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Selmsdorf Localisation : Country Germany, State Mecklenburg-West Pommerania, District Nordwestmecklenburg.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Schönberg, Lockwisch and Niendorf.


Find all the information of Selmsdorf or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Selmsdorf Administration

Selmsdorf Code13074076
Selmsdorf Post code23923
Selmsdorf MayorDetlef Hitzigrat

Selmsdorf Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Selmsdorf? Here are all the details of Selmsdorf available below.

Selmsdorf Postal addressAm Markt 15
23923 Schönberg
Selmsdorf Phone number03882 68240
International: +49 3882 68240
Selmsdorf Fax number03882 682417
International: +49 3882 682417
Selmsdorf Email addressNot available
Selmsdorf Websitewww.selmsdorf.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Selmsdorf
Selmsdorf Birth certificate, Selmsdorf Death certificate

Selmsdorf Demography

Information on the people and the population of Selmsdorf.

Selmsdorf Population2,708 inhabitants
Selmsdorf Population Density75.0 /km² (194.1 /sq mi)

Selmsdorf Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Selmsdorf.

Selmsdorf Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 53.8667, Longitude: 10.8667
53° 52′ 0″ North, 10° 52′ 0″ East
Selmsdorf Area3,613 hectares
36.13 km² (13.95 sq mi)
Selmsdorf Altitude55 m (180 ft)
Selmsdorf ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Selmsdorf Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Selmsdorf and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 226 kmHamburg 67 km closestMunich 640 km
Cologne 420 kmFrankfurt 443 kmStuttgart 579 km
Düsseldorf 403 kmDortmund 348 kmEssen 373 km
Bremen 162 kmDresden 369 kmLeipzig 299 km

Selmsdorf Map

Locate simply the city of Selmsdorf through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Selmsdorf Nearby cities and villages

Schönberg 5 kmLockwisch 5.6 kmNiendorf 6 km
Lüdersdorf 6.5 kmGroß Siemz 6.5 kmDassow 7.5 km
Roduchelstorf 8.6 kmMenzendorf 10 kmRieps 10.3 km
Groß Grönau 10.6 kmCarlow 11.6 kmLübeck 11.9 km

Selmsdorf Zone

Time zone of Selmsdorf.

Selmsdorf Local time
Selmsdorf Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Selmsdorf Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Selmsdorf.

Selmsdorf Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Selmsdorf.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
23 March06:10 - 12:23 - 18:3505:35 - 19:1004:53 - 19:52 04:08 - 20:37
24 March06:08 - 12:22 - 18:3705:32 - 19:1204:50 - 19:54 04:05 - 20:39
25 March06:05 - 12:22 - 18:3905:30 - 19:1404:47 - 19:56 04:02 - 20:42
26 March06:03 - 12:22 - 18:4105:27 - 19:1604:45 - 19:59 03:59 - 20:44
27 March06:00 - 12:21 - 18:4205:25 - 19:1804:42 - 20:01 03:56 - 20:46
28 March05:58 - 12:21 - 18:4405:22 - 19:2004:39 - 20:03 03:53 - 20:49
29 March05:55 - 12:21 - 18:4605:20 - 19:2204:37 - 20:05 03:50 - 20:51

Selmsdorf Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Selmsdorf classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Apartment Dassower str. TApartment Dassower str. T
Apartment Dassower str. T is located in Malzow. It can accommodate up to two persons and free parking is available on site. The apartment is provided with satellite-TV and a radio... view more
€ 39
Hotel Apartment August-Bebel-Str. ZApartment August-Bebel-Str. Z
Apartment August-Bebel-Str. Z is located in Schönberg. It can accommodate up to two persons and free parking is available on site. The apartment is provided with satellite-TV and a sofa bed in the living area. There is one twin bed room... view more
€ 39
Hotel Hotel WaldhusenHotel Waldhusen
Featuring bicycle rental, this 19th-century hotel is quietly located on the outskirts of Lübeck. Guests can relax in front of the restaurant fireplace, and enjoy a selection of activities in the games room... view more
€ 55
Hotel Arnimsruh Hotel garniArnimsruh Hotel garni

Located on the quiet outskirts of Lübeck, this hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi, an outdoor terrace and hire bicycles. Lübeck’s historic city centre is just 4 km away... view more
€ 59
Hotel Hotel GutenbergerHotel Gutenberger

This 3-star hotel is situated in the the St. Gertrud district of Lübeck, a short walk from the Wakenitz Nature Reserve. It offers rooms with colonial-style furniture, free Wi-Fi,and great connections with the A1 and A20 motorways... view more
€ 53
More Hotels »

Selmsdorf Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Selmsdorf and its surroundings.

Forst Rupensdorf 2.2 kmFörsterei Hohemeile 2.9 kmForst Schönberg 3.9 km
Schwarzmühlen 4.8 kmPalingener Heide 5.7 kmStülper Huk 5.7 km
Buchhorst 6.5 kmFörsterei Alt Lauerhof 6.8 kmFörsterei Waldhusen 7.1 km
Borndiek 7.5 kmBültwisch 7.7 kmWaldhusener Forst 8 km
Vierstücken 8.1 kmLauerholz 8.2 kmHuntenhorst 8.5 km
Falkenhusen 8.5 kmKleinensee 8.6 kmHarbershorst 8.6 km
Rugen Berg 9 kmBreitenredder 9.2 kmAbsalonshorst 9.5 km
Müggenbusch 9.5 kmKaninchenberg 9.6 kmOvendorferhof 9.6 km
Nöltingshof 9.8 kmZiegelhorst 9.9 kmViert 9.9 km
Goldberg 10 kmSpieringshorst 10 kmIm Braken 10.3 km

Nuclear power plant

Krümmel Nuclear Power Plant 59.1 kmBrokdorf Nuclear Power Plant 99.9 kmBrunsbüttel Nuclear Power Plant 109.3 km

Selmsdorf Page

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DB-City.comSelmsdorf 3.7/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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