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  11. Kinnegad


Kinnegad Localisation : Country Ireland, County Westmeath.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Clonard, Durrow and Killucan and Rathwire.


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Kinnegad Demography

Information on the people and the population of Kinnegad.

Kinnegad Population2,662 inhabitants
Kinnegad Population Density2,662.0 /km² (6,894.5 /sq mi)

Kinnegad Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Kinnegad.

Kinnegad Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 53.4472, Longitude: -7.1082
53° 26′ 50″ North, 7° 6′ 30″ West
Kinnegad Area100 hectares
1.00 km² (0.39 sq mi)
Kinnegad Altitude72 m (236 ft)
Kinnegad ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Kinnegad Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Kinnegad and the biggest cities of Ireland.

Dublin 57 kmCork 195 kmGalway 130 km
Limerick 134 kmWaterford 132 kmDrogheda 58 km
Dundalk 78 kmSwords 59 kmBray 72 km
Navan 36 km closestBlackrock 64 kmEnnis 142 km

Kinnegad Map

Locate simply the city of Kinnegad through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Kinnegad Nearby cities and villages

Clonard 5.7 kmDurrow 6.5 kmKillucan and Rathwire 6.9 km
Hill of Down 7.5 kmRaharney 8.4 kmMilltownpass 9 km
Edenderry 12 kmLongwood 12.2 kmBrownstown 12.8 km
Rochfortbridge 12.9 kmCarbury 12.9 kmKillure 13.1 km

Kinnegad Zone

Time zone of Kinnegad.

Kinnegad Local time
Kinnegad Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Dublin)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Kinnegad Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Kinnegad.

Kinnegad Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Kinnegad.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
9 February08:57 - 13:42 - 18:2708:21 - 19:0407:39 - 19:45 06:59 - 20:25
10 February08:55 - 13:42 - 18:2908:19 - 19:0507:38 - 19:47 06:57 - 20:27
11 February08:54 - 13:42 - 18:3108:17 - 19:0707:36 - 19:48 06:55 - 20:29
12 February08:52 - 13:42 - 18:3308:15 - 19:0907:34 - 19:50 06:54 - 20:31
13 February08:49 - 13:42 - 18:3508:13 - 19:1107:32 - 19:52 06:52 - 20:32
14 February08:47 - 13:42 - 18:3708:11 - 19:1307:30 - 19:54 06:50 - 20:34
15 February08:45 - 13:42 - 18:3908:09 - 19:1507:28 - 19:56 06:48 - 20:36

Kinnegad Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Kinnegad classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Mc Cormack's GuesthouseMc Cormack's Guesthouse

In the heart of the Irish countryside, Mc Cormack's Guesthouse is situated in a peaceful rural setting, 1 mile from historic Mullingar Town with its pubs, shops and restaurants... view more
€ 45
Hotel Mullingar Park HotelMullingar Park Hotel

Contemporary 4-star Mullingar Park Hotel offers a restaurant, leisure club and stylish rooms with free Wi-Fi. The hotel is situated on the N4 and offers excellent motorway access, just 1 hour from Dublin... view more
€ 85
Hotel Marlinstown Court B&BMarlinstown Court B&B

Conveniently located in the heart of the Irish midlands, Marlinstown Court offers homely bed and breakfast accommodation in a quiet, residential area. The property offers free private parking and free Wi-Fi access... view more
€ 45
Hotel Bloomfield House HotelBloomfield House Hotel

Surrounded by magnificent parkland and nestled on the shores of Lough Ennell, Bloomfield House Hotel and its leisure centre form a perfect country escape. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout... view more
€ 65
Hotel Austin Friar HotelAustin Friar Hotel

Austin Friar Hotel is a unique, boutique-style hotel situated in the centre of Mullingar. Guests can relax in the brand-new tapas and wine bar, and food is served daily in the modern bistro... view more
€ 43
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Kinnegad Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Kinnegad and its surroundings.

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