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  13. Lüdersdorf


Lüdersdorf Localisation : Country Germany, State Mecklenburg-West Pommerania, District Nordwestmecklenburg.
Available Information : Postal address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Lockwisch, Groß Grönau and Niendorf.


Find all the information of Lüdersdorf or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Lüdersdorf Administration

Lüdersdorf Code13074049
Lüdersdorf Post code23923
Lüdersdorf MayorDr. Erhard Huzel

Lüdersdorf Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Lüdersdorf? Here are all the details of Lüdersdorf available below.

Lüdersdorf Postal addressAm Markt 15
23923 Schönberg
Lüdersdorf Phone numberNot available
Lüdersdorf Email addressNot available
Lüdersdorf Websitewww.gemeinde-luedersdorf.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Lüdersdorf
Lüdersdorf Birth certificate, Lüdersdorf Death certificate

Lüdersdorf Demography

Information on the people and the population of Lüdersdorf.

Lüdersdorf Population5,094 inhabitants
Lüdersdorf Population Density93.9 /km² (243.2 /sq mi)

Lüdersdorf Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Lüdersdorf.

Lüdersdorf Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 53.8167, Longitude: 10.8167
53° 49′ 0″ North, 10° 49′ 0″ East
Lüdersdorf Area5,426 hectares
54.26 km² (20.95 sq mi)
Lüdersdorf Altitude17 m (56 ft)
Lüdersdorf ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Lüdersdorf Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Lüdersdorf and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 225 kmHamburg 62 km closestMunich 634 km
Cologne 414 kmFrankfurt 437 kmStuttgart 573 km
Düsseldorf 397 kmDortmund 342 kmEssen 367 km
Bremen 157 kmDresden 366 kmLeipzig 295 km

Lüdersdorf Map

Locate simply the city of Lüdersdorf through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Lüdersdorf Nearby cities and villages

Lockwisch 3.3 kmGroß Grönau 4.7 kmNiendorf 5.5 km
Rieps 5.8 kmThandorf 6.3 kmSelmsdorf 6.5 km
Utecht 6.5 kmGroß Siemz 6.6 kmGroß Sarau 7.2 km
Schönberg 8.3 kmCarlow 8.6 kmPogeez 9.4 km

Lüdersdorf Zone

Time zone of Lüdersdorf.

Lüdersdorf Local time
Lüdersdorf Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Lüdersdorf Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Lüdersdorf.

Lüdersdorf Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Lüdersdorf.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
18 March06:23 - 12:24 - 18:2605:48 - 19:0105:06 - 19:42 04:23 - 20:26
19 March06:20 - 12:24 - 18:2805:45 - 19:0305:04 - 19:44 04:20 - 20:28
20 March06:18 - 12:24 - 18:3005:43 - 19:0505:01 - 19:46 04:17 - 20:30
21 March06:15 - 12:23 - 18:3105:40 - 19:0704:58 - 19:48 04:14 - 20:32
22 March06:13 - 12:23 - 18:3305:38 - 19:0804:56 - 19:50 04:11 - 20:35
23 March06:10 - 12:23 - 18:3505:35 - 19:1004:53 - 19:52 04:08 - 20:37
24 March06:08 - 12:22 - 18:3705:33 - 19:1204:50 - 19:54 04:06 - 20:39

Lüdersdorf Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Lüdersdorf classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Ferienwohnung am WaldrandFerienwohnung am Waldrand
Groß Grönau
Located in Groß Grönau, this bright accommodation features free Wi-Fi, barbecue facilities, and a spacious terrace. It is located 6.5 km from Lübeck town centre... view more
€ 149
Hotel Hotel GutenbergerHotel Gutenberger

This 3-star hotel is situated in the the St. Gertrud district of Lübeck, a short walk from the Wakenitz Nature Reserve. It offers rooms with colonial-style furniture, free Wi-Fi,and great connections with the A1 and A20 motorways... view more
€ 53
Hotel Hotel Forsthaus St. HubertusHotel Forsthaus St. Hubertus

Groß Grönau
Situated just 2.3 kilometres from Blankensee Airport, this traditional hotel provides the ideal backdrop for a relaxing break. Leave your everyday cares far behind you as you enjoy the idyllic rural surroundings... view more
€ 55
Hotel Altes Zollhaus am KlinikumAltes Zollhaus am Klinikum
Set in a historic building on the outskirts of Lübeck, Altes Zollhaus am Klinikum provides rooms with free Wi-Fi. Lübeck’s UNESCO Old Town is only 4km away and there is a bus stop in front of the hotel... view more
€ 49
Hotel Pension Am KlinikumPension Am Klinikum
This family-run guest house offers well-equipped rooms, free WiFi, and a furnished garden. It enjoys a convenient location just 4 km from the centre of Lübeck... view more
€ 54
More Hotels »

Lüdersdorf Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Lüdersdorf and its surroundings.

Harbershorst 3.3 kmViert 3.8 kmZiegelhorst 3.8 km
Im Braken 3.9 kmAbsalonshorst 4.4 kmHuntenhorst 4.8 km
Falkenhusen 4.8 kmTüschenbek 5.6 kmPalingener Heide 5.6 km
Forst Rupensdorf 5.7 kmMüggenbusch 5.8 kmSeekrug 5.8 km
Hell-Berg 6.6 kmKaninchenberg 6.7 kmFörsterei Hohemeile 7.5 km
Schwarzmühlen 7.5 kmSpieringshorst 7.5 kmGoldberg 7.8 km
Mönkhof 7.9 kmFörsterei Alt Lauerhof 8.1 kmHoheleuchte 8.1 km
Nöltingshof 8.6 kmRingstedtenhof 9 kmLauerholz 9 km
Mechower Holz 9.3 kmForst Schönberg 9.5 kmSeebruch 9.8 km
Hohe Buch Berg 9.9 kmWallhalbinsel 10.4 kmMarien Berg 10.4 km

Nuclear power plant

Krümmel Nuclear Power Plant 52.7 kmBrokdorf Nuclear Power Plant 96.8 kmBrunsbüttel Nuclear Power Plant 106.4 km

Lüdersdorf Page

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DB-City.comLüdersdorf 3.2/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page