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Bekasi Localisation : Country Indonesia, Province West Java.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Jakarta.


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ProvinceWest Java

Bekasi Demography

Information on the people and the population of Bekasi.

Bekasi Population2,381,053 inhabitants
Bekasi Population Density11,312.0 /km² (29,297.8 /sq mi)

Bekasi Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Bekasi.

Bekasi Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -6.23333, Longitude: 107
6° 13′ 60″ South, 107° 0′ 0″ East
Bekasi Area21,049 hectares
210.49 km² (81.27 sq mi)
Bekasi Altitude11 m (36 ft)
Bekasi ClimateTropical rainforest climate (Köppen climate classification: Af)

Bekasi Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Bekasi and the biggest cities of Indonesia.

Jakarta 19 km closestSurabaya 644 kmMedan 1440 km
Bandung 101 kmDepok 27 kmTangerang 41 km
Semarang 387 kmPalembang 439 kmSouth Tangerang 32 km
Makassar 1380 kmBandar Lampung 212 kmBogor 46 km

Bekasi Map

Locate simply the city of Bekasi through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Bekasi Nearby cities and villages

Jakarta 19.2 km

Bekasi Zone

Time zone of Bekasi.

Bekasi Local time
Bekasi Time zoneUTC +7:00 (Asia/Jakarta)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Bekasi Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Bekasi.

Bekasi Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Bekasi.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
7 January23:44 - 05:58 - 12:1223:21 - 12:3422:55 - 13:01 22:28 - 13:27
8 January23:44 - 05:58 - 12:1223:22 - 12:3522:55 - 13:01 22:29 - 13:28
9 January23:45 - 05:59 - 12:1223:22 - 12:3522:56 - 13:01 22:29 - 13:28
10 January23:45 - 05:59 - 12:1323:23 - 12:3522:56 - 13:02 22:30 - 13:28
11 January23:46 - 05:59 - 12:1323:23 - 12:3522:57 - 13:02 22:30 - 13:28
12 January23:46 - 06:00 - 12:1323:24 - 12:3622:58 - 13:02 22:31 - 13:29
13 January23:47 - 06:00 - 12:1423:24 - 12:3622:58 - 13:02 22:32 - 13:29

Bekasi Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Bekasi classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel The HomeThe Home
The Home features spacious accommodation a 10-minute stroll from Metropolitan Mall. Providing karaoke facilities and free parking on site, it offers fully-furnished apartments with air conditioning... view more
Hotel Hotel Horison BekasiHotel Horison Bekasi

A 5-minute walk from Mall Metropolitan Bekasi in East Jakarta, Hotel Horison Bekasi offers a heated outdoor pool, pampering spa treatments and a 24-hour cafe. All rooms come with free Wi-Fi... view more
Hotel Amaris Hotel Bekasi BaratAmaris Hotel Bekasi Barat

Amaris Hotel Bekasi Barat offers modern comfort in its colourful rooms, a 15-minute walk from Metropolitan Mall and Cyber Park Bekasi shopping centre. Housing a restaurant, it provides breakfast buffet and free Wi-Fi access in all areas... view more
Hotel Tune Hotel BekasiTune Hotel Bekasi

Operating a 24-hour front desk, Tune Hotel Bekasi offers free Wi-Fi access throughout the hotel. The hotel is situated next to Blu Mall Plaza shopping centre... view more
Hotel @Hom Hotel Tambun@Hom Hotel Tambun

A 5-minute walk from Metland Plaza Shopping Centre, the modern @Hom Hotel Tambun has an outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi. Decorated in red accents, air-conditioned rooms have a flat-screen TV and hot-water showers. Rooms are all equipped with a work..... view more
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Bekasi Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Bekasi and its surroundings.

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