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  11. Petersfield


Petersfield Localisation : Country Jamaica, Parish Westmoreland.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Bath, Savanna-la-Mar and Frome.


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Petersfield Demography

Information on the people and the population of Petersfield.

Petersfield Population2,045 inhabitants

Petersfield Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Petersfield.

Petersfield Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 18.2617, Longitude: -78.0711
18° 15′ 42″ North, 78° 4′ 16″ West
Petersfield Altitude58 m (190 ft)
Petersfield ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Petersfield Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Petersfield and the biggest cities of Jamaica.

Kingston 139 kmPortmore 132 kmSpanish Town 122 km
Montego Bay 28 kmMay Pen 94 kmMandeville 66 km
Old Harbour 107 kmSavanna-la-Mar 8 km closestOcho Rios 103 km
Port Antonio 172 kmLinstead 112 kmConstant Spring 138 km

Petersfield Map

Locate simply the city of Petersfield through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Petersfield Nearby cities and villages

Bath 8.3 kmSavanna-la-Mar 8.3 kmFrome 9.5 km
Bluefields 11.1 kmDarliston 11.5 kmGrange Hill 13.1 km
Bethel Town 13.5 kmLittle London 14.6 kmSeaford Town 17.4 km
Cambridge 18.8 km

Petersfield Zone

Time zone of Petersfield.

Petersfield Local time
Petersfield Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Jamaica)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Petersfield Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Petersfield.

Petersfield Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Petersfield.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
28 January12:46 - 18:25 - 00:0412:23 - 00:2711:57 - 00:53 11:30 - 01:19
29 January12:45 - 18:25 - 00:0512:23 - 00:2711:56 - 00:54 11:30 - 01:20
30 January12:45 - 18:25 - 00:0512:22 - 00:2811:56 - 00:54 11:30 - 01:20
31 January12:45 - 18:25 - 00:0612:22 - 00:2811:56 - 00:55 11:30 - 01:20
1 February12:45 - 18:25 - 00:0612:22 - 00:2911:56 - 00:55 11:30 - 01:21
2 February12:44 - 18:26 - 00:0712:22 - 00:2911:56 - 00:55 11:30 - 01:21
3 February12:44 - 18:26 - 00:0712:21 - 00:3011:55 - 00:56 11:29 - 01:22

Petersfield Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Petersfield classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Good Hope RetreatGood Hope Retreat
Good Hope Retreat is located in Negril, 20 km from Ys Falls and 27 km from Black River Bay. Free Wi-Fi access is available in all areas, and the property offers free parking. The bungalows come with a private bathroom with a shower... view more
$US 45
Hotel Zimbali RetreatsZimbali Retreats
Negril Spots
Located in the lush jungle outside of Negril, Zimbali Retreats offers guests a recognized restaurant serving fresh food from its on-site farm, free Wi-Fi and rustic décor. Meals are included at this property... view more
$US 149
Hotel Misty ValleyMisty Valley
Located in the hills just a 10-minute drive from Montego Bay, Misty Valley features a private swimming pool and terrace with countryside views. Each simple room offers free Wi-Fi access... view more
$US 50
Hotel SeaforeSeafore
Seafore is located 3 minutes’ from the Sandy Bay and a 20-minute drive from Montego Bay. It features free Wi-Fi in all areas, a private swimming pool, tennis courts, a garden and sun terrace... view more
Hotel The Tryall ClubThe Tryall Club
With views of the Caribbean Sea, The Tyrall Club features a restaurant, a tennis court and charming, individually decorated villas. Free Wi-Fi access is available in this resort... view more
$US 550
More Hotels »

Petersfield Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Petersfield and its surroundings.

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  • Information
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  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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