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Zharkent Localisation : Country Kazakhstan, City Almaty.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Nurkent.


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Zharkent Demography

Information on the people and the population of Zharkent.

Zharkent Population43,430 inhabitants

Zharkent Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Zharkent.

Zharkent Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 44.1667, Longitude: 80.0067
44° 10′ 0″ North, 80° 0′ 24″ East
Zharkent Altitude630 m (2,067 ft)
Zharkent ClimateSemi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSk)

Zharkent Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Zharkent and the biggest cities of Kazakhstan.

Almaty 270 km closestNur-Sultan 1006 kmShymkent 869 km
Nur-Sultan 1009 kmKaraganda 816 kmTaraz 712 km
Aktobe 1847 kmPavlodar 935 kmSemey 695 km
Oskemen 673 kmAtyrau 2201 kmOral 2268 km

Zharkent Map

Locate simply the city of Zharkent through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Zharkent Nearby cities and villages

Nurkent 18.7 km

Zharkent Zone

Time zone of Zharkent.

Zharkent Local time
Zharkent Time zoneUTC +6:00 (Asia/Almaty)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Zharkent Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Zharkent.

Zharkent Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Zharkent.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
9 February02:47 - 07:54 - 13:0002:17 - 13:3001:43 - 14:04 01:09 - 14:38
10 February02:46 - 07:54 - 13:0202:16 - 13:3201:42 - 14:06 01:08 - 14:39
11 February02:44 - 07:54 - 13:0302:14 - 13:3301:40 - 14:07 01:07 - 14:41
12 February02:43 - 07:54 - 13:0402:13 - 13:3401:39 - 14:08 01:06 - 14:42
13 February02:42 - 07:54 - 13:0602:12 - 13:3601:38 - 14:09 01:04 - 14:43
14 February02:40 - 07:54 - 13:0702:10 - 13:3701:36 - 14:11 01:03 - 14:44
15 February02:39 - 07:54 - 13:0902:09 - 13:3801:35 - 14:12 01:02 - 14:46

Zharkent Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Zharkent classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Royal Petrol HotelRoyal Petrol Hotel

Royal Petrol Hotel is located in Taldykorgan, within a 15-minute walk from the Central Stadium. The hotel features free private parking and free Wi-Fi available in all areas... view more
Hotel Royal Village Resort & SpaRoyal Village Resort & Spa

This 5-star hotel is set on the shore of Kapchagay Reservoir. A private beach, indoor and outdoor pools and free Wi-Fi are featured at Royal Village Resort & Spa... view more
Hotel MoreLux Boutique HotelMoreLux Boutique Hotel
Located 40 metres from the Qapshaghay Bogeni Reservoir shore, this boutique hotel features a private sandy beach and water sports facilities. It offers air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi and satellite TV... view more
Hotel Hotel VictoriaHotel Victoria
Located in Kapchagay, within a 10-minute drive to many casinos, Hotel Victoria offers comfortable rooms with air conditioning. Casino Monaco is just a 5-minute walk away. Free parking is available... view more
Hotel Eight Lakes Park ResortEight Lakes Park Resort

Kamennoye Plato
Located in a beautiful and peaceful area of Kamennoye Plato, surrounded by lakes, Eight Lakes Park Resort features three swimming pools, a sauna and garden with BBQ facilities... view more
More Hotels »

Zharkent Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Zharkent and its surroundings.

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