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Souleimaniye Localisation : Country Iraq, Governorate As-Sulaymaniyyah.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude and Hotel.


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Souleimaniye Demography

Information on the people and the population of Souleimaniye.

Souleimaniye Population676,500 inhabitants

Souleimaniye Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Souleimaniye.

Souleimaniye Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 35.55, Longitude: 45.4333
35° 33′ 0″ North, 45° 25′ 60″ East
Souleimaniye Altitude823 m (2,700 ft)
Souleimaniye ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Souleimaniye Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Souleimaniye and the biggest cities of Iraq.

Baghdad 265 kmBasra 604 kmMossoul 228 km
Kirkouk 94 km closestRamadi 307 kmErbil 147 km
Nadjaf 405 kmKerbala 351 kmNassiriya 507 km
Hilla 354 kmAl-Amara 443 kmBakouba 214 km

Souleimaniye Map

Locate simply the city of Souleimaniye through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Souleimaniye Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Souleimaniye has international agreements with its different pairings.

Souleimaniye Zone

Time zone of Souleimaniye.

Souleimaniye Local time
Souleimaniye Time zoneUTC +3:00 (Asia/Baghdad)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Souleimaniye Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Souleimaniye.

Souleimaniye Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Souleimaniye.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
25 January05:02 - 10:10 - 15:1804:35 - 15:4504:04 - 16:16 03:34 - 16:46
26 January05:01 - 10:10 - 15:1904:34 - 15:4604:04 - 16:17 03:33 - 16:47
27 January05:01 - 10:11 - 15:2004:34 - 15:4704:03 - 16:18 03:33 - 16:48
28 January05:00 - 10:11 - 15:2104:33 - 15:4804:03 - 16:19 03:32 - 16:49
29 January04:59 - 10:11 - 15:2204:33 - 15:4904:02 - 16:20 03:32 - 16:50
30 January04:59 - 10:11 - 15:2304:32 - 15:5004:01 - 16:21 03:31 - 16:51
31 January04:58 - 10:11 - 15:2404:31 - 15:5104:01 - 16:22 03:31 - 16:52

Souleimaniye Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Souleimaniye classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Ramada SulaymaniyahRamada Sulaymaniyah

As Sulaymānīyah
Located in central Sulaymaniyah, this property offers modern accommodations. It offers complimentary Wi-Fi in all areas, a free indoor swimming pool and fitness centre. All units are fitted with carpeted floors... view more
$US 170
Hotel Areen Hotel & RestaurantAreen Hotel & Restaurant

As Sulaymānīyah
Located in middle of Suleimaniyah City, Areen Hotel and Restaurant overlooks Azadi Park and Shari Yari amusement park. It offers free Wi-Fi in all areas, a restaurant that serves breakfast buffet and a 24-hour room service... view more
$US 130
Hotel Titanic Hotel & SpaTitanic Hotel & Spa

As Sulaymānīyah
Situated in Al Sulaimaniyah, Titanic Hotel and spa offers an indoor pool and a fitness centre. Free Wi-Fi access is available in all areas. It has 4 outlets including a Piano Lounge and a restaurant that offers a 24-hour room service... view more
$US 120
Hotel Babylon HotelBabylon Hotel

As Sulaymānīyah
Just a few minutes’ drive from Azmar Mountain, Babylon Hotel is situated in Sulaymaniyah. It offers a roof-top restaurant with a mountain view and a children’s playground. Free Wi-Fi access is available in all areas... view more
$US 90
Hotel Millennium Kurdistan Hotel & SpaMillennium Kurdistan Hotel & Spa

As Sulaymānīyah
Millennium Kurdistan Hotel & Spa is a 5-star hotel located in Sulaymaniyah, a 15-minute drive from the city centre. It features free Wi-Fi along with a restaurant, gym and 2 swimming pools... view more
$US 135
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Souleimaniye Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Souleimaniye and its surroundings.

Souleimaniye Page

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DB-City.comSouleimaniye 4.3/5 (2022-02-03 08:53:52)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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