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Alatau Localisation : Country Kazakhstan, City Almaty.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Talgar.


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Alatau Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Alatau.

Alatau Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 43.3575, Longitude: 77.1444
43° 21′ 27″ North, 77° 8′ 40″ East
Alatau Altitude769 m (2,523 ft)
Alatau ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Alatau Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Alatau and the biggest cities of Kazakhstan.

Almaty 23 km closestNur-Sultan 967 kmShymkent 627 km
Nur-Sultan 970 kmKaraganda 780 kmTaraz 472 km
Aktobe 1699 kmPavlodar 997 kmSemey 819 km
Oskemen 844 kmAtyrau 2015 kmOral 2120 km

Alatau Map

Locate simply the city of Alatau through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Alatau Nearby cities and villages

Talgar 9.8 km

Alatau Zone

Time zone of Alatau.

Alatau Local time
Alatau Time zoneUTC +6:00 (Asia/Almaty)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Alatau Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Alatau.

Alatau Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Alatau.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
7 February02:59 - 08:05 - 13:1102:30 - 13:4001:56 - 14:14 01:23 - 14:47
8 February02:58 - 08:05 - 13:1202:29 - 13:4201:55 - 14:15 01:22 - 14:49
9 February02:57 - 08:05 - 13:1302:27 - 13:4301:54 - 14:17 01:20 - 14:50
10 February02:56 - 08:05 - 13:1502:26 - 13:4401:52 - 14:18 01:19 - 14:51
11 February02:54 - 08:05 - 13:1602:25 - 13:4501:51 - 14:19 01:18 - 14:52
12 February02:53 - 08:05 - 13:1702:24 - 13:4701:50 - 14:20 01:17 - 14:53
13 February02:52 - 08:05 - 13:1902:22 - 13:4801:49 - 14:21 01:16 - 14:55

Alatau Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Alatau classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Ekipage HotelEkipage Hotel

Just 1 km from Almaty Airport, this 3-star hotel offers spacious rooms with balcony, European cuisine, and modern spa facilities. The reception is open 24 hours a day... view more
Hotel Hotel Altyn KolHotel Altyn Kol

This rustic-style hotel is located in Almaty, on Lake Altyn Kol. A 24-hour service, free Wi-Fi, a sauna and an outdoor swimming pool are featured at Hotel Altyn Kol... view more
Hotel Kuze HotelKuze Hotel

Located 5 minutes’ walk from Almaty Train Station, this hotel offers rooms with free Wi-Fi. Vokzal bus stop is 300 metres away, providing a direct link to Almaty city centre... view more
KZT 6000
Hotel Eight Lakes Park ResortEight Lakes Park Resort

Kamennoye Plato
Located in a beautiful and peaceful area of Kamennoye Plato, surrounded by lakes, Eight Lakes Park Resort features three swimming pools, a sauna and garden with BBQ facilities... view more
Hotel Hotel Tau-SamalHotel Tau-Samal
Gornyy Sadovod
Located in the quiet area of the National Park on Trans-Ili Alatau Mountains, Hotel Tau-Samal offers a fitness centre and sauna. Almaty is a 40-minute drive away. Free parking is available... view more
More Hotels »

Alatau Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Alatau and its surroundings.

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