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  11. Semarang


Semarang Localisation : Country Indonesia, Province Central Java.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area and Hotel.


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ProvinceCentral Java

Semarang Demography

Information on the people and the population of Semarang.

Semarang Population1,678,358 inhabitants
Semarang Population Density4,490.2 /km² (11,629.6 /sq mi)

Semarang Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Semarang.

Semarang Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -6.96667, Longitude: 110.417
6° 58′ 0″ South, 110° 25′ 1″ East
Semarang Area37,378 hectares
373.78 km² (144.32 sq mi)
Semarang Altitude11 m (36 ft)
Semarang ClimateMonsoon (Köppen climate classification: Am)

Semarang Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Semarang and the biggest cities of Indonesia.

Jakarta 406 kmSurabaya 258 km closestMedan 1762 km
Bandung 315 kmBekasi 387 kmDepok 402 km
Tangerang 428 kmPalembang 768 kmSouth Tangerang 416 km
Makassar 1017 kmBandar Lampung 596 kmBogor 402 km

Semarang Map

Locate simply the city of Semarang through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Semarang Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Semarang has international agreements with its different pairings.

Semarang Zone

Time zone of Semarang.

Semarang Local time
Semarang Time zoneUTC +7:00 (Asia/Jakarta)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Semarang Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Semarang.

Semarang Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Semarang.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
20 January23:35 - 05:49 - 12:0323:13 - 12:2522:47 - 12:51 22:20 - 13:17
21 January23:35 - 05:49 - 12:0323:13 - 12:2522:47 - 12:51 22:21 - 13:17
22 January23:36 - 05:49 - 12:0323:14 - 12:2522:48 - 12:51 22:22 - 13:17
23 January23:36 - 05:50 - 12:0323:14 - 12:2522:48 - 12:51 22:22 - 13:17
24 January23:37 - 05:50 - 12:0323:14 - 12:2522:49 - 12:51 22:23 - 13:17
25 January23:37 - 05:50 - 12:0323:15 - 12:2522:49 - 12:51 22:23 - 13:17
26 January23:37 - 05:50 - 12:0323:15 - 12:2522:50 - 12:51 22:24 - 13:17

Semarang Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Semarang classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Surya SemarangHotel Surya Semarang

Hotel Surya Semarang is conveniently located a 5-minute drive from Semarang’s Chinatown. It offers air-conditioned rooms with en suite bathrooms and free wireless hotspots in public areas. There is a business centre and a café on site... view more
Hotel Dafam Hotel SemarangDafam Hotel Semarang

Dafam Hotel is located in central Semarang, a short 7-minute drive from Ahmad Yani Airport and Poncol Railway Station. Stylish and modern, it offers free internet and 24-hour spa services... view more
Hotel Hotel OlympicHotel Olympic

Hotel Olympic is located in Semarang, a 5-minute drive from Paragon Mall. It offers free indoor and outdoor parking. There is a restaurant in the hotel. Hotel Olympic is a 5-minute drive from Lawang Sewu, Semarang’s famous landmark... view more
Hotel Semesta Heritage Hotel & ConventionSemesta Heritage Hotel & Convention

Semesta Heritage Hotel & Convention is located in Semarang, 1 km from the city centre. It offers modern accommodation with a coffee shop, free parking and free Wi-Fi access... view more
Hotel Hotel BaliHotel Bali

Conveniently located within a short drive of various tourist attractions, Bali Hotel provides simple, air-conditioned rooms en suite bathrooms and room service. It has a restaurant, a 24-hour front desk and free parking on site... view more
More Hotels »

Semarang Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Semarang and its surroundings.

Semarang Page

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DB-City.comSemarang 4.3/5 (2021-11-10 09:58:05)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page