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Country | Jamaica |
Parish | Westmoreland |
Savanna-la-Mar Demography
Information on the people and the population of Savanna-la-Mar.
Savanna-la-Mar Population | 22,633 inhabitants |
Savanna-la-Mar Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Savanna-la-Mar.
Savanna-la-Mar Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 18.2167, Longitude: -78.1333 18° 13′ 0″ North, 78° 7′ 60″ West |
Savanna-la-Mar Altitude | 11 m (36 ft) |
Savanna-la-Mar Climate | Tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw) |
Savanna-la-Mar Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Savanna-la-Mar and the biggest cities of Jamaica.
Kingston 144 km | Portmore 137 km | Spanish Town 127 km |
Montego Bay 36 km closest | May Pen 98 km | Mandeville 70 km |
Old Harbour 112 km | Ocho Rios 110 km | Port Antonio 178 km |
Linstead 118 km | Constant Spring 144 km | Saint Ann's Bay 101 km |
Savanna-la-Mar Map
Locate simply the city of Savanna-la-Mar through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Savanna-la-Mar Nearby cities and villages
Petersfield 8.3 km | Little London 8.4 km | Frome 8.9 km |
Bath 10.3 km | Grange Hill 11.7 km | Bluefields 12.5 km |
Darliston 17.7 km |
Savanna-la-Mar Zone
Time zone of Savanna-la-Mar.
Savanna-la-Mar Local time | |
Savanna-la-Mar Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Jamaica) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Savanna-la-Mar Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Savanna-la-Mar.
Savanna-la-Mar Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Savanna-la-Mar.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
19 January | 12:47 - 18:23 - 23:59 | 12:24 - 00:22 | 11:57 - 00:49 | 11:31 - 01:15 |
20 January | 12:47 - 18:23 - 00:00 | 12:24 - 00:23 | 11:57 - 00:49 | 11:31 - 01:16 |
21 January | 12:47 - 18:23 - 00:00 | 12:24 - 00:23 | 11:57 - 00:50 | 11:31 - 01:16 |
22 January | 12:47 - 18:24 - 00:01 | 12:24 - 00:24 | 11:57 - 00:50 | 11:31 - 01:17 |
23 January | 12:47 - 18:24 - 00:01 | 12:24 - 00:24 | 11:57 - 00:51 | 11:31 - 01:17 |
24 January | 12:46 - 18:24 - 00:02 | 12:24 - 00:25 | 11:57 - 00:51 | 11:31 - 01:18 |
25 January | 12:46 - 18:24 - 00:03 | 12:23 - 00:25 | 11:57 - 00:52 | 11:31 - 01:18 |
Savanna-la-Mar Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Savanna-la-Mar classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Zimbali Retreats Negril Spots Located in the lush jungle outside of Negril, Zimbali Retreats offers guests a recognized restaurant serving fresh food from its on-site farm, free Wi-Fi and rustic décor. Meals are included at this property... view more | from $US 149 | |
Good Hope Retreat Darliston Good Hope Retreat is located in Negril, 20 km from Ys Falls and 27 km from Black River Bay. Free Wi-Fi access is available in all areas, and the property offers free parking. The bungalows come with a private bathroom with a shower... view more | from $US 45 | |
The Westender Inn Negril Offering an extensive garden, a furnished terrace and free Wi-Fi throughout, The Westender Inn is located 3 km from the Negril Lighthouse and 100 metres from the Caribbean Sea... view more | from $US 159 | |
Da Fabio Good Hope Offering an outdoor pool and overlooking Long Bay and the Seven Mile Beach, Da Fabio has free Wi-Fi in public areas and parking is possible on site without a fee. The minimalist-style decorated rooms have desks, a ceiling fan, and a fridge... view more | from $US 70 | |
Pure Garden Resort Negril Negril Pure Garden Resort Negril is located next to Timesquare Mall, 120 metres from Negril Beachfront, and it offers free Wi-Fi throughout. The hotel also offers an outdoor swimming pool, available all year round... view more | from $US 54 | |
More Hotels » |
Savanna-la-Mar Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Savanna-la-Mar and its surroundings.
Savanna-la-Mar Page
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