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Clonmellon Demography
Information on the people and the population of Clonmellon.
Clonmellon Population | 634 inhabitants |
Clonmellon Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Clonmellon.
Clonmellon Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 53.6472, Longitude: -7.2002 53° 38′ 50″ North, 7° 12′ 1″ West |
Clonmellon Altitude | 154 m (505 ft) |
Clonmellon Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Clonmellon Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Clonmellon and the biggest cities of Ireland.
Clonmellon Map
Locate simply the city of Clonmellon through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Clonmellon Nearby cities and villages
Drumcree 0.5 km | Fore 0.5 km | Castlepollard 0.7 km |
Collinstown 0.7 km | Ranaghan 2 km | Turgesius Island 2.2 km |
Crookedwood 5.8 km | Delvin 8.2 km | Multyfarnham 12.5 km |
Coole 12.6 km | Oldcastle 13.8 km | Crossakeel 14 km |
Clonmellon Zone
Time zone of Clonmellon.
Clonmellon Local time | |
Clonmellon Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Dublin) Summer time UTC +1:00 Winter time UTC +0:00 |
Clonmellon Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Clonmellon.
Clonmellon Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Clonmellon.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
23 January | 09:27 - 13:40 - 17:53 | 08:47 - 18:33 | 08:04 - 19:16 | 07:23 - 19:58 |
24 January | 09:26 - 13:40 - 17:55 | 08:46 - 18:35 | 08:03 - 19:18 | 07:22 - 19:59 |
25 January | 09:24 - 13:41 - 17:57 | 08:45 - 18:36 | 08:02 - 19:19 | 07:21 - 20:01 |
26 January | 09:23 - 13:41 - 17:59 | 08:44 - 18:38 | 08:01 - 19:21 | 07:19 - 20:02 |
27 January | 09:21 - 13:41 - 18:01 | 08:42 - 18:40 | 07:59 - 19:23 | 07:18 - 20:04 |
28 January | 09:20 - 13:41 - 18:03 | 08:41 - 18:42 | 07:58 - 19:24 | 07:17 - 20:06 |
29 January | 09:18 - 13:41 - 18:05 | 08:39 - 18:43 | 07:57 - 19:26 | 07:16 - 20:07 |
Clonmellon Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Clonmellon classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Castlepollard Castlepollard Located in the picturesque village of Castlepollard, Hotel Castlepollard is just a 15-minute drive from the bustling town of Mullingar. Boasting 2 restaurants and a bar with free Wi-Fi throughout, free parking is also offered... view more | from € 45 | |
Lough Owel Lodge B&B Mullingar With beautiful lake views, Lough Owel Lodge is set in a tranquil rural farmhouse, just 5 minutes’ drive from the market town of Mullingar. You can meet the animals on the farm, sail the lake, and enjoy home baking and a game of tennis... view more | ||
Mullingar Park Hotel Mullingar Contemporary 4-star Mullingar Park Hotel offers a restaurant, leisure club and stylish rooms with free Wi-Fi. The hotel is situated on the N4 and offers excellent motorway access, just 1 hour from Dublin... view more | from € 85 | |
Mc Cormack's Guesthouse Mullingar In the heart of the Irish countryside, Mc Cormack's Guesthouse is situated in a peaceful rural setting, 1 mile from historic Mullingar Town with its pubs, shops and restaurants... view more | from € 45 | |
Marlinstown Court B&B Mullingar Conveniently located in the heart of the Irish midlands, Marlinstown Court offers homely bed and breakfast accommodation in a quiet, residential area. The property offers free private parking and free Wi-Fi access... view more | from € 45 | |
More Hotels » |
Clonmellon Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Clonmellon and its surroundings.
Clonmellon Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Clonmellon /5 (2021-09-02 12:55:26) |