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  11. Nadjaf


Nadjaf Localisation : Country Iraq, Governorate An-Najaf.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Koufa.


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Nadjaf Demography

Information on the people and the population of Nadjaf.

Nadjaf Population724,700 inhabitants

Nadjaf Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Nadjaf.

Nadjaf Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 32.0289, Longitude: 44.3396
32° 1′ 44″ North, 44° 20′ 23″ East
Nadjaf Altitude40 m (131 ft)
Nadjaf ClimateArid (Köppen climate classification: BWh)

Nadjaf Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Nadjaf and the biggest cities of Iraq.

Baghdad 144 kmBasra 371 kmMossoul 496 km
Kirkouk 383 kmRamadi 184 kmErbil 464 km
Kerbala 71 kmSouleimaniye 405 kmNassiriya 212 km
Hilla 51 km closestAl-Amara 266 kmBakouba 193 km

Nadjaf Map

Locate simply the city of Nadjaf through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Nadjaf Nearby cities and villages

Koufa 5.7 km

Nadjaf Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Nadjaf has international agreements with its different pairings.

Nadjaf Zone

Time zone of Nadjaf.

Nadjaf Local time
Nadjaf Time zoneUTC +3:00 (Asia/Baghdad)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Nadjaf Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Nadjaf.

Nadjaf Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Nadjaf.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
30 December05:02 - 10:05 - 15:0704:35 - 15:3404:05 - 16:05 03:35 - 16:35
31 December05:02 - 10:05 - 15:0804:36 - 15:3504:05 - 16:05 03:35 - 16:35
1 January05:03 - 10:06 - 15:0904:36 - 15:3604:05 - 16:06 03:36 - 16:36
2 January05:03 - 10:06 - 15:1004:36 - 15:3604:06 - 16:07 03:36 - 16:37
3 January05:03 - 10:07 - 15:1004:36 - 15:3704:06 - 16:07 03:36 - 16:37
4 January05:03 - 10:07 - 15:1104:37 - 15:3804:06 - 16:08 03:36 - 16:38
5 January05:03 - 10:08 - 15:1204:37 - 15:3904:06 - 16:09 03:37 - 16:39

Nadjaf Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Nadjaf classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Alnoor Alsatte HotelAlnoor Alsatte Hotel

Just a 10-minute drive the traditional markets, Alnoor Alsatte Hotel is situated in Karbala. It offers a restaurant that serves breakfast buffet every morning. Free Wi-Fi is available in all areas. All rooms are fitted with tiled floors... view more
$US 70
Hotel Karbala Rayhaan by RotanaKarbala Rayhaan by Rotana

Located in Karbala, Karbala Rayhaan by Rotana features modern accommodations. It offers free spa facilities which include a free hot tub, massage services, sauna and a Turkish bath. The Holy Shrines are a short walking distance from the hotel... view more
$US 102
Hotel Palm HotelPalm Hotel

Offering a gym, bar and restaurant with a breakfast buffet, this 5-star hotel is located inside Baghdad International Airport. Free Wi-Fi access is available in public areas... view more
$US 300
Hotel Baghdad Intl. Airport HotelBaghdad Intl. Airport Hotel

Offering a bar and a restaurant with a buffet, this hotel is located inside Baghdad International Airport Hotel. It features a shared lounge along with meeting facilities... view more
$US 300
Hotel Coral Boutique Hotel BaghdadCoral Boutique Hotel Baghdad

Situated in the middle of Baghdad in one of prestigious avenues in Jadriya area, the Coral Boutique Hotel Baghdad is 5 kilometers from International Zone. It offers free Wi-Fi in all areas and a restaurant that serves breakfast buffer every morning... view more
$US 200
More Hotels »

Nadjaf Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Nadjaf and its surroundings.

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