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  11. Rosegreen


Rosegreen Localisation : Country Ireland, County Tipperary.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ballyclerahan, Dualla and Fethard.


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Rosegreen Demography

Information on the people and the population of Rosegreen.

Rosegreen Population170 inhabitants

Rosegreen Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Rosegreen.

Rosegreen Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.4694, Longitude: -7.8295
52° 28′ 10″ North, 7° 49′ 46″ West
Rosegreen Altitude130 m (427 ft)
Rosegreen ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Rosegreen Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Rosegreen and the biggest cities of Ireland.

Dublin 143 kmCork 77 kmGalway 121 km
Limerick 58 kmWaterford 54 km closestDrogheda 170 km
Dundalk 196 kmSwords 154 kmBray 142 km
Navan 152 kmBlackrock 145 kmEnnis 88 km

Rosegreen Map

Locate simply the city of Rosegreen through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Rosegreen Nearby cities and villages

Ballyclerahan 6.9 kmDualla 8 kmFethard 9 km
Lisronagh 10.6 kmGolden 11 kmBoherlahan 12.3 km
Grange 14.6 kmMarlfield 14.6 kmClonmel 15.1 km
Killenaule 15.5 kmBansha 15.9 kmLiskeveen 16.3 km

Rosegreen Zone

Time zone of Rosegreen.

Rosegreen Local time
Rosegreen Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Dublin)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Rosegreen Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Rosegreen.

Rosegreen Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Rosegreen.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
21 March07:30 - 13:38 - 19:4606:56 - 20:2006:16 - 21:00 05:33 - 21:43
22 March07:28 - 13:38 - 19:4806:54 - 20:2206:13 - 21:02 05:30 - 21:45
23 March07:25 - 13:37 - 19:4906:51 - 20:2306:11 - 21:04 05:28 - 21:47
24 March07:23 - 13:37 - 19:5106:49 - 20:2506:08 - 21:06 05:25 - 21:49
25 March07:21 - 13:37 - 19:5306:46 - 20:2706:05 - 21:08 05:22 - 21:51
26 March07:18 - 13:36 - 19:5506:44 - 20:2906:03 - 21:10 05:19 - 21:53
27 March07:16 - 13:36 - 19:5606:42 - 20:3106:00 - 21:12 05:17 - 21:56

Rosegreen Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Rosegreen classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Cashel Holiday HostelCashel Holiday Hostel

Cashel Holiday Hostel provides accommodation in a town centre location, less than 10 minutes’ walk from the Rock of Cashel. With dormitories, private rooms and an apartment, it offers laundry and luggage storage services... view more
€ 10
Hotel Cashel Town B&BCashel Town B&B

A Georgian townhouse with a central location, Cashel Town B&B provides cosy accommodation in Cashel, County Limerick in Ireland. Dating back to 1808, it offers en suite rooms less than 10 minutes’ walk from the Rock of Cashel... view more
€ 35
Hotel Baileys Hotel CashelBaileys Hotel Cashel

Baileys Hotel is a listed Georgian building located in the heart of Cashel town. It offers luxurious, refurbished rooms, fine dining, and views of The Rock of Cashel. With free parking, it is just 1.5km from junction 9 off the M8 motorway... view more
€ 65
Hotel Cashel Palace HotelCashel Palace Hotel

Dating from 1730, Cashel Palace is set in 28 acres of gardens, which surround the famous Rock of Cashel. It offers luxurious rooms decorated with antiquities and a fine-dining restaurant... view more
€ 75
Hotel Teac Watties Bed and BreakfastTeac Watties Bed and Breakfast

Enjoying a tranquil setting in the heart of Cashel, this B&B is located between the 12th-century St.Dominic’s Abbey and the world-renowned Rock of Cashel. It offers free Wi-Fi and hearty Irish breakfasts... view more
€ 55
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Rosegreen Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Rosegreen and its surroundings.

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