannsfelden Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ruhmannsfelden and its surroundings.

Bergerhäusl 0.4 kmBruckhof 0.8 kmHuberweid 1.1 km
Anger 1.3 kmHandling 1.6 kmSündweging 2.1 km
Hinterleuthen 2.1 kmAuhof 2.4 kmBachlehen 2.6 km
Zeitlhof 2.7 kmHaberleuthen 2.7 kmHafenried 2.8 km
Harthof 2.8 kmBahnhof Gotteszell 2.9 kmRimbeck 2.9 km
Perlesried 2.9 kmPointmannsgrub 2.9 kmGiesshübl 3 km
Schwarzacher Wald 3.1 kmBernwinkl 3.2 kmHasmannsried 3.4 km
Hofpoint 3.6 kmKlessing 3.6 kmWolfsberg 3.7 km
Masselsried 3.7 kmEckersberg 3.8 kmZottling 3.9 km
Weichselsried 4 kmWieden 4 kmUnterried 4.1 km

Nuclear power plant

Isar Nuclear Power Plant 65.8 kmTemelín Nuclear Power Station 104.3 km 

Ruhmannsfelden Page

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  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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